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Democrats: Working to undermine American, Freedom and Security

All Great Americans--Just Different Priorities!

By J.B. Williams

Friday, February 23, 2007

As members of congress jockey for position on all the pressing issues facing our nation today, seeking that perfectly nuanced place that garners votes without actually having to do anything, and the administration struggles to remain focused on which bad guys to go after first in their determination to save America from enemies, foreign and domestic, try to remember that we are all great Americans. We just have different priorities... Right?

Republicans are here to save us from Al Qaeda types and numerous rogue regimes around the globe who do indeed sponsor terrorism, international socialists seeking control over US borders and resources and Democrats desperate to help all the above. Democrats are here to save us from Republicans. The two have different priorities.

As you watch Democrats work around the clock to undermine every Bush initiative at great risk to American freedom and security, but at no expense greater than to those brave souls who have put their lives on the line for our nation's security, try not to be so critical. Be tolerant please. Keep in mind that Democrats are great Americans too. They're just great Americans with a different set of priorities.

Great Americans Support Our Troops

For decades, Republicans have supported our troops by working to increase military spending, to improve military readiness through advanced technologies and modern training, adequate upkeep and repair of military machinery, and personnel recruitment seeking not just more warriors but better warriors. They have worked to improve the quantity and quality of security related intelligence operations and improve enemy interrogation effectiveness both at home and abroad, all in an effort to protect and defend a nation and its people from evils around the world, as well as those who must confront those evils in combat missions. Democrats call this effort a fascist military complex.

And, for decades, Democrats have supported our troops by continually seeking to decrease military spending, redirecting precious resources away from advanced military technologies, basic intelligence and interrogation operations, enemy profiling efforts and fundamental mechanical upkeep and general military recruitment and readiness initiatives. Some Democrats have even suggested that we no longer even need a military, other than to carry Hillary's bags and fly Princess Pelosi around, now that the UN can solve all international conflicts through broken resolutions and oil for food scams, to the benefit of the EU.

In the last few years alone, while our nation is at war with an international network of terror organizations who intend an end to western civilization, Democrats have worked to attack and undermine the NSA, the CIA, the FBI, the DOD, the Justice Department, the Joint Chiefs, Homeland Security, the INS and the Commander-in-Chief of our armed forces, whose first responsibility is to secure this nation against further terror attacks, outside invasions and enemies within.

Clearly, Republicans and Democrats have a very different set of priorities. But both are great Americans, aren't they? After all, if Democrats fully succeed in forcing a Bush administration failure in the war against international terrorism, currently being waged in over 60 countries including Iraq and the US, our troops can come home, albeit in defeat. The current war as we know it will end. Isn't that what we all want? So say the Democrats...

Great Americans care about one another

Democrats are nothing if not compassionate in the tradition of liberalism and communal living. They have worked tirelessly to strip greedy self-sufficient successfully productive members of American society of their hard earned happiness for benefit of society's under-achievers. They have worked hard to develop an American proletariat class (aka middle class) organized under pro-DNC labor unions, and fully galvanized in perpetual class warfare. Sure, it mostly benefits union bosses and the politicians they own, but without Democrats, there would be no proletariat class in America. Never mind that there was never supposed to be.

Over the last sixty years, Democrats have driven the nation from individual prosperity and happiness, to a greater communal good where the rich are penalized at every turn via a multitude of social engineering programs designed to redistribute wealth more fairly between over-achiever and under-achiever. They have been relentlessly generous with other people's rightful private earnings and what could be more compassionate than that?

Meanwhile, Republicans have worked with some success to reduce individual tax burdens and stimulate the economy via freeing private resources from federal tyranny, relying on the people to make the nation more prosperous through their individual pursuit of happiness, just as we have done for 230 years. They have worked to reduce government intrusions into the private sector and return the power of private resources and personal property and prosperity to the people. Recently, they have even had occasion to spend like drunken Democrats for the greater communal good. Doesn't this seem compassionate too?

Try to remember that both Democrats and Republicans are great Americans, with slightly different priorities.

Great Americans are humanitarians, respecting and protecting all life

Democrats care deeply about life. They have spent billions in tax-payer funds to protect the trees, the streams and rivers, the wetlands, our oceans and even the air we breathe. They have worked to protect the largest mammals on earth as well as the smallest micro-organisms from certain extinction. They have protected the spotted owl, the caribou, the humpback whale and many other species. Yet somehow, under the guise of a woman's right to kill, human life does not make the Democrat priority list of things worth protecting and preserving. Democrats are responsible for the brutal killing of over 1 million American babies each year, over 40 million children over the last 40 years. So much for a right to life, without which there can be no liberty or happiness.

Republicans have fought to protect all of the subhuman species too, but they include human beings on their list of endangered species and work to protect human life as it begins, as it ends and at all points in between. Republicans place innocent human life atop their priority list.

Both are great American supporters of all living things, aren't they?

Democrats are deeply concerned about the lives and human rights of even Al Qaeda members. Republicans are more concerned with the lives and rights of innocent American citizens and the soldiers who protect them.

Democrats are concerned about terrorists kept in American run "Soviet styled Gulags", and the infringement upon the rights of would-be terrorists, demanding they get their day in court, and not be over-interrogated in our efforts to stop the next 9/11. Republicans are more concerned with innocent civilians' right to be alive and live in peace and security, infringed upon by terrorists who intend them great harm if not captured or killed first.

Democrats are concerned with the thousands of Iraqis caught in the crossfire, some innocent, some not. Republicans are concerned with the hundreds of thousand that died at the hands of the most brutal regime known in modern history, under the watchful eye of "peaceful" ineffective UN sanctions, and the hundreds of thousands more that would have died a brutal death had the Hussein regime been left in power.

See what I mean? Both are great American humanitarians, just with different priorities.

Can we ever agree on our priorities?

One would think we could, but it just doesn't seem so.

Doesn't it seem that while we should be concerned with the caribou and the spotted owl, human babies should be somewhere up the list of priorities when seeking to conserve and protect life?

While we should do our best to avoid unnecessary casualties, overly-aggressive interrogation or detention practices, doesn't it seem that somewhere up the priority list from there should be doing whatever it takes to defend the truly innocent citizens of our nation and the civilized world?

And while we are called to care for our brothers and sisters in need, doesn't it seem a bit disingenuous to suggest we should rob the over-achiever against his will for benefit of those less willing to make the same sacrifices necessary in any quest for success? Isn't generosity defined as the giving of one self, not the taking from others against their will? I thought the latter was called theft, or when done by a central angry mob, tyranny?

Iraq is a great lesson in different priorities

Liberal voters returned Democrats to power largely on the basis of different priorities. Unfortunately for our entire nation and maybe the western world, those priorities seem dishonest and ill-guided at best, based on disinformation on a grand scale.

Republicans are focused on leaving Iraq a safer more peaceful self-governed and self-reliant nation. Democrats are just focused on leaving Iraq as soon as possible, no matter the condition Iraq is left in or the consequences of early retreat.

Republicans stand firmly behind our soldiers and their missions. They defend our boys and girls in uniform, even when they make mistakes. Democrats stand behind their soldiers (literally), firing political grenades aimed at eroding public confidence and support for the troops in harm's way, as they work around the clock to undermine their missions and bring them home in defeat, leaving Iraqi citizens struggling for freedom and security to fend for themselves.

Consider the insanity...

Democrats do not believe in your grandmas' right to not be treated like a terrorist every time she tries to board an airplane. But they do believe in a terrorist's right to Constitutional protections and civil rights. Democrats do not believe in your right to own an SUV. But they do believe in their right to fly around on private jets on your dime. Democrats do not believe in the 2nd Amendment rights of honest peaceful citizens. But they do believe in the rights of convicted pedophile rapists to get chance after chance after chance in society. Democrats demand decent treatment of terror captives in Gitmo already getting free room, board and a prayer rug. But they also demand a woman have the right to murder her own child for sake of convenience alone. Democrats don't believe the bible read by 90% of Americans belongs in your public schools. But they do believe that the Koran is a must read -- must teach in your public schools.

Can even the insane make sense of this insanity?

There are a hundred more just like these examples. Do I really need to list them all before you will face reality?

Is there any way to unite these two groups?

Can we agree on priorities and come together in a common cause of protecting, promoting and defending freedom, liberty, the individual pursuit of happiness and security, here and in parts of the world where none of these things have ever existed before? Can we unite on the common ground of our common defense of American ideals, if on nothing else?

These questions are being answered as we speak. You can see the answer as you watch congressional Democrats rush to attack Republicans instead of terrorists, as they demand the rights of terrorists while undermining and demoralizing our own troops in combat, as they pretend to care about the Iraqi people, but plan to leave them in a vacuum of terror at the earliest possible date.

The answer is an emphatic NO! We can't. Our priorities have been too different for too long and we are fast running out of any form of tolerance for each others views. Listen to Air America or on the left and you can't miss the hate-filled venom in which they attack their political opponents across the aisle. They have plenty compassion for terrorists, rogue regimes, third world dictators and EU members determined to take America down a few notches. Same goes for their leadership in Washington DC who spend their time attacking Republicans rather than America's enemies.

Then listen to conservative talk radio and you can't miss the utter disdain they harbor for the political left in America who can't seem to get a singe issue right.

The truth is - we have little if anything in common anymore. There is little common ground upon which to unite. We have very different priorities and therefore, very different views and goals. These different goals are mutually exclusive of each other. For either to win, the other must lose. There is no getting around it. Compromise between these two groups has proven to be complete nonsense. Anything only half right is also half wrong. We call this bi-partisanship.

This is the enemy that threatens America's future more than any terror organization or rogue nation ever could. But as long as it exists, all of America's outside enemies will benefit by our political infighting. Your headlines are full of examples.

You have read repeated Al Qaeda messages that read like DNC talking points memos and DNC talking points memos that read like Al Jazeera propaganda. Do you really think third world nobodies like the nutcases running Iran or North Korea would be so bold against western civilization if not for the current divisions in America, the nation that is the muscle behind the so-called world body?

Sadly, there is no way out of this position short of defeating our internal enemy. No external enemy has a chance against a United States of America. But a divided America is an easy target for any foe...

It's time for every American to reconsider their priorities, don't you think?

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