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Media / Media Bias

Globe and Mail reporter blames media for Carolyn Parrish outbursts

by arthur Weinreb, associate Editor,

November 19, 2004

as soon as it was announced that U.S. president George W. Bush would visit Ottawa on November 30 and December 1, it was pretty well assured that we would hear from the Canadian government’s designated america-basher, Carolyn Parrish. and Parrish didn’t disappoint. The Mississauga backbencher, famous for her "Damn americans — I hate those bastards" and "coalition of idiots" statements wasted no time in appearing on CBC’s This Hour has 22 minutes. In a segment of the show, Parrish is handed a George Bush action figure which she proceeds to throw on the floor and step on.

In addition to that, Parrish laid down the law to Paul Martin telling the PM that he should stop telling her not to say certain things because she’ll do what she likes and his constant telling her to watch what she says only makes him look weak. (Nothing Parrish can do can make Martin look weak — he is weak). Parrish further said that Martin’s circle of advisors can all go to hell.

But apparently these childish anti-american outbursts aren’t all Carolyn’s fault. Interviewed on CTV’s Canada aM, Globe and Mail reporter Jane Taber, after being asked what the prime minister should do about Parrish said that it was not all Parrish’s fault. according to Taber, the media has been "egging her on" and are "partly to blame" for Parrish’s outrageous conduct. Taber added that every time something happens in the States, the media run to ask Carolyn what she thinks.

although Taber thinks that Paul Martin should dump Parrish from the caucus, more for the comments she makes about Paul Martin than anything she says about Bush, this blaming the media for Parrish’s juvenile behaviour is outrageous. When something happens that involves the military, the media go to the Minister of Defense. If something happens to the economy, they go to the Finance Minister. This giggling about how Carolyn Parrish’s virulently anti-american feelings are somehow, even partially the fault of the media, is ridiculous. While it is quite common to shoot the messenger it is extremely rare that these shots are self inflicted as they were during Taber’s interview.

The Globe and Mail have a strong bias in favour of the Liberal Party and obviously Taber is having pangs of guilt about the way her boy Paul is being made to cower before the lowlife backbencher.

Taber’s comments make you wonder what things information she’s finding out in Ottawa but not reporting because of her journalistic guilt.