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From the Editor

Dancing druids

by Judi McLeod

January 17, 2005

Dancing druids have flooded Canada Free Press letters to the editor ever since I wrote cover story, Green Pagans find way to White House Funding. Since then, practicing pagans from all walks of life have been "hoping" that my "tolerance level improves".

Before they run out and start sticking pins into dolls that look very much like middle-aged female journalists, let me say that my tolerance level does include the belief that "pagans are people too". Where my tolerance level starts to wane is when pagans look for funding from the public purse.

In my books, wiccans, wizards and witches should be independent and pay their own freight.

"Pagans believe in the validity of all paths to God, which is more than I can say for the Christians you so vehemently defend," wrote Michael LaChance, who signed himself as "a practicing Druid and former Christian".

This practicing Druid says he's never read anything about Pagans burning Christians at the stake.

after lecturing me about my needing to be reminded "that it is Christianity that has been responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people living throughout history simply for having an idea of God that didn't match theirs", LaChance said the faith based initiatives in the White House "might as well be called `Money for Christians'", who regard themselves as members of a "private club".

But I'm sure that all that druid dancing out in the meadow has mixed him up about my relatives.

"With a name like McLeod, one would think you'd want to honour your ancestors who were most assuredly pagans and followed the teachings of Druid priests," LaChance wrote. "Even if you yourself are not interested in that form of spirituality, one would think you would take some pride in the fact that your ancestors did. It's too bad you do them such dishonour."

Like a lot of liberals on the attack, Druid LaChance makes the mistake of thinking he knows my ancestors because he thinks he knows my surname. Mikey couldn't possibly know that the name McLeod was the one I once took at the time of my marriage to a (nice) warlock. By the time of my divorce from the nice warlock, I was already known by the name McLeod as a working journalist. So for practicality's sake, I stayed with it.

While some of my own ancestors most assuredly acted at times like pagans, (There was a long ago uncle fabled to be a horse and cattle thief), they most assuredly did not follow the teaching of Druid priests, being French Catholics under the spell of a variety of parish priests.

The closest the descendants of the uncle, the horse thief, came to dancing druids in the meadows, were their children's bedtime stories about fairies hiding under mushrooms out in the back garden.

Flying yogis and peace palaces, they relegated to the fantasies of Science Fiction.

and had anyone, including Jose arguelles tried to tell any one of them that people could zone in on the crystal matrix heartbeat of someone called Mother Earth, they would have sent for the village sawbones, as quickly as you could intone, "ooom".

Nobody is objecting to any Druid dancing out in the field just so long as they don't expect taxpayers to pay for it.

Meanwhile, Michael-Practicing Druid-LaChance, peace, brother, peace.

Canada Free Press founding editor Most recent by Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years experience in the print media. Her work has appeared on, Drudge Report,, Glenn Beck. Judi can be reached at:

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