
Global Warming-Energy-Environment

Bird lives worth more than military lives? Steve Milloy | August 17, 2009
There’s something very wrong about a society that values some dead birds on a par with dead soldiers

Obama Czar Favors “Planetary Regime” Cliff Kincaid | August 17, 2009
Dr. John P. Holdren fall short of the mark, cannot wiggle out of responsibility for statements

The New Dark Ages of Britain & The U.S. Alan Caruba | August 16, 2009
Environmental movement, particularly in America, is quite literally an internal enemy

Trying to replay the 1980s Salmon Crisis Dennis Avery | August 16, 2009
Pacific Decadal Oscillation, Salmon Industry Collapse

Green Power? - Consumers not Politicians should decide

Astronomers: 'Maunder Minimum will arrive in time to save planet from utterly foolish global carbon tax'

The ACCF/NAM Estimate of Waxman-Markey Institute for Energy Research | August 14, 2009
Study of the economic impacts of the pending Waxman-Markey bill

Cap-and-trade creator says it won’t work Steve Milloy | August 14, 2009
Using a cap-and-trade system to address the global greenhouse-gas issue

Plans for Poverty Viv Forbes | August 12, 2009
Emissions are produced by everything we do – if we use electricity, steel, cement, timber, cars, trucks, planes, ships, trains

GE’s dredging stirred up the formerly entombed PCBs

Obama: Post-partisan or Most-partisan? Steve Milloy | August 11, 2009
So is he really the post-partisan politician that was pitched to America in 2008?

Northeasterners forced to give up oil heat? Steve Milloy | August 11, 2009
Thousands of homes might have to replace oil furnaces with wood-burning heaters

ICYMI: Cold in the dark prospects Institute for Energy Research | August 11, 2009
Federal energy policies spell shortages, rising prices

The Not-So-Green Pope Guest Column | August 10, 2009
Benedict XVI, Climate change has little if anything to do with man-made greenhouse gases

Audit needed on the Green Jobs Program Viv Forbes | August 9, 2009
Real jobs are those that produce unsubsidized goods or services, important green jobs in Australia

Giving up meat to save the planet? Dennis Avery | August 9, 2009
Persistent, shallow global food myths, The Meat of the Problem

Court-ordered shutoff of water to the state's Central Valley farmland: All to protect a minnow

I Accuse! Alan Caruba | August 8, 2009
United Nations environmental program Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, creating a huge hoax, “global warming”

These programs would have created American jobs without imposing additional costs on taxpayers

China, Russia, Cuba, Brazil Advance Robust, Supply-Focused Energy Policy Institute for Energy Research | August 8, 2009
In Washington, Senate panel looks for new ways to ration, constrict American energy

Estimate the costs and benefits of cap and trade legislation

Efforts Should Send Strong Message to Interior Dept. to Open OCS in Five-Year Plan

Administrator Refers Senators To Source ‘Independent of Political Appointees’

Sen. John Kerry (D-Green Mafia) Coal, Taxpayer welfare or a green rub-out

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Next: Cash-for-refrigerators Steve Milloy | August 7, 2009
$30 rebate

Obama wants tort lawsuits over CO2 Steve Milloy | August 7, 2009
Paving the way to sue Al Gore for breathing

Concern on Carbon Costs of Camel Cull Viv Forbes | August 7, 2009
Shooting 1 Million camels

Replaced in the next decade at a cost of $750 million per year

Abracadabra Energy Policy Institute for Energy Research | August 6, 2009
Are the Generating Alternatives to Coal-Fired Electricity Ready for Waxman-Markey Targets?

Killing Pesticides, Not Pests Alan Caruba | August 5, 2009
Beneficial chemicals that protect crops and humans from insect pests, Environmental Protection Agency, environmental groups
