
Gail Jarvis

Gail Jarvis is a Coastal Georgia based freelance writer. Following a career as a CPA/business consultant, Mr. Jarvis now critiques the establishment's selective and misleading reporting of current events and history. Gail can be reached at: gail.jarvis@gmail.com

Most Recent Articles by Gail Jarvis:

Will Kamala Harris Be The Next Obama

The Left and its compliant news media obsesses about “White privilege” and the harm they claim it's causing our nation. But even more harm is caused by the phenomenon known as “identity-based privilege” ; the decades-long special advantages and unreasonable dispensations bestowed because of race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.
- Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Network News Has Evolved From Slanted To Fake

Statistical results of opinion polls vary, but they all indicate that the public's trust in news media is at an all time low. And its not just President Trump that's concerned about “fake news.” The public has serious reservations about whether the news reports they read are factual or simply “made-up.”
- Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Deplorables Versus Effete Snobs

In the late 1960s, Vice President Spiro Agnew used the phrase “effete snobs” to characterize establishment elites who considered themselves so superior that others should kowtow to their demands and opinions.
- Monday, May 22, 2017

Politics Of Recent Decades Has Made American Cities Less Safe

When you read about the worst cities in the United States you'll find that they all share a common characteristic: each has been under Democratic leadership for decades. Most of you have read horror stories about some of these cities; Detroit, Cleveland, Birmingham, St. Louis, and New Orleans. In many ways, the deterioration of these cities is a microcosm of what's gone wrong with our nation.
- Friday, March 24, 2017

Paul Ryan Exemplifies The Need For Term Limits

Our Founding Fathers would be thoroughly disillusioned by how the form of government they envisioned has been altered and abused. The Founders thought they were creating a governing structure radically different from the British Monarchy the colonists had escaped from.
- Friday, August 5, 2016

Voter Fraud Is A Serious Threat To The Election

The proliferating violence and threats of violence by Islamic Terrorists and Black Lives Matter thugs is another powerful indication of how crucial the upcoming presidential election is. President Obama and his clone, Hillary Clinton, not only refuse to find fault with these two factions, they even blame today's violence on the racism of police and the evils of White privilege. Because our president condones the violence, it will continue until a new political philosophy is established in Washington.
- Monday, July 25, 2016

We Cannot Wait Another Four Years To Begin Saving America

Barack Obama maintains that the concept of government envisioned by our Founding Fathers hasn't worked and must be changed. As the 2008 election drew to a close, Obama stated " We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America." With this arrogant boast Obama placed himself on the level with our Founding Fathers, implying that he not only knows what's best for America, but is capable of imposing it.
- Monday, May 30, 2016

We Must Rein In The Abolishing Of Our Traditions

London's election of Sadiq Khan, its first Muslim mayor is being hailed by the Left as a sign of progress. Mr. Khan was sworn-in at a Multi-Faith Ceremony using a Quran rather than a Bible. Females accompanying the new mayor wore the hijab and Islamic attire common in their non-Christian culture. Buses in London and other English cities are being adorned with large signs bearing the incantation "Subhan Allah" (Glory to Allah.)
- Monday, May 9, 2016

America Needs Congressional Term-Limits And A President From Outside-the-Beltway

In the 1960s, when flower children replaced American traditions with a "feel-good" counter-culture, their rallying cry was: "Don't trust anyone over 30." Now in their declining years, these elderly flower children must surely experience deja vu when they witness the antics of today's post-pubertal do-gooders. Like the flower children, today's young people are driven to correct what they perceive as society's flaws. This is their "Rite of Passage", the sociological term for ritualistic behaviors engaged in as young persons mature into adulthood.
- Saturday, April 2, 2016

Can Mainstream Media Elect The President

Being in the eighth decade of my life, I have lived through far-reaching, and distressing, changes in American society. I have also witnessed how the process for selecting presidents has altered, gradually, subtly, and without official sanction. An indication of changes to the presidential selection process is the powerful influence mainstream media has acquired over the years. Mainstream media's dominance of television and the Internet is profoundly impacting the public's political opinions.
- Monday, March 14, 2016

The Prima Donna of Fox News

Megyn Kelly is currently the reigning queen of the young, attractive females that have become the mainstay of television networks. Most viewers of Fox News are probably unaware of what is involved in preparing Kelly for the camera; getting her ready is so time-consuming that it is unfortunate that her appearances couldn't just be photoshopped.
- Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Feminists, Lunacy, And The Southern Belle

The recent malicious denigration of Southern sorority girls by radical feminists might appear to have only regional connotations, but it actually has nationwide implications. Excerpts from two journalistic assaults on these young women will illustrate how ridiculous radical feminism has become. The feminist writers of these articles call these young girls "Southern belles." They use the term in a derogatory sense because it implies femininity and charm; gender attributes that feminists maintain are a form of social control, i.e., gender roles prevent women from achieving equality with men. Gender activists fault these young college girls for making themselves attractive and going on dates rather than railing against the campus rape culture. Instead of dating, feminists insist that young women should be promoting women's issues and crusading for diversity and inclusion. By behaving as young females often do, these girls have incurred the wrath of feminists do-gooders.
- Thursday, August 27, 2015

Two Events That Are Symbolic Of Our Current Society

Being a citizen of the United States for over eighty years, I have seen and heard a lot of very strange things, especially during what is charitably called "political discourse." I witnessed another of these fantastic incidents recently. This one was particularly troubling, because it has become so commonplace that it could be described as symbolic of this era. I am referring to presidential candidate Martin O'Malley's cringing public apology for saying "all lives matter." In all my years, I never dreamed the time would come when an American had to apologize for saying "all lives matter."
- Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Two Sides to Every Story Doesn't Apply to Confederate Flags

Leftists and grievance groups now feel that the time is ripe to radically alter society. Their two top "justifications" for eliminating the existing society are the 'legacy of slavery' and Christian "convictions" that inhibit progress; progress as defined by Mr. Obama and the Left. The strategy the Left is using to eliminate aspects of American society is the same strategy that has been so successful in eliminating all things Southern.
- Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Will the Jefferson Memorial be Taken Down?

In the past anyone who questioned whether the Jefferson Memorial might be taken down would have been dismissed as a screwball. But it is the kind of question that is being raised in this bizarre society we're living in. A CNN anchor recently questioned whether the Jefferson Memorial should continue to stand. One of her cohorts responded that it might be time to "rethink Jefferson." To understand these media types, we must remember that most were born after 1970, so they came of age during the heyday of Political Correctness. What they were taught about the United States was radically different from what previous generations were taught.
- Thursday, June 25, 2015

Robert E. Lee, Southern Heritage, Media Bias, and Al Sharpton

As you can probably surmise by my detailed caption, this article is a collection of random thoughts. It is typical at the beginning of a new year for people to reflect soberly on the state of events, and make optimistic resolutions and predictions for the future. Although I will try to maintain a hopeful outlook, I'm afraid I am unable to make any starry-eyed predictions.
- Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Will Someone tell the Mainstream Media about the Booker T. Washington Society

Mainstream media reports usually focus on racial establishments like the NAACP and Al Sharpton's organizations; those organizations that not only disapprove of American society, but also express hostility towards white Americans. But rarely if ever does the media mention the Booker T. Washington Society: a society that espouses Mr. Washington's philosophy of conciliatory rather than adversarial interactions between blacks and whites.
- Friday, January 2, 2015

A Christmas Story for the Old South

A Christmas Story for the Old SouthMuch to the annoyance of multiculturists, Christmas is still America's most celebrated holiday, and in the weeks preceding this festive time, traditional Christmas stories will appear on television screens. We can expect to see numerous versions of Charles Dickens renowned tale, A Christmas Carol, O.Henry's The Gift of the Magi, and Sherlock Holmes enthusiasts like myself look forward to adaptations of Conan Doyle's The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle.
- Monday, December 8, 2014

Third Reconstruction Will End America As We Know It

Two of the federal government's most futile and costly social experiments were Reconstruction and Prohibition. Although both failed, both still have supporters. It is unlikely that Prohibition could be resurrected , but there was a so-called Second Reconstruction a little over fifty years ago, and now we are hearing rumblings about the need for a Third Reconstruction. Basically, those who advocate this latest reconstruction want the government to redistribute income and wealth more “evenly.”
- Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Why isn't Mary Landrieu smart enough to play the race card properly?

Why isn't Mary Landrieu smart enough to play the race card properly?
'Mary had a little scam To fleece the voters' views And everywhere her campaign went Her race scam made the news.'
Most of us are dumbstruck by the over-exploitation of the race card by Democrats. Their exaggerated playing of the race card is incredibly cliched and worn out. Do they really think that voters are gullible enough to swallow their hokum? Do they really believe that the intellects of American voters are that small? If I were a black voter I would be incensed that Democratic candidates assume that I was boneheaded enough to fall for these idiotic racial accusations.
- Saturday, November 1, 2014
