
Moral damage stemming from rampant liberalism

Can We Close Pandora’s Box?

It's times like these when I see the distress America and the world faces that I wonder...can we close Pandora's Box? Can we reverse and fix the damage that's been done?

I speak of moral damage mostly...damage stemming from rampant liberalism (an attitude of "anything goes").  The liberal mind does not abhor perversion.  We let liberalism come in and cause a chasm between us and God, those who we hold dear, etc. God can't bless America and we are willing to allow such filth to tarnish our American way of life.   Americans have become weak in that they have been unwilling to challenge the current sexualized culture. In the news, I hear people bemoaning the rate at which kids are being exposed to sexual images. Well it seems that many in America have winked at lewdness, sexual promiscuity, and debauchery for far too long and now wish they could stop the madness.   I've been to the forefront in the culture battle speaking against perversion for some time and have seen it get worse and worse. The lyrics in music, they are becoming more and more deplorable. For example, while listening to the radio over the weekend, I became downright disgusted when a female pop artist bragged she kissed a girl and liked it and continued to describe her chapstick.  Of course, that radio dial couldn't have turned quickly enough for me.  Even though another radio station was welcoming to my ears, this song has been in constant rotation on the radio lately.     I wonder if there is anyone else out there who feels the way I do... are you not outraged by such promotion of homosexuality?  Have we as a country become that desensitized?! The pushing of the envelope will continue unless more people stand in the gap and stand for decency to return.   America, you have strayed so far from what our founding fathers considered a blessed nation, a fruitful nation dedicated to Almighty God.  America currently is not carved out of that mold anymore.  As a nation, we have called evil good and good evil.  And those who wish for decency in society are labeled "intolerant" or "out of touch."    I am reminded of a quote that has been making the rounds on the internet, giving credibility to an early Scottish professor, Alexander Tyler (or Tytler), but the author of the quote is largely unknown (not confirmed by the Library of Congress). However, they are words that stir an individual to think about his country and regard what direction it is headed in:   1.  From bondage to spiritual faith; 2.  From spiritual faith to great courage; 3.  From courage to liberty; 4.  From liberty to abundance; 5.  From abundance to complacency; 6.  From complacency to apathy; 7.  From apathy to dependence; 8.  From dependence back into bondage.'   I look at this in terms of a governmental situation, but in a spiritual sense, it also rings loud and clear... the danger looms. I feel that we are at least at number 6 as many are not noticing the signs that are leading to a darker time ahead for this nation.

Finding the Way Home

  These are many who are searching for some deep meaning to life, a way to freedom and peace within oneself and are also going the wrong direction.  People are running to and fro to find answers. Some seek after the likes of Eckhart Tolle, author of A New Earth and Rhonda Byrne, author of The Secret (both authors touted by Oprah).  No New Age philosophy will help your life. It will only cause confusion and will leave you empty.   Others invest in Christian self-help books. Many Christian self-help books and writings fill the shelves, but in a sense, all of the marketing has gotten out of control.  The focus has been shifted away from Jesus Christ and instead is focused on "How to live your best life right now", "How to find yourself/deeper meaning of life/why am I here?" type of approach to life.   For all of us on this Earth, life is answered very simply in the holiest (and still a bestseller in America) of books, the Bible.  We can turn to the Bible for any answer under the sun...we find God's directions, recipe for hope, and messages of love from God to us. The Bible is God's love letter to all of mankind. If we choose to live a Biblically structured life, our lives will reflect the blessings which God has bestowed on us in the past. Choose unwisely, meaning if America continues to let slide perversions and evil of all kinds, we will reap a harvest of destruction.   As I see serious questions and concerns being raised on the negative direction of our country, I believe the tide is turning towards restoration of America's values that have been tarnished.   There is hope beyond the chasm.  But the question remains, can we close Pandora's Box? Do we really want to? Do we as a nation want to turn to God and ask for His forgiveness for our sinfulness and turning our back on Him? Do we want His blessing, His covering (protection)?   If we choose not to close Pandora's Box, God may choose to do so through judgment for there cannot be sin without consequences.   See: Love Letter from the Father

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Felicia Benamon——

Felicia Benamon is a conservative columnist who writes from a political perspective, but occasionally deviates to write about other concerns facing her country. She comes from a military background and is currently a freelance reporter residing in Tennessee.

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