
Cover Story

A new Michelle emerges in Africa Judi McLeod | June 24, 2011
Hugs and Kisses for Africa, Barack and Michelle are ravaging America and sucking her bones dry

White House Executive Order on Rural Council Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | June 23, 2011
United Nation’s Agenda 21, Sustainable Growth, ICLEI

Congress operates much like the Mafia, except the Mafiosi are not paralyzed with fear when someone calls them “racist” or “birther.”

America, the Sinking Titanic Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | June 22, 2011
Democrat tactics are stealthy, deceptive, well organized, patient, manipulative, and treacherous

Technocracy’s Endgame: Global Smart Grid Guest Column | June 22, 2011
The dark horse of the New World Order is not Communism, Socialism or Fascism: It is Technocracy

Cruise to Gaza—cocktails at 8 Judi McLeod | June 22, 2011
Freedom Flotilla II:

Where does American Exceptionalism Come From? Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | June 20, 2011
The American exceptionalism did not come from the liberal academics who have indoctrinated their pupils for the last forty years into the utopia of socialism and the nanny state

If Christianity is so Bad, Why Does Modern Freedom Only Originate From its Ancestral Territories?

Liberal Twisted Logic Why Gas is Expensive Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | June 18, 2011
Liberalism is a mental disorder. This faux journalism is media bias and gross dereliction of duty

Obama’s ineligibility: Fighting back I Lawrence Sellin | June 17, 2011
Congress is corrupt and has chosen the path of lawlessness

Demonizing America’s silent conservative majority from Canada Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | June 17, 2011
American Fringe

Obama is ineligible for the Presidency according to the natural born citizen clause of the Constitution. Congress knows that there is sufficient evidence of felonies to warrant an investigation

Smiley Face Rules Judi McLeod | June 16, 2011
Michelle’s Smiley Face is Number One News in the Mainstream Media


European Demographic Suicide Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | June 13, 2011
Muslim takeover of many European countries enabled by appeasement, self-censorship, apologies, and bans on “Islamophobia"

Sarah's Naysayers Deliver a Tale Told By Idiots, Full of Sound & Fury, Signifying Nothing

The Bounty Hunters of the Mainstream Media Judi McLeod | June 11, 2011
Sarah Palin's Emails & the news media

Obama’s Inflation Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | June 11, 2011
The Obama administration does not seem concerned with addressing the dire issue of inflation caused by its overspending and out of control money printing

Obama’s ineligibility: Weiner government Lawrence Sellin | June 11, 2011
I can’t imagine anything more important for the country than to face the fact that our politicians are liars, con-artists and crooks

Immortalizing Anthony’s Wiener Judi McLeod | June 10, 2011
Obama's Depression

Obama’s Energy Policy Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | June 9, 2011
President Obama has stated that his goal was to drive coal plants into bankruptcy and energy costs under his presidency would necessarily skyrocket.

Writing about Heaven as an Angel on Earth Judi McLeod | June 9, 2011
Michael Vallins

Like Lexington and Concord, it is time to stand our ground and fight. It is time to take back our government.

Main Stream Media, Sarah Palin, Andrew Breitbart

Support Canada Free Press


Are we in Rome? Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | June 7, 2011
Are there parallels between Rome and our Constitutional Republic?

Scandal Nation Daniel Greenfield | June 6, 2011
The tabloidization of politics makes the task of misgovernment that much easier

Death, Be Not Proud, Though Some Call Thee Mighty & Dreadful, For Thou Art Not So...

Sink To the Bottom With Me Daniel Greenfield | June 5, 2011
While snow was falling on Brooklyn, the Prophet of City Hall was pondering a distant future when the whole city would be underwater

Dancing With Wolves (in Sheep’s Clothing) Michelle Horstman | June 3, 2011
Civil dance obedience

Pictures of Politician Not Wearing Things Judi McLeod | June 3, 2011
Beauty & The Twit:
