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Islamic Jihad, Radical Islam

Islamic Jihad-coming to a city near you

by Klaus Rohrich
Thursday, February 9, 2006

The recent riots by Muslims around the world over a dozen cartoons published in an obscure Danish newspaper, the Jyllands-Posten, are somewhat puzzling, given that the cartoons were originally published last September. In fact, I came across them in early November, while researching the Eurabian intifada and wrote about them in these pages. My guess is that the furor being made about these cartoons now has more to do with inciting Muslim hatred against the West than it has to do with insulting the Prophet.

Evidence of this is available in nearly all the rioting across the Middle East, as mobs aren't only attacking Danish concerns, but venting their anger against Europeans, Jews and americans, as well. Since nearly all arab/Muslim governments are under totalitarian rule and the concept of democracy is so far removed from their citizens, it makes sense to assume that the renewed unrest in these areas has been incited by their leaders to serve two purposes.

First, It removes attention from these governments' own shortcomings by focusing the anger and hatred of their citizens outside their borders. Through this strategy many of the region's dictators can ensure their own longevity as the "crimes" of the infidels are infinitely more heinous than those of their rulers.

Second, it advances the agenda driving fundamentalist Islam around the world, namely to destroy Western civilization and impose an Islamic theocracy onto the world. Evidence of this could be seen in all the news footage covering the rioting and was made plain by an Islamic cleric from Syria, who insisted that an apology from the Danes was unacceptable and that only war would remedy the insult. He also called for "cutting off the hand" of those responsible for the insult to the Prophet, while many others were looking to behead the miscreants.

The demonstrations and riots even made their way into Europe as British Muslims marched through Knightsbridge carrying banners that said "Europe- Your 9/11 is coming!" "Freedom of Speech go to Hell!" as well as others calling for the death of america, the death of all Jews and the beheading of the Danish cartoonists. In addition, the rioters burned Danish, american and Israeli flags in the street, while stomping on one of Christianity's most hallowed symbols, the cross. True to form, the Metropolitan Police Service stepped right in and arrested two counter-demonstrators for breaching the peace. It seems the MPS's primary function is to ensure that multiculturalism in Britain can flourish uncontested and that newcomers to the British Isles can practice their quaint cultural customs unmolested.

Frankly, I think these disturbances are a good thing, in that they serve to remind the West that the fundamentalist Islamic agenda is predicated on a "victim mentality". From Osama bin Laden to Mahmud ahmedinejad, there is a pervasive sense among many Islamic leaders that there is a whole lot of payback the West has coming due. Everything from "the tragedy of andalusia", which occurred in 1492 when Ferdinand and Isabella expelled Islam from Spain, to Jews living in Israel to Danish cartoons that insult Islam, is periodically trotted out to fire up hatred among the believers, fueling the flames of jihad.

While the citizens of most Western nations have been relatively sanguine about the threats presented by Islamic fascism and have viewed terrorism more as an american problem than a Western problem, incidents such as the burning of European embassies serve to remind us that we are dealing with an enemy that follows no rules, save and except the destruction of Western civilization.

I believe that slowly more and more Westerners are beginning to realize that we are facing an implacable enemy who can only be stopped through force. Those who believe that making concessions to radical Islam, attempting to eliminate poverty among Islamic nations and extending the hand of friendship to those who hate us are likely to have that hand chopped off.


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