
The enemy is the far left and their principal weapon is radicalism

Fighting Back? Then Know How the Enemy Fights

Based on the turnout and anger displayed at Tea Parties and Townhall meetings, it looks like many folks are now ready to fight back. To make that fight effective, it is important to know the enemy and how they fight. The enemy is the far left and their principal weapon is radicalism.

Radicalism is doing what ever is necessary to seize power

Radicalism is doing what ever is necessary to seize power. The affect of radicalism is that debate that once focused on the issues is now focused on individuals. Fear mongering, ad hominem attacks, and intimidation have replaced data and logic as the tools of persuasion. Unfortunately, this shift to radicalism is slowly but surely destroying our society and threatening our liberty. Radicalism has its roots in the 1971 book, Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. According to Alinsky, the main job of the organizer is to bait an opponent into reacting. “The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength.” Although a complete review of Alinsky’s rules is beyond the scope of this column, I will highlight a few of his “rules” so that you can see exactly how destructive radicalism is (parenthetical comments are mine). Rule 2: Never go outside the expertise of your people. It results in confusion, fear and retreat (stay away from the issues).

Rule 3: Whenever possible, go outside the experience of an opponent. Here you want to cause confusion, fear, and retreat. Rule 5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage (use ad hominem attacks). 
Rule 8: Keep the pressure on. Use different tactics and actions and use all events of the period for your purpose. “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. It is this that will cause the opposition to react to your advantage” (wear your opposition down). Rule 9: The threat is more terrifying than the thing itself (scare your opposition into surrendering). Rule 11: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Don’t try to attack abstract corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or spread the blame. 
The rules of Radicalism are designed to move the debate away from a discourse on the issue to a series of personal attacks and intimidation.

How Radicalism is Destroying Society

Thanks to radicalism, insults and threats have become the new currency of persuasion; no debate, no facts, just fear and intimidation. Let’s examine for a moment how radicalism is being used in a number of fields, and how that use is causing material harm to our society.


The area in which science has been most affected by radicalism is in the promotion of Anthropogenic Global Warming. Those who promote AGW have yet to provide a solid rational argument for how exactly man’s influence on climate is greater than that of the sun. Rather, they routinely imply a consensus of experts and engage in ad hominem attacks against “deniers”. In addition, they are constantly warning of the numerous disasters that will befall us if we fail to listen to them.

The Media

Far too many of today’s journalists are pursuing an agenda of social change. And like many pushing an agenda, the ends justify the means. So burying stories, distorting the facts, and outright lying is now the standard of our news coverage. How does that impact us? Without reliable sources of news, we can not make informed decisions, and uninformed decisions are almost always bad decisions.


Many of our nation’s campuses have become breeding grounds for radicalism. As Glen Beck has noted, our schools are now teaching our children what to think, not how to think. In far too many campuses, Shakesqueer has replaced Shakespeare, sexual promiscuity is promoted and history has become historically inaccurate but politically correct. Terrorists and law breakers are welcomed on campus while conservatives and the military are told to leave.


Indoctrination is one of the principal tools of radicals, so it is natural that. radicalism has also infected our primary and secondary schools. Schools across the country are encouraging sexual activity and the gay and lesbian lifestyle. The Qur’ran and Islam are allowed, but prayer and Christmas are banned. The impact that radicalism, in the guise of political correctness, has had on our children’s schools is that the curriculums have been so dumbed down that we routinely graduate individuals who are functionally illiterate and have little to no critical thinking skills. Not only are our students ill-informed, more and more are fundamentally dishonest Cheating and plagiarism are on the rise. And why shouldn’t they be; after all, they have as a role model Vice President Joe Biden who was caught plagiarizing in Law School and again in his 1998 presidential campaign.

Representative Government

One of the fundamental tenets of a republic is that the citizens are allowed to elect representatives to govern in their behalf. The term itself implies that the individual that is elected will ‘represent’ those who elected him or her. Thanks to special interest groups that is no longer the case. The purchase of influence is another form of radicalism, and it is destroying our government from the inside out. Predictably, with so much money at stake, far too many politicians look the other way in regards to the laws they have sworn to uphold. Just over the last few years we have seen U.S. Representatives accepting bribes, getting sweetheart loans and evading taxes. We have seen Mayors and Governors committing bribery, perjury, and influence peddling.

Election Theft

Worse than the purchase of influence, the lying, and the abuse of the law, however, is the outright theft of elections by radical groups such as ACORN and MoveOn.org. With their help Al Franken has successfully stolen the Minnesota Senate election from the majority vote recipient Norm Coleman. This latest case of election theft joins the pantheon of other recent election thefts. In 1974 the U.S. Senate aided and abetted Democrat John Durkin’s theft of Louis Wyman’s New Hampshire election to the U.S. Senate. The Indiana House helped Democrat Frank McCloskey steal the 1984 election from Richard McIntyre. And of course, we have the infamous 2004 gubernatorial election in Washington State where Democrat Christine Gregoire was declared the victor over the legitimately elected Dino Rossi (Ann Coulter, One Plus One Equals 20 Extra Votes For Franken, 17 December, 2008, Human Events). The cost to a free society for this type of election fraud is immense. If political parties or special interest groups are allowed to steal elections and our politicians are allowed to sell their votes to the highest bidders, then we are no longer “a government of the people, by the people, and for the people”.

Obama, Reid and Pelosi: Radicalism at Work

With the election of president of Obama and the Democratic control of both the House and Senate, we have seen an exponential increase of radicalism in government. Both President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are disciples of Alinsky. And Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid are skilled practitioners. So far, we have had a number of very significant legislative bills rammed down our collective throats. These bills are dramatically changing the American Landscape. Just as disturbing as the content of these bills, is the way that they are being passed. The supporters of these bills have, of course, been using the tactics of radicalism.

Tactic 1; Limited Debate

As this Congress began their term House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) changed the House rules to end free and open debate. (Pat Dollard, Pelosi to End Congress’ Long-Standing Fairness Rules, posted in Human Events, 5 Jan., 2009). Not one of the major legislative bills has been made available to the public for review, this in spite of promises to give Americans at least 5 days to review pending legislation. The votes on these bills is occurring so quickly, that virtually no member of the House can even read them.

Tactic 2; Consensus

Notice how every bill has a consensus of experts that tell us how they support it? For the stimulus bill there was a consensus among economists that a stimulus bill was needed. Of course, a number of prominent and highly regarded economists did support the stimulus bill. It is equally true that a like number of equally well-regarded economists thought that the stimulus bill would cause more harm than good to the economy. It is not a consensus when half of the experts disagree. The same is true for all the other issues – there is no consensus on health care, there is no consensus on global warming and no consensus on cap and trade.

Tactic 3: Fear Mongering

We have heard from a cadre of stimulus bill supporters that we were facing economic catastrophe if the bill was not passed. We were told that Health Care is in a state of crisis. Fail to pass cap and trade – the world will end.

Tactic 4: Ad Hominem Attacks

With this Congress, insurance companies are “villains”. You are a Nazis or a terrorist or stupid, or a denier, or whatever ad hominem label fits. Oh, and if you are white, you are also a racist.

Tactic 5: Intimidation

Do what this administration wants, or else. Do what you are told or you will be investigated, threatened, have your salary regulated, or your business nationalized. For the first time that I can recall, many Americans are now genuinely afraid of our government.

Fighting Back

Most individuals and corporations adhere to strong moral values and principals. As such, it is difficult for us to fight radicalism. We have a tendency to consider the behavior of radicals as childish, so we ignore it in the hope that by our staying above that level of behavior, it will go away. It will not go away, in fact, it is getting worse. The problem with fighting radicalism is that it is like bringing a knife to a gunfight, the playing field is not level. If we resort to their tactics, then we compromise our own values. Nevertheless, there are many things that we can, and must, start doing to fight back.

Stop ad hominem Attacks

We must stop accepting ad hominem attacks as business as usual. If those individuals that engage in ad hominem attacks are professional, file an ethics complaint and ask that they be censored. If you are the victim of an ad hominem attack, sue the attacker for slander or libel. In my opinion, Sarah Palin should sue the Trig conspiracy theorist Andrew Sullivan, the Huffington Post, Sataurday Night Life, and a host of other media outlets for the vicious and libelous personal attacks they subjected her and her family to. Once we make ad hominem attacks too expensive to maintain, they will end. But until we do so, we can expect to see them increase in both frequency and in intensity.

Stop patronizing the Mainstream Media

If we can no longer trust the media to provide us with objective news, why patronize them? Mark Twain once commented that “If you don't read the newspaper, you are uninformed; if you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed.” I would maintain that you are better off uninformed than misinformed, however, the web provides many alternate means of getting information, so it is possible to stay informed with out the mainstream media. Stop watching shows and news programs and stop buying papers and magazines that exhibit extreme bias, engage in ad hominem attacks or exhibit other radical behaviors such as alarmism. While you are at it, do not advertise in any media outlets that engage in radicalism, and boycott those companies that do.

Stop voting for Politicians that Engage in Radicalism

A great many of our problems with politicians would disappear if we could add a line on the ballots that allowed us to vote straight non-incumbent. Since that will never happen, it is up to all of us to vote out those incumbents who engage in radicalism, or sell out to those that do. It is time to remove these career politicians.

Call for the firing of Radicals

First to go should be NASA’s Dr. Jim Hansen. No government employee should ever encourage people to break the law and be able to keep their job. To sign a petition calling for his dismissal, go to: ( HYPERLINK "http://wattsupwiththat.com/2008/09/10/note-to-nasa-fire-dr-james-hansen-now/" [url=http://wattsupwiththat.com/2008/09/10/note-to-nasa-fire-dr-james-hansen-now/]http://wattsupwiththat.com/2008/09/10/note-to-nasa-fire-dr-james-hansen-now/[/url]) Following Hansen should be Bill Ayers, Dr. Henry Gates, the Duke 87 and a host of other academics that embrace radicalism and poison our universities. Stop donating to schools that promote radicalism Start with Duke University for their shameless and unapologetic radical suspension of the burden of proof in the case of the Duke Lacrosse team. And no more funding for the University of Delaware, for their “diversity facilitation training” for resident assistants! Their handbook includes the following language: A RACIST: A racist is one who is both privileged and socialized on the basis of a white supremacist (racist) system. ‘The term applies to all white people (i.e., people of European descent) living in the United States, regardless of class, gender, religion, culture, or sexuality (Stuart Taylor Jr. Academia’s Pervasive PC Rot, 11/12/2007, National Journal). We can also stop funding Missouri State University, where one student had her degree threatened and she was grilled in a closed session with faculty members on her personal religious beliefs for several hours because she refused to sign a school-dictated letter supporting “gay” adoptions, a position that violated her religious beliefs (Bob Unruh, Universities Trash 1st Amendment, 7 December, 2007, WorldNet Daily.com). Funds for Columbia; why? Their red-carpet treatment for the American-hating terrorist-supporting Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and the controversies surrounding the faculty of their Middle East Studies Program (Hugh Fitzgerald, Crisis at Columbia: Lisa Anderson, Apologist for Academic Radicalism, May 3, 2005) should place them on the Federal Terrorist watch list, not the Federal College Grants list. And how about Oberlin College who wants to use your money to fill the position of Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/ Transgender/Queer and Questioning Community Coordinator in the Multicultural Resource Center. There are many more, but you get the point.

Ask the IRS to revoke the tax-exempt status for radical groups

It is bad enough that groups like ACORN and MoveOn.org help steal elections, it is particularly galling that they do so with taxpayer money. They are quite clearly involved in partisan political activities, and therefore should not be eligible for tax-exempt status. To file a complaint about abuse of tax exempt status, complete form 3949 HYPERLINK "http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f3949a.pdf" [url=http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f3949a.pdf]http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f3949a.pdf[/url] and send it to Internal Revenue Service 
Fresno, CA 93888 Key information for form 3949 MoveOn.Org MoveOn has no physical address Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now 597 E. 139th St Bronx, NY 10454 I recommend that you file these forms anonymously. The radical supporters of these groups in both Congress and the Senate have a history of using the IRS to audit those whom they take exception to. Bottom Line The bottom line is this: radicalism is designed to allow one group to take away something from another group. Radicals have lied and cheated, scared you into inaction, and stolen your vote, your voice and your rights. We can sit by and watch radicals take away more of our way of life, or we can stand up and fight for a return to the America we all love and remember. I for one choose to fight. Will you join me?

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Bob Shoup——
