
Health and Medicine

Additionally, a comprehensive review indicated that patients who take aspirin have a relatively lower risk of developing various types of cancer.

Talking about Sex, Love, and Safety W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | December 30, 2023
Common Sense Health

Dr. Peter McCullough

The Season for Sorrows and Joys W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | December 23, 2023
Common Sense Health

The slam-dunk test for the existence of viruses has inherent fatal flaws that can’t be overcome

My analysis of the "next pandemic" anticipated by Fauci, Tedros, Gates, Hotez. Courtesy Facts Matter, The Danish Freedom Movement FBF

Holy moly! Another one!!

Heart Disease Prevention Begins with Children and Good Parenting W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | December 16, 2023
Common Sense Health

Yet, the “gender surgery industry,” which is expected to grow to a $5 billion industry by 2030, continues to surgically mutilate children and adults while ignoring this growing amount of research and data

Carl Higbie on Purdue big pharma opioid liability: News on the Net | December 12, 2023
"The federal government is the one arguing that the Sackler family should in fact be able to have their personal resources confiscated for a product they produced, that didn't do exactly what they said it did, sound familiar?"

Why Some People Die Early and Others Live On W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | December 9, 2023
“What if hard work produces great wealth, but ill health steals it back early in life?”

I think this speech is what prompted its reprisal against my book "Courage to Face COVID-19." I hit the target. Courtesy Mises Institute, Auburn, AL

Pneumonia Among Children

Lie #1 -The COVID vaccines are "safe and effective," a repeated slogan Robert W Malone calls propaganda....

Alternative Medicine Makes a Good Gift W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | December 2, 2023
Common Sense Health

MALONE: “There’s no way that he would have given this interview and said these statements without having them pre-vetted by the Intelligence Community and the DoD”

#1 - Cardiovascular: heart inflammation, myocarditis, cardiac arrest. #2 - Neurologic: All forms of stroke, Guillain–Barré syndrome, neuropathy....

It was intentional to create fear, suffering, hospitalization, and death

Those who were suppressing early treatment were the same ones promoting the COVID-19 vaccines

Think Before you Drink Alcohol W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | November 25, 2023
Many things in life involve nuances. So be informed, prudent, and open-minded. Companionship and the pleasure of a drink before or with dinner may be just the ticket to a long and happy life.

"A recent analysis shows that 99% of people DYING from Covid are FULLY VACCINATED!!!!”

The Nursing Home Lockdown Debacle Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | November 19, 2023
"We were guinea pigs in a failed experiment"

Dr. Peter McCullough: HALT All mRNA Vaccines News on the Net | November 19, 2023
Several studies have recently come out, showing alarming findings from the COVID-19 mRNA injections:

Organizations: • The World Health Organization • The Gates Foundation • The Wellcome Trust • The Rockefeller Foundation • United Nations (UN) • Gavi • UNITAID Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness and Innovation (CEPI) • World Economic Forum

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Have Faith in the Doctor, with Limitations W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | November 18, 2023
Common Sense Health

Is There A Time Bomb In Your Child’s Chest? Chet Nagle | November 17, 2023
One out of thirty is close to Russian roulette. Maybe you should get your kid’s school to adopt a cardiac arrest screening program?

Then ask yourself why the government has been studying this for decades, but HAS NOT published their findings?

“The developments lay bare the difference in approach between two nations when the Italian Prime Minister has been public in her support of Indi Gregory and the right of her parents to access treatment in Rome"

Dr. McCullough: “The COVID Shots Were a Disaster” News on the Net | November 13, 2023
As such, trust in vaccines has hit rock bottom. The BMJ issued an "emergency" communication because more and more people are walking away from the vaccine schedule altogether

Then discovered the W.H.O's advice for Covid was not evidence based!
