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Toronto News

Why Toronto will never impose a curfew on youth

by arthur Weinreb, associate Editor,
Wednesday, august 10, 2005

While the city is being plagued by gun violence, Toronto Councillor, Giorgio Mammoliti is proposing a bylaw that will impose an 11 o’clock curfew on those less than 15 years of age. according to the Ward 7 councillor, enforcing the curfew by fining parents whose children are out at night unsupervised will put the responsibility for children back where it belongs — with the parents.

Unfortunately, Mammoliti’s proposed curfew will never see the light of day with a Toronto City Council that is top heavy with bleeding heart lefties. according to the left, parents have little or no role to play in how their offspring turn out. Governments and only governments can solve problems such as Toronto’s bourgeoning gang violence. The left will never acknowledge that the more families break down and the more governments intervene, the worse these problems become.

The usual suspects were quick off the mark to shoot down (pardon the pun) Mammoliti’s proposal to institute a curfew. Typical of this kind of thinking, if thinking is in fact the right word, was Toronto Councillor, Janet Davis. Davis opined that Councillor Mammoliti’s proposal would take away "children’s rights". apparently it has not dawned on Davis that children do not, nor have ever had, the same rights that adults do. Even in this era where people demand rights while refusing to take responsibility for anything, children do not have "rights" to drive a car, drink alcohol, vote in elections or engage in other activities that are restricted to adults. The mother of two apparently sees nothing wrong with 11 and 12-year-olds being out on the streets at night without parental supervision. They have rights, you know.

Davis also told Citypulse News that imposing a curfew on children won’t do any good because many of these shootings take place on private property. The councillor seems cerebrally incapable of understanding that the problem of under 15s walking around with handguns and shooting others is not the problem that the bylaw seeks to remedy. It really shouldn’t have to be spelled out for anyone, least of all a municipal councillor, but apparently it does. The purpose of the curfew is to ensure that young children receive a proper upbringing, guidance and supervision before they become old enough to join the gangs and carry loaded guns.

On Monday, a press conference was held at Toronto Police Headquarters, an event that saw Mayor David Miller, Police Chief Bill Blair, and Toronto Police Services Board Chair, Pam McConnell all speak. It was a good thing that none of these folks physically resemble each other because it was hard to tell them apart from what they said. after the mandatory statement that the crime rate was down, all three, including the way too politically correct police chief, mumbled the same politically correct nonsense of helping "vulnerable communities" and making more activities available for children in these vulnerable areas. They spoke about how everyone had a role to play in decreasing the violence; the municipal government, the provincial government, the federal government, the prime minister, the community, and the next door neighbour. During the entire conference, which lasted for approximately 35 minutes, none of the three, MENTIONED aNYTHING aBOUT THE ROLE OR RESPONSIBILITY OF PaRENTS in preventing their children from becoming involved in gangs and violent crime. The "it takes a village to raise a child" crowd have yet to realize that the village is slowly being destroyed by a breakdown of families. according to their logic, families have no part to play in the raising of their children. These political elites think that the parents who live in these communities, mainly poor immigrant families are just not bright enough to look after their own children; so the government has to do it for them.

Giorgio Mammoliti’s idea of a curfew for children will be scoffed at and Mammoliti himself will be laughed at for trying to go back in time to the days of Beaver Cleaver. The lefties don’t even aspire to attempt to go back to the days when violent crime was minimal.

Until the city starts electing more Giorgio Mammolitis and less Janet Davises, the killings will just go on and on and on.

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