
Global Warming-Energy-Environment

China Coal Wrecks Havoc on Climate Goals Jack Dini | November 18, 2023
Two and a half years ago, China President Xi promised to 'strictly control coal fired power generation projects.' After being deceived, the UN, Greenpeace and Joe Biden did nothing at all. And John Kerry somehow saw only 'agreement' and 'hope.'

It’s time for the federal government to listen to the courts and to Canadians. We urge them to not appeal this decision, and to immediately delete ‘plastic manufactured items’ from Schedule 1 of the current Canadian Environmental Protection Act

Biofuel and the Carbon Cycle—Watch till the end News on the Net | November 16, 2023
Carbon Accounting and Carbon Budgeting treats agriculture totally different to every other sector

BBC forced to correct misleading flood scare News on the Net | November 15, 2023
The BBC has been repeatedly accused of institutional alarmism by Net Zero Watch and other observers

Wind Power on Shaky Ground Jack Dini | November 8, 2023
The industry's importance to the Biden administration's green energy plans, as well as the intractable nature of its serious financial problems, make it a prime candidate for government intervention

CARBON DIOXIDE IS VITAL PLANT FOOD Jim Hollingsworth | November 5, 2023
Those who want to eliminate carbon dioxide need to find out why carbon dioxide is so important before they try to move ahead

Continue to demand that local, county, and state governments provide strong legislation to protect the rights of the people they represent. As Rocky Balboa famously said, “That’s how winning is done!"

HELE COAL STILL HAS A VALUABLE PLACE IN THE ENERGY MIX Frontier Centre for Public Policy | October 31, 2023
High Efficiency Low Emission coal technology

Green, Powerless and Defenceless Viv Forbes | October 30, 2023
We are losing the resources, skills and machinery needed for our own security. And we fritter our declining resources on green energy white elephants like Snowy 2, green hydrogen

States that link climate and energy policies to California and ‘climate crisis’ will pay high price

Europe getting more expensive..

Fake Food And GMO Crops Chet Nagle | October 17, 2023
Lab-grown meat is now on American grocery store shelves. Our government says they are safe to eat. But are they safe?

Where Have All the Good Men and Women Gone? Kathleen Marquardt | October 17, 2023
Whatever the reasons, they sure aren’t about cleaning up the environment – each of those actions is destroying the environment

Solar System Heating Up Jack Dini | October 6, 2023
In summary, much of modern warming's alleged link to human activity may have been formulated by selecting data that align with the hypothesis, and neglecting or dismissing data which do not

Superfund cleanups descend into uncertainty Paul Driessen | October 6, 2023
US Supreme Court foregoes opportunity to encourage cleanup of contaminated waste sites

Climate Change Lies Chet Nagle | October 3, 2023
We must end the green tyranny that aims to make us poorer and Gates and his cronies richer

Our entire way of life, of our beliefs in reason, logic, and sound science, are being erased as we do nothing. Let the lion roar!

More bad news for alarmists Jack Dini | September 24, 2023
Petitions And Polls: Bad News For Climate Change Alarmists

Climate Scare Blown Up By Geology Tom Harris | September 18, 2023
Make geology be made mandatory in elementary and High Schools across the western world. This, perhaps more than any other action, would end the climate scare almost overnight as students are able to put today’s events into a geologic perspective

Antarctic Ice Shelves Defying Alarmists Jack Dini | September 13, 2023
How can Antarctica be melting when even the summer temperature is -25 C?

The CO2 Hoax Exposed Steve Rossiter | September 9, 2023
Kaboom! That’s the sound of the CO2 green energy hoax industry collapsing on itself, if anyone is willing to hear

Coal Consumption Around the World Jack Dini | September 2, 2023
In the US, coal demand has been on a downward trend for about 15 years

First they came for my cook top John Burtis | August 28, 2023
it is hard to fathom just far backwards we've come and how far the Biden gang wants us to keep retreating economically, socially and politically

Fighting the Climate Scare to Defend Life Tom Harris | August 27, 2023
What this means, of course, is that intense wildfires are not caused by global warming or CO2 rise, but by inept policy decisions by those responsible for managing our forests

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Wind Problems World-Wide Jack Dini | August 26, 2023
People don't like bird bashing giants and thumping infrasound.

The Green Drive to Reorganize Human Society Tom Deweese | August 21, 2023
To stop them, freedom activists must bring the same passion and determination into fighting for our property, local business, and personal freedoms

Sun, Earth, Neptune and the Arsenal of Truth John Burtis | August 21, 2023
Fallacious ongoing nattering of John Fawbs Kerry and Greta Thunberg and the Sun's effects on Neptune

A New Rejuvenation & Renaissance: Full Spectrum Energy Dominance which only The United States of America Can Do

However, the taps may soon be turned off by Mother Nature and Mister Margin. In their implacable way, financial markets are now signalling a recession

Climate Models Still Lacking Jack Dini | August 5, 2023
The uncertainties in modeling of both climate change and the consequences of future greenhouse gas emissions
