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Spying, 9/11, Terrorism

The usual suspects have spoken again

By John Burtis
Monday, December 19, 2005

Fresh from their absolute silence concerning the latest inane utterings of the Iranian president concerning the fictionality of the holocaust and the non-viability of the Jewish state, the usual suspects are aghast that President George Bush, in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, ordered the NSa, following the proper legal folderol and the notification of Congress, etc., to, gasp, keep an eye on some 28 folks in america. 

Incited by a recent article from the NY Times, whose author and the paper held the story a year to gain maximum traction for a related book release and the content of which was based on the leak of a highly classified and damaging intelligence information, the suspects began yet another attack on President Bush for one more assault on our freedoms and our way of life by a craven President concerned only with the assimilation of power.  That this activity was undertaken for our mutual protection is never mentioned.  

Led by that vaunted peddlar of the al-Qaeda "bill of rights", Representative Dennis Kucinich, and, no doubt, soon to be joined by the churlish men's chorus of Kerry, Kennedy and the other basso profundos, all singing in tone and tenor with Osama, the Democrats will be demanding another investigation into one more means of protecting our common citizenry from the rampages of Islamist madness. 

Let me quote a recent nattering rant of Ted Kennedy from the Senate floor, "Hello, hello?" and add, "anybody home?"

Hey, guys, we're talking about our national survival and our protection from a group of maniacs determined to maim us, torture us and then sever our heads in slow motion on al-Jezeera, the NY Times cohort in the open and honest style of reportage. 

Sure, let the Democrats pile on the President and accuse him of all manner of fakery and personal power aggrandizement.  I mean, that's their only apparent job, besides crying racism, when they're not accusing the kids next door of torture because they joined the Marines.. 

But what of me and my family?  at what point do their continual attacks on President Bush, america and our armed forces diminish the protection afforded my family?

Okay, sure I've only got two cats, two dogs and a marvelous wife at home now.  But what of the kids in college?  What about my old man in assisted living in Texas?  Don't they deserve some growing level of protection from these international thugs rather than more malefic hogwash?

Look, guys, get off your political stumps, get down in the trenches, pull off your tin ears, throw down your left wing play books and for a six month period act as if the survival of your country (it is after all yours, too) mattered as much as it does to the folks in my house and to my kids in college, to say nothing of the folks up and down my road.  Time's running out.

By the time I'm sitting in the dark holding my Glock waiting for the dudes in the black ski masks wielding the scimitars to hit the front porch it's too late for you to make a sea change in your allegiance. 

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