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Westerners, Islamic fundamentalists

Islamists know where we live

by Klaus Rohrich
Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Losers, all. That's what we Westerners are and the Islamic fundamentalists bent on our destruction know it. Even when the police nails a cell of 17 would-be terrorists, catching them red-handed with 3 tonnes of 34-0-0 fertilizer, which you can bet wasn't acquired to fertilize their lawns, the media and government go to great lengths to assure everyone that the arrests have nothing to do with any "specific community or ethno-cultural group in Canada." at least that's how CSIS spokesperson Luc Portelance categorized the arrests.

The Toronto Sun's resident Islamophile "foreign" correspondent, Eric Margolis, even went so far as to wonder if the whole investigation and arrest wasn't some kind of CSIS set-up. Margolis moronically posited "It's possible that among the 12 adults and five minors charged, Canadian security organizations have rounded up some loud-mouthed teenagers who have been encouraged to sedition by government "agents provocateurs". Right, Eric, and the fertilizer was going to be used for a modest home garden in Scarborough and the electrical detonation devices seized were actually intended to be used as a TV remote and the whole conspiracy was fabricated by government agents eager to please George W. Bush and the neo-cons.

I do not know of many other religious groups who have as high an incidence of terror related activity and murderous violence as can be found among many fundamentalist Muslims. You don't often hear about Buddhists or Christians or Jews organizing sneak attacks against those with whom they disagree. In fact, any time a Christian leader, say Pat Robertson, for instance, even hints at violence against an enemy (as he did in suggesting that someone should assassinate Venezuelan President Cesar Chavez) the media goes absolutely berserk. But when thousands of people are killed by Islamic terrorists Western officialdom falls all over itself assuring everyone that a) this was an isolated incidence that had nothing to do with Islam or B) we had it coming because we live too well.

Our obsession with the multicultural fetish (which Mark Steyn correctly calls a ‘suicide cult') and our preoccupation with seeing our enemies as victims are two traits that have been noted and are being exploited to the hilt by those who would destroy us. after the arrest of the 17 alleged terrorist plotters, a Toronto Radio station interviewed the Imam of Scarborough's al Salaheddin mosque, who claimed that the arrests were nothing more than "harassment" of devout Muslims. When pressed by the interviewer about Osama Bin Laden's claim that Canada is one of five countries deserving to be targeted for terror acts, the imam claimed to have no knowledge of this.

at a news conference following the arrests, Hamid Slimi, leader of the International Muslim Organization of Toronto, called for tolerance for individuals who haven't committed any crimes and reminded the press that those who were arrested should be considered innocent, as they have "not been proven guilty of an alleged crime." Fair enough, but what about speaking out against those Muslims who have been involved in acts of terrorism and who have committed crimes? I have yet to hear the unequivocal condemnation of the killing of innocent people through acts of terrorism by so-called moderate Muslim leaders. That might be a good beginning.

On Saturday night, a mosque in Toronto's Etobicoke district had 28 windows smashed through vandalism. The assumption is that this act was a direct result of the arrest of the alleged terrorists by non-Muslims seeking revenge. Let's borrow a page from Eric Margolis's book: what if the windows were smashed by Islamic "agents provocateurs" to generate sympathy from multicult Canucks and solidarity among the Muslim faithful. Many Muslims today feel that they are being victimized and the smashing of mosque windows could strongly re-enforce this belief, resulting in a polarization of more Muslims.

Multiculturalism may have been a novel idea in its day, but let's face it, when combined with political correctness it becomes a dangerous recipe for encouraging violence against our society, institutions and values. Multiculturalism is the philosphy of losers and here's why: If our culture is morally equivalent to all other cultures, then we really do not have the "moral" authority to condemn acts that our culture finds reprehensible. If our culture is so decadent that we do not find it worth defending, then we can't go around arresting those accused of attempting to destroy it. Pure and simple.

Even Rosie DiManno, the Toronto Star's resident bleeding heart is beginning to come to her senses. In Monday's paper she wrote a piece that was so uncharacteristic that it read like something written by a ‘Stepford columnist' and it made absolute sense. She wondered if fundamentalist practices, regardless of which religion, were able to coexist with our own inherent values. She wondered why "adolescents and young adults, the very constituents that should normally be pushing against boundaries of control, would instead be in thrall to repugnant fundamentalism and authoritarianism", concluding that someone has failed them and denying that it is Us.

I beg to disagree. By rearing our children on the pabulum of multiculturalism, how can some of them not take issue with our culture, when supposedly all cultures are morally equal? Our continued commitment to the multi-cult will only result in more ‘homegrown' terrorists.

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