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Politically Incorrect

Pity the left--they just don't understand

by arthur Weinreb, associate Editor,

November 12, 2004

Had the results of the U.S. presidential election been reversed and John Kerry had emerged the winner by 3.5 million votes, Bush supporters would have understood why. They would have easily recognized that the majority of american voters were against the war in Iraq and were blaming the president for "misleading" them as to why the United States attacked the Middle Eastern country. Those on the right would have also realized that the majority of voters were not happy with the economy and voted for Kerry because of job losses and tax cuts for all those rich people. It’s hardly rocket science.

But John Kerry didn’t win and many of those on the left have absolutely no idea why George Bush won a second term. The left doesn’t understand why so many people voted for Bush because they are incapable of understanding ordinary people. Those who proclaim the loudest that they care about and have compassion for "the little people" have absolutely no concept of how or what the average man and woman thinks. The elite left refuse to look at people as individuals; they only see people as being part of a group. The elites would recoil in horror if anyone said that all blacks look alike; but they cannot see beyond blacks being a group and can’t fathom why any black person would ever vote Republican--let alone a Republican that they characterize as being a right-wing warmongering imbecile like George W. Bush. and because they only understand groups, they look for a group to blame for Kerry’s inexplicable loss. It didn’t take them too long to find one--evangelical Christians. and it didn’t matter that there are not enough evangelicals to make Bush the winner.

Those on the left are either unwilling or unable to think; they prefer to feel. Because they "feel" that they are right and others are wrong, they do not have to "think" about the issues or to try and understand the views of their opponents. It’s not that they disagree with the other side; they fail to acknowledge that there even is a legitimate other side. This is why many on the left side of the political spectrum will never be able to figure out why Bush emerged victorious last week. People who you wouldn’t expect to engage in conspiracy theories are now coming up with all kinds of information that shows Bush stole the election, including baseless allegations that some voting machines had pre-existing votes for Bush stashed in them before the voting got underway.

The left, including those in the elite media, failed to comprehend the media. They refuse to acknowledge any argument that tends to show that the mainstream media has a leftwing bias. Since they don’t see the bias they cannot understand how ordinary people could consider voting for Bush after being inundated with what were essentially continuous infomercials for John Kerry.

The left also has no comprehension of what ordinary men and women think of entertainers. The fact that average people like Barbra Streisand’s singing, Bruce Springsteen’s music and alec Baldwin’s acting doesn’t mean that they pay any attention when high school dropouts like Streisand speak about political matters. The lefties were incapable of realizing that every time Whoopi Goldberg came out with a crude reference to Bush or Michael Moore’s ugly mug came on the tube, it gave average citizens more reason to vote for the incumbent Bush.

The elite left failed and still fail to realize that the gap-toothed retards in fly-over country could see the left’s hypocrisy; after all, they couldn’t see it themselves. The anti-Vietnam War left saw nothing wrong with cheering their candidate when he said "John Kerry reporting for duty". They saw nothing wrong with a guy whose income is primarily derived from marrying rich women trying to sound like and pretend to be Joe and Jane Sixpack who work hard for a modest salary and have a mortgage to pay. The left completely failed to realize that when they said they would leave the United States if Bush won, that ordinary americans would take them for what they are--a bunch of over-pampered rich kids who aren’t going anywhere.

as George Bush enters his second term, those on the elite left will go on and on tying to find out what happened on November 2. They never will--but it will be fun to watch.