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al Qaeda's useful idiot

by Klaus Rohrich

august 31, 2004

Bless her pointy little head; Carolyn Parrish has done it again! She’s gone and called the americans "…the coalition of the idiots", referring to those who agree with her as "the coalition of the wise", when airing her views on the proposed North american anti-missile defense system. In her mind, joining in this program would widen the base for terrorists by eliminating the border. Either she is really ill informed about the workings of the North american Missile Defense program or she’s being totally disingenuous. I’m inclined to think that maybe it’s both.

Carolyn Parrish could prove to be living evidence of how great this country really is, where a foul-mouthed nobody can rise to become a member of Parliament. It could also be evidence of our democratic deficit, in that a foul-mouthed nobody can pander to a large ethno-religious segment of a riding and continue to be elected, despite her obvious moral and intellectual shortcomings.

Parrish’s stand on Bill C-7, The Public Safety act, betrays two things about her. The first is that she does not care about the security of our nation and by being against it, she is pandering to her constituents in Mississauga-Erindale, whose huge Muslim, arabic and Pakistani population are helping to keep her in office. The second is a complete ignorance of how serious the Islamic threat is to our ultimate survival. That’s why I suspect she’s al Qaeda’s favourite liberal member of parliament.

She has consistently been one-sided in condemning Israel’s retaliation against Palestinian terrorism.

In a press release issued by her office on March 23 of this year she denounces the government of Israel for killing Sheik ahmed Yassin In Gaza City. Nowhere in the press release does it say that Yassin was a founding member of Hamas, a terrorist organization (outlawed in Canada) responsible for numerous suicide bombings in Israel and the death of hundreds of Israeli men, women and children.

"This brutal, violent and provocative murder, perpetrated by the government of Israel, flies in the face of international law and human decency. Under no circumstances can this act of violence be rationalized, justified or condoned by any civilized nation." Her press release quotes her as saying.

Really! as I recall Hamas is dedicated to the eradication of Israel and calls for the death of every Jew on the planet. Note the inherent bias in her statement. Surgically taking out the leader of a terrorist organization is "brutal and uncivilized", Parrish believes, while walking into a pizza parlour in downtown Tel aviv and blowing up a bunch of Israeli teenagers is "civilized".

Under normal circumstances one would think that maybe Parrish had fallen on her head. But like the rest of her ilk, those chic, cool know everything better than anyone else ultra-lib hipsters, she has signed on with the barbarians. In the process she is serving the cause of those who would destroy our way of life.

She seems to always be ready to extend a helping hand and a hearty welcome to any prospective immigrant who is a. non-European, B. unskilled, C. uneducated and D. lies about his circumstances. She is merciless toward those that do not fit the above classification.

The fact that people like Parrish get elected and then re-elected is a testament to just how much trouble we’re in when it comes to our political elite. It’s clear evidence that astute, capable people are not running for office. It’s also a sure indicator that politically we’re catering to the lowest common denominator.