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The enemy within

by Klaus Rohrich

July 6, 2004

Back in the 1950s, J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI often spoke of the enemy within. Of course he was talking about communist infiltration of the U.S. Government. While much of what he said was alarmist in nature, it turned out that history vindicated him with proof that many of the people he was concerned about, were indeed communist moles.

We are now in a new millennium and america’s inner enemies have become much bolder and apparently much more numerous, both in quantity and type. Perhaps the most disconcerting of america’s enemies are the native sons whose hatred for their own nation knows no boundaries.

Take Michael Moore, for example. The multi-millionaire who it seems would do anything to see his homeland be destroyed. (authors David T. Hardy and Jason Clarke just released a book entitled Michael Moore is a Big Fat Stupid White Man, a take-off on Moore’s own book, Big Fat Stupid White Men.) His so-called "documentaries" are nothing more than slick, anti-american propaganda flicks that would put Dr. Joseph Goebels to shame. Moore has proven Goebel’s maxim that ‘if you tell a lie often enough it becomes the truth’ correct, in that the vast majority of what he portrays in his shlockumentaries is contrived and specious, at best and a dammed lie at worst.

In Bowling for Columbine, Moore maintains that immediately after the tragic shootings at Columbine High School, Charlton Heston showed up there to hold an NRa convention. He shows footage of Heston stating that the government would have to "pry [his] guns out of [his] cold, dead hands". Moore’s commentary on this clip talks about how awful america is to allow people like Heston to perpetrate such an outrage. Of course, nothing of the sort happened. The NRa did not go to Columbine, Colorado and hold a convention there immediately after the shootings, nor did Heston make the remarks shown in the film in relation to Columbine. Of course, there are other lies including the obvious ones he told about Canada and the lack of gun crimes that occur here.

according to his critics his Fahrenheit 9/11 is no different in that it makes unsubstantiated claims about the Bush family’s cozy relationship with the Bin Laden family, the implication being that Bush really engineered 9/11. Even Richard Clarke, the former U.S. Terrorism Czar, came to Bush’s defense, stating that it was he alone who authorized the Bin Laden family to fly out of the U.S. while all air traffic was still grounded. after seeing Fahrenheit 9/11 columnist Christopher Hitchens wrote that Moore was the Left’s Leni Riefenstahl and Sergei Eisenstein rolled into one.

The right to express dissent about the actions of the government is one of the fundamental principles behind democracy. There should, however, be line that, if crossed, carries legal consequences, particularly in time of war. For Moore to travel the world and tell people that everything evil stems from the U.S. is treacherous at best and treasonous at worst.

Ralph Nader is another example of how native sons would sell their country out in the name of principles. Nader has long been a card-carrying member of the lunatic fringe and hasn’t achieved much beyond his 1960s flash in the pan. Yes, he called the nation’s attention to the possible shortcomings of the automobile. But all that did was to result in legislated safety and emission devices that have tripled the cost of vehicles.

Nader is now running as an ultra-left Democrat against George W. Bush and the insipid John Kerry. On a recent visit to Canada, he urged Canadians to vote for the Liberals and not the Conservatives (as did Michael Moore), claiming that the Conservatives were in the back pocket of the american ultra-right. Let’s examine this exhortation in the clear light of day. The Liberals’ attitude toward the U.S. is downright hostile (see Carolyn Parrish’s "damned americans. I hate the bastards" and Jean Chretien’s claim that 9/11 was the result of american arrogance and greed).

For Nader, as well as Michael Moore, to urge the voters of another country to vote for a government that is openly hostile to the U.S. is a telling indicator of how they feel about their country.

In my opinion, both should be publicly exposed for what they are and prosecuted as traitors. But that is one of the benefits of living in a democracy such as the U.S., where even domestic enemies are guaranteed the freedom to have their say and continue to be successful.

Much more disconcerting are the Muslim cells that appear to be working to wreak terrorist havoc. Recently, the FBI broke up a terrorist cell in Virginia and charged a Somali immigrant with terrorism after bombmaking equipment and timers were found in his apartment.

In New York City, an alert subway cop spotted a Middle Eastern man surreptitiously videotaping security procedures on the New York subway. The subway cop alerted the NYPD who secretly followed the man for a number of weeks. When they finally arrested him at his apartment after executing a search warrant, they found the suspect as well as three additional Moroccan men. The apartment was full of bombmaking equipment, timers, chemical agents, and a vast array of videotapes that detailed the security for the New York subway system in the minutest detail, to the extent of the guns that subway police carried, the uniforms they wore and the patches on their uniforms.

Then there is the case of the "Tonawanda six", who were american-born sons of Yemeni nationals that all went to afghanistan for extensive weapons training. after a thorough investigation by the FBI, the six were charged and plead guilty to terror related offenses.

There is also the case of the so-called "20th hijacker", Zacharias Moussoaui. The Feds were on to him long before 9/11, but were unable to obtain a legal search warrant because the CIa initially forwarded the information about him to the FBI. Had they been able to obtain this warrant, the 9/11 plot might have been thwarted.

Yet, prior to 9/11 Federal Transportation Secretary Norman Minetta, a Clinton appointee, issued a set of guidelines to U.S. airlines prohibiting them from "racially profiling" Middle Eastern men. This ruling remains in effect to this day. any airline that subjects more than two Middle Eastern men per flight to extra scrutiny is subject to a hefty fine. Many U.S. airlines have been fined for doing so.

So in effect, there are individuals and departments of america’s federal government that could realistically be described as "enemies", given the ridiculous rules they have imposed in the name of political correctness. It’s time that americans saw the truth of the situation they are in. They are beset by enemies from inside and outside and there are more people in the world that want to see the U.S. destroyed than there are wanting it to succeed. americans need to take a serious look at who they are letting into their country. They’d also be well advised to enforce some of their laws against treason. at the very least, they should understand that this war isn’t over by a long shot.