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Kofi's legacy

Kofi Annan's Farewell Tour

By Jim Kouri

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

As part of Kofi Annan's farewell tour of the United States, the outgoing United Nations Secretary General decided to take a few more slaps at the US and the Bush Administration. Annan appeared at the Truman Library in Independence, Missouri, on Monday and told an audience that the world is in "a sorry state" and suggesting it was the fault of the US.

I'll be blunt: I believe Kofi Annan was the worst United Nations Secretary General in my lifetime, and that's no small achievement considering past secretaries general. All the while Annan suffers minimal criticism from the United States and the European nations. He's so inept, he's dangerous.

"Kofi Annan has been a shameless appeaser of dictators and tyrants on the world stage and he was fundamentally opposed to the removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq," said Nile Gardiner, a fellow at the Heritage Foundation, in reply to Annan's anti-American tirade.

Besides the rampant corruption -- the Oil-for-Food Program, for instance -- Annan has allowed millions of people throughout the world to die at the hands of dictators, terrorists and other assorted thugs while he belly ached about the United States or Israeli treatment of terrorists.

When he does act, he sends a bunch of so-called peacekeepers who have been known to prey on the very people they're supposed to protect. In one case, blue-helmeted peacekeepers have reportedly raped African children. Many of these peacekeepers make the brutal French Foreign Legion look like boy scouts.

Annan also insulates himself from criticism by pointing his finger at the United States at the drop of a hat. Each time he slams the Bush Administration, he grows in stature with many members of Democrat Party and even some Republicans who genuflect at the altar of Globalism. Whenever a UN operation is successful -- which isn't often -- it's been the United States that's performed the bulk of the work and financing, but receives little credit.

Kofi Annan, whom I suspect is a closet anti-Semite, was regularly accusing the Israeli military of deliberately targeting UN peacekeepers in Lebanon when Israel was under attack by Hezbollah terrorists. These peacekeepers -- or observers, as the UN portrays them -- were seen in a photograph on columnist/blogger Michelle Malkin's website flying their UN flag directly adjacent to Hezbollah's flag, so it isn't much of a stretch to believe that they observed Hezbollah stockpiling weapons and rockets; observed perhaps, but didn't report.

Few Americans were even aware there were 2,000 peacekeepers or "observers" posted on the Israel-Lebanon. In the six years they had been there, what had they been doing?

The disgraceful Kofi Annan's shoot-from-the-hip response to four peacekeepers being killed by an Israeli rocket was so amateurish, the man should have been driven out of the UN building in Manhattan at gunpoint and a "persona non grata" order should immediately have gone into affect. He never mentioned how he came to the conclusion that the peacekeepers were killed deliberately, nor did any of the US reporters ask during his press conference.

When Hezbollah terrorists started launching missiles at Israel without provocation, the United Nations -- which had previously and solemnly promised to protect Israel in just such a circumstance, hence the 2,000 peacekeepers -- said or did NOTHING.

But when Israel took the only action available to them and struck back in self-defense, the United Nations had plenty to say, including throwing together a UN resolution condemning Israel. The resolution was blocked by US Amb. John Bolton.

Meanwhile the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour actually insinuated that Israel -- and by inference those who support Israel (namely George Bush and the United States) -- should be tried for war crimes when she addressed the "personal criminal responsibility of those involved, particularly those in a position of command and control." Arbour has a future in the Democrat Party when she leaves the UN.

The European Union countries love the UN because it's a vehicle for them to flex their muscles and pretend that they are world powers. Sometimes one wonders why a country such as France still holds a permanent seat on the UN Security Council.

Behind the scenes Annan had been pushing for a "tax" on Americans in order to help the poor in other countries. He also headed a UN that wished to get involved in assisting the disabled throughout the world with other people's money. Annan wasn't secretive about his dream of the United Nations ruling the world hence the accusations of US unilateralism.

As I've said earlier, there are some Republicans who love the thought of One World Government with the United Nations calling the shots. For instance, Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE), who introduced Annan at the library, offered kind words for the retiring diplomat.

"Kofi Annan served as secretary general during 10 of the most difficult, complicated, and dangerous years of the UN's history. He did it with grace, humor, determination, and always doing what he felt was in the best interest of mankind," Hagel said.

Remember Hagel's words when he comes around asking for your vote for President and claiming to be a conservative. I don't know any conservative who supports the UN's New World Order.

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