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It's not a journalist who guarantees a free press, it's a soldier

By Garth Pritchard
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Yesterday, Ezra Levant of the Western Standard became a national news story--it seems he has decided to run the Danish cartoons that have caused so much turmoil in Muslim countries.

Levant's reasoning is that it's an issue of freedom of the press. He chided a CBC reporter, glibly declaring himself a newsman, not Oprah Winfrey. He made the same points on CTV and of course, he was given the radio airwaves through the talk show hosts.

However, there are a few issues that have been left out and need to be considered.

In afghanistan there are roughly 2,200 Canadian soldiers trying to keep a lid on the pressure cooker. Their accomplishments over the years have been huge. as well, RCMP, External affairs and CIDa personnel are there. all are attempting to build democracy from anarchy.

Sergeant Lockie probably said it best. We were preparing to go out on patrol and were required to be at the briefing held before every departure. "If we're hit by a roadside bomb, or a suicide bomber, that's probably fate. But if we give these human predators any information, any idea of how we do business --which causes us to be hit--then that's stupid."

He went on, "Let's do this our way. Be aware, gunners, of where your guns are pointed. Let's smile and wave a lot. Drivers, I do not want you forcing the locals off the road. Use common sense."

There have been 20 suicide bombings in afghanistan in the last few months, and Canadians have paid a heavy price. Diplomat Glyn Berry was killed. Two Canadian soldiers are back in Edmonton, one fighting for his life, and the other fighting to keep the one leg he has left.

In many areas where the Canadians patrol, the literacy rate among afghanis is extremely low--only 2% of the population can read and write. Their media and dispensing of information is done through caricatures. In their election a few months ago, drawings were used to teach average afghanis how to vote. There was a drawing of a burqua'd woman with her face showing, an afghani male, and a ballot box with a slot. Both had pieces of paper in their hand, about to place them in the box. Beneath, there were drawings showing how to place your ‘x' on the ballot, and even how to fold the ballot. This is the common way that people read--through caricatures, drawings, very cartoon-like in presentation.

The Danish cartoons made an instant impact and the Fundamentalists reacted immediately. afghanistan had huge riots and deaths. The Fundamentalists went after the Danish flags and embassies. It was not a Canadian issue.

But that is to be no more. Mr. Levant is now putting a Canadian face on this issue. Not his face. Not the Western Standard's. No. In fact he is putting a bull's eye on the backs of the Canadians in afghanistan. Months ago, if he had run the cartoons when they first appeared, he maybe had a freedom of the press issue. Now he is jeopardizing the lives of Canadians in order to sell his magazine.

This is a country where the Fundamentalist human predator has used everything in his command to kill infidels (Canadians). Here they take ballpoint pens and make detonators; simple saw blades are used as contact points to detonate artillery shells; wooden fruit wagons are turned into rocket launchers; and florescent light ballasts are used as mini-computers so that cellphones can be used to detonate roadside bombs on command.

Two days ago, Canadian soldiers could patrol on foot in the old market in Kandahar, where trust with the locals was beginning to form, giving them safe passage. The merchants and the children actually looked forward to seeing the Canadians and would walk hand-in-hand with them. RCMP Constable Bob Hunt worked on this aspect — trust. He spent countless hours working with the people and the local police.

Mr. Levant, by printing the cartoons, has angered many of the local Mullahs. The little trust that had been established is now gone. This is past stupid--it's criminal.

a few days ago, Canadians on patrol understood the idea of fate. But now they must know--because of Mr. Levant's decision--that there are human predators, suicide bombers, looking to kill Canadians specifically.

In my four trips to afghanistan, where I spent a ten months, I was always amazed at how quickly information from Canada reaches afghanistan. Within hours, television and written media stories seen in Canada have been regurgitated to us by the locals.

Here at home, I receive many e-mails to this day from afghanis attempting to get information. The educated elite left many years ago, and spread all over the world. and yes, they are here in Canada. They are the ones who get the information out--usually with a Fundamentalist spin.

all of this certainly has not been missed by the soldiers' families here at home. The stress factor has been increased and the thought that a freedom of the press issue could cause the death of one of their loved ones is unconscionable.

In my opinion, the Canadian mainstream media have it absolutely right — they chose not to run the cartoons. Fanning the fires of religious fervor would have only one outcome--the killing of more people.

Freedom of the press is one thing. Human carnage as a result of trying to increase a magazine's circulation is quite another.

as Canadian forces General Rick Hillier says: "It's not a journalist that guarantees free press, it's a soldier."

Canada Free Press columnist Garth Prtitchard, is an award-winning documentary filmmaker living in alberta.

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