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Belafonte anti-american, anti-Democracy

What Happened to Harry's "Goodwill"?:
Not to mention his "Good Sense"

by J.B. Williams
Wednesday, January 11, 2006

In case you missed it over the weekend, standing beside the world's newest brutal dictator, Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez, 78-year-old (american) singer and UNICEF "Goodwill ambassador" Harry Belafonte proudly proclaimed his "solidarity" with the "revolution". What revolution you ask?

Belafonte has made outlandish anti-american statements before. But this time, he was so anti-american, anti-Democracy and yes, anti-Bush in his statements before a crowd of chanting communist revolutionaries in Venezuela, that even the anti-america United Nations had to distance themselves. Now that's saying something…

In a statement issued hours after Belafonte's bombastic revolutionary battle cry, in which he spoke out against Bush and said "millions of americans support the socialist revolution" of Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez, United Nations representatives for UNICEF said Belafonte spoke "as a private citizen and was not speaking as a UNICEF ambassador, nor acting in an official capacity on behalf of the organization." Of course that's akin to saying Hitler was a bad man, but a great fund-raiser for our Jewish Humanitarian organization…

Belafonte shouted from the stage "No matter what the greatest tyrant in the world, the greatest terrorist in the world, George W. Bush says, we're (including Danny Glover) here to tell you: Not hundreds, not thousands, but millions of the american people ... support your revolution."

While his statements would have one day (in the McCarthy era) landed him in prison for treason, today, they are unfortunately a statement of fact. Millions of americans do, in fact support the socialist revolution today, though most are reluctant to use such politically incorrect but otherwise appropriate terms, preferring to still masquerade as less threatening "live and let live liberals" of old, or just plain "democrats".

Like Belafonte, many modern so-called liberals in america hold a deep disdain for George W. Bush and like Belafonte, they are often driven by that deep seated hatred to ridiculous rhetoric. However, they find themselves fighting not only against Bush, but their nation as a whole, its policies, its fundamental principles, its historical way of life and all those red state real americans from sea to sea.

Though they rarely refer to themselves or their agenda as socialistic, their agenda can not honestly be called anything else and therefore, neither can they. Like Belafonte, today's Democrats espouse notions better aligned with Chavez and his socialist revolution than any fundamental americans principles. JFK himself would be called a neocon by today's DNC standards…

But you have certainly crossed some kind of line somewhere when the anti-america United Nations feels it necessary to distance themselves from your anti-american statements.

People had largely forgotten who Harry Belafonte was years ago when he was just a one-hit calypso singer, Day-O…. But Belafonte has become famous again in recent years, this time for his over-the-top anti-american harangues towards not only Bush, but those black "Uncle Toms" and "aunt Jemimas" he refers to as "house negros" on the basis of their conservative pro-american views. Day-light come and he better not come home…

apparently, if you support the revolution, you are a "good negro". But if you don't support the revolution and you are black, you are just a "house negro"….according to Belafonte and his type. God forbid black folks have an opinion of their own that isn't aligned with Belafonte's revolution…

Sadly, Belafonte seems to want his once respected public life to end in the fashion of a Dan Rather. after a long life of respect as an entertainer, his legacy will be that of a hate-filled anti-american, ranting and cheering on the socialist revolution against the country who afforded him fame, fortune and the platform he now uses to attack his own people.

If UNICEF wants to continue raising funds in america, they had better find themselves a new "goodwill ambassador", preferably one full of "good will" instead of anti-democratic pro-socialist B.S.

McCarthy's methods may have been wrong, but his suspicions concerning a communist movement in Hollyweird have proven to be right. Years later, Hollyweird is a bastion of anti-american pro-communist and socialist sentiment and the american people fund that movement every time they buy their records or go to see their latest movie.

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