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Bill Clinton, Kofi annan

Clinton's magic carpet ride to the UN

by Judi McLeod,

Friday, February 11, 2005

In the Make-Believe World of the United Nations, the sky's always the limit.

Years of PR have convinced the world at large that the UN is a warm fuzzy blanket.

Dithering diplomats at Manhattan's bloated bureaucracy talk a lot about peace, but no matter how critical the issue, never take any action. Even after scores of humans lose their lives in preventable genocides under UN watches, the worst that can happen is a Noble Peace Prize.

The UN has become a sort of Grand Central for global activists.

Still mainly mealy-mouthed after his decades long, well-paid career of empty promises, Secretary-General Kofi annan is the biggest activist of them all. It was diplomat annan who pronounced just weeks prior to the last presidential election that the U.S. presence in Iraq was "illegal".

Doublespeak from UN officials took on a whole new meaning with the arrival of Mark Malloch Brown, who took up his new post as annan's Chief of Staff on January 19.

Brown said that former U.S. Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker will probably (emphasis added) "land some very heavy blows" on an interim report on his investigation of alleged corruption in the Oil-For-Food program, which was tabled Thursday.

Now that the Volcker report has been tabled, Benon Sevan and Joseph Stephanides have been fingered as the fall guys, while Kofi annan escapes criticism.

It is now being suggested that many other agencies under the UN umbrella need the benefit of audits.

Terms like "probably" and "interim" are in full use at the UN.

In consideration that annan handpicked Volcker for the investigation and that tough-talking Volcker interviewed the Secretary-General in the comfort of his Manhattan offices complete with coffee latte, some would expect those probable "very heavy blows" to be administered by a feather duster.

Now to the surrealistic Manhattan stage, enter William Jefferson Clinton.

Canada Free Press agrees with President of Freedom alliance Tom Kilgannon, who says that annan's appointment of former President Bill Clinton has less to do with annan's desire to help asian people ravaged by December's tsunami and more to with politics.

"Mr. annan has consistently tried to find outspoken and high profile U.S. critics of the Bush administration and put them in positions where they will have microphones.

"In Bill Clinton, annan has landed his whale," said Kilgannon.

Problem is, this Orca comes not from an endangered, but a dangerous species. Orca will have anti-american nations at the UN eating out of his hand and will be parachuted into a diplomatic career, courtesy of a fawning lib-left media.

"While Kofi annan gets the most visible, vocal critic of the U.S., Bill Clinton gets a chance to audition for the world for the role of Secretary-General when Kofi annan steps down in 2006," says Kilgannon.

The newly-appointed Brown, says Kilgannon, is earning his green-backed dollars.

"Not only does the appointment of Clinton pave the way for the first american to take the post of Secretary-General in the years ahead (and ensure the longevity of the Institution), but the timing is such that it will overshadow the release of the first installment of the Volcker Commission showing just how corrupt the UN was in dealing with the Oil for Food scandal."

It does even more than that, Mr. Kilgannon. It eclipses, in a most effective way, the role played between Volcker and annan on the promised "independent" probe of oil-for-food.

With the arrival of Clinton, it will be hard to remember annan's pawn and his alleged conflicts of interest. Fading fast into distant memory will be the footdragging of annan in striking Volcker's budget, just to get the investigation off to a start, and that the money when it did come originated from oil-for-food coffers. Disappearing into UN ether will be how UN staff and Volcker declined to pass critical information on to the congressional commissions involved in the probe, even though the commission members had supboena capability.

When Hillary's hubby Bill arrives at the world's largest bureaucracy, Monica Lewinsky's blue dress will have morphed into modern-day fairytale status.

It's a Make-Believe World where the sky's the limit at the UN.

You can't look to the world body for any peace, just forthcoming decrees for the Year of anti-americanism.

But, if you're one of the tourists looking for stories to take back to the grandchildren, you can always get your palm read by the UN's longtime in-house soothsayer, Sri Chinmoy.

P.S.: Sri was Thomas Jefferson in another life.

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Canada Free Press founding editor Most recent by Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years experience in the print media. Her work has appeared on, Drudge Report,, Glenn Beck. Judi can be reached at:

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