
Why it is not up to employers to provide a living wage Rolf Yungclas | December 30, 2013
Modern American liberalism has become a form of Marxism,

Duck Dynasty and a Christmas Creche Arnold Ahlert | December 30, 2013
Last week the PC crowd and the whiners got shot down. Phil Robertson is back on Duck Dynasty, and the Christmas creche remains on display in Deerfield Beach

A Left-Wing America Stands Alone Daniel Greenfield | December 30, 2013
While the rest of the First World moves on, America remains trapped in the defunct economic and political grip of the left.

Marx or Moses, The Time to Decide is Now

Aren't you just so impressed they were in Davos after the TED talk?

Change the subject

Democrat’s War on Capitalism Michael Oberndorf, RPA | December 30, 2013
Hard-core communist revolutionaries

When The Cat’s Away—The Mice Will Play J.D. Longstreet | December 30, 2013
THIS is what "leading from behind" has wrought. THIS is Obama's foreign policy -- no foreign policy

The Hardest Part Jimmy Reed | December 30, 2013
My New Year’s resolution is to teach students what Jaybird taught me: When you face a task, do this first — the hardest part

Unemployment rate in 2014 Guest Column | December 29, 2013
Budget deal

Looking Into My 2014 Crystal Ball Alan Caruba | December 29, 2013
2014: Year in which Americans woke to the threat of socialism-communism and, like the Tea Party movement, began to fight back

DHS insider gives final warning Doug Hagmann | December 29, 2013
U.S. is a captured operation. The lie is bigger than most people realize or are willing to confront

The Conservative Party is more and more becoming like the "RINO" Republicans in the USA who just don't inspire anybody

Crowdsourcing the End of Free Speech Daniel Greenfield | December 29, 2013
Left aspires to a society in which dissent is suppressed: Society without dissent is totalitarian whether it is ruled by the hateful mob of the Two Minutes Hate or by Big Brother

Overweight and Fit? W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | December 29, 2013
If you’ve developed belly fat, it’s the wrong location for good health. Being apple-shaped is more dangerous than being pear-shaped.

The Invisibility Cloak Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser | December 28, 2013
Metamaterials, Photonics, Nanophotonics, Bending seismic waves

Crooked labs, agencies and prosecutors Paul Driessen | December 28, 2013
EPA Nifongs and Beales prosecute US hydrocarbons, jobs, living standards and health

EPA, the Enforcer of Federal Pollution Control Laws Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | December 28, 2013
EPA’s unchecked power has been blamed for destroying economic prosperity, supply of food, Americans’ means of support, preventing the exploration of much needed resources

Phil Robertson doesn't need A&E, A&E desperately needs Phil Robertson

Palestine - International Scandal Checkmates Israel David Singer | December 28, 2013
Israel seems to have accepted its children being treated as non-entities

Questioning Science Research Jack Dini | December 27, 2013
Faulty statistical methods that have been embedded in the scientific process

Jesse demands a meeting with A&E and Cracker Barrel. ...No one notices.

Some people really should not be left alone with a Bible.

The five-year party.

Support Canada Free Press


"News network" devolves into self-parody

The ABCs of prosperity Herman Cain | December 27, 2013
Why we don't have it, and how we could.

Get ready for more Democrat subject-changing nonsense Dan Calabrese | December 27, 2013
A Contest! What will be this year's Big Bird and "binders full of women"?

The Lithium Squeeze Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser | December 27, 2013
Hope you don’t need any such lithium product when EV manufacturers corner the lithium market and electric cars consume all the lithium available

High on the Tight-Wire Sarge | December 27, 2013
Mary Landrieu, ObamaCare, Louisiana Purchase

Your Money in Pictures: The Top 5 Charts of 2013 Heritage Foundation | December 27, 2013
Obamacare’s Barrage of Tax Hikes
