
Dr. Norman Berdichevsky

Dr. Norman Berdichevsky nberdichevsky.com, Ph.D. - Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1974, is an author, freelance writer, editor, researcher, lecturer, translator and teacher with sophisticated communications skills.

Most Recent Articles by Dr. Norman Berdichevsky:

Israel’s Allies in 1948; The USSR, Czechoslovakia, American Mainline Churches and the Left

The nearly universal belief, never challenged by the media, is that the United States was wholly or largely and “morally” responsible for fully supporting Israel on the ground from the very beginning of its independence in May, 1948. The world has been inundated with a tsunami of Arab propaganda and crocodile tears shed for the “Palestinians” who have reveled in what they refer to as their Catastrophe or Holocaust (“Nabka” in Arabic).
- Monday, September 20, 2010

The New York Times and BBC; Just the News they See Fit to Print

The most influential book written about why intelligent, dedicated and noble men with the highest motives fell under the hypnotic spell of Communism remains The God That Failed, a collection of thirteen essays by Arthur Koestler, Ignazio Silone, Richard Wright, Andre Gide, Louis Fischer, Stephen Spender, R. H. S. Crossman and the book's editor Steven Engerman. The essays chronicle the noble motives that drew these individuals to the Party, its cynical manipulation of their idealism and their ultimate disillusionment and sense of betrayal.
- Saturday, September 18, 2010

President Obama’s Cairo Speech

President Obama's Cairo speech in June 2009 was equally misleading about what he said and didn't say regarding the "Muslim World", Islam, Israel, Human Rights and His African Black Brothers.
- Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Truth Imitates Fiction—It Has Already Happened Here

imageIt Can't Happen Here was a best-selling satirical political novel by Sinclair Lewis published in 1935. It aroused considerable controversy when published and in the years leading up to World War II. The plot featured the account of a crusading newspaperman, Doremus Jessup, struggling against the newly elected fascist regime of President Berzelius "Buzz" Windrip, a populist leader whom some observers on the political Right assumed was a parody of FDR while others, particularly on the political Left, rejected the possibility that a "popular" leader of the Democrat Party could possibly lead the country into a Fascist regime.
- Sunday, September 12, 2010

Obama Set to Follow Tiger

imageRarely has history ever witnessed the strikingly similar careers of two stars -- from the diverse worlds of sports and politics. The plot is however well tried and tested by the media and Hollywood -- meteoric stardom accompanied by the adulation of a worshipful press followed by colossal failure and or scandal and a precipitous nose dive, ending in a crash, prompting recourse to such Biblical proverbs as "Oh How the Mighty Have Fallen!" (2 Samuel: 1-25)
- Saturday, September 11, 2010

Conformity masquerading as diversity

For more than a generation now, one of the most powerful weapons used by the Liberal-Left in American politics is to justify differential treatment of citizens, referred to by the euphemism of "affirmative action." The overriding consideration used to expound on the need for such differential treatment in hiring for jobs in teaching, government, and large sectors of the private sector has been the acquisition of DIVERSITY.
- Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Parallel Universe?” ; Nazis in Newark, 1933-39 and Their Counterparts Today

(A book review of Nazis in Newark by Warren Grover, Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, N.J., 2003; ISBN 978-0-7658-0516-4) The crisis we face today that has resulted in an ever more aggressive and truculent, militant Islam threatening the foundations of Western civilization from without and within, bears an uncanny parallel, almost a parallel universe, with the dreadful anxiety-filled 1930s, when a virulent Nazism intimidated and cowed much of public opinion throughout the United States.
- Saturday, September 4, 2010

Why American Jews Vote so Liberal and Why They Shouldn’t

Time and time again, I read in websites and blogs around the internet the question and puzzling paradox posed by Gentiles who strongly support Israel, how can it be that so many Jews continue to blindly vote for ultra-liberal causes that are inherently ultra-critical of Israel and even subliminally of Jews.
- Friday, September 3, 2010

Our Judeo-Christian Heritage

What is meant by "Our Judeo-Christian-Heritage"? What upsets both many Jews and Christians when President Obama reversed the order traditionally used by public figures and spoke of the United States as "A Country of Christians and Muslims,"? Is not Islam one of the "Three Abrahamic Religions" as many Muslims claim? How does Islam fundamentally differ? What does the history of Islamic expansion and its views on the individual, society and what the Constitution calls "inalienable rights" portend?
- Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Read This Book; See This Film

THE BOOK Let me recommend one book that more than any other lays bare the realities of what we face from Islam and the cult of death which is subscribed to by a large part of the Islamic leadership, first and foremost in Iran, among Al-Qaeda, the Taliban and their supporters in a wide range of societies in Somalia and the Sudan and across the globe waiting for circumstances to be ripe after years of demanding “Sharia Compliance”.
- Sunday, August 29, 2010

How Jews Laugh at Themselves and why Muslims Seek Martyrdom

How have Israelis managed to survive psychologically once again after so many conflicts, war, terrorism and threats of annihilation? Jewish humor, like every other aspect of life, was conditioned by centuries of existence as an outcast minority subject to scorn, rejection and, at times, ostracism from the rest of society.
- Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Media’s Vain Search for Why Muslims “Become Radicalized”

Our media and government have essentially promoted an ignorance of what motivates Muslims to undertake violent acts preferring to focus on their individual problems of being marginalized in Western societies and subject to discrimination, estrangement due to their inability to integrate or be successful. The look of benign puzzlement on the face of Attorney General Holden when asked about the common factor of "Radical Islam" in the behavior and attempted acts of terrorism by those individuals apprehended and questioned over the past year and a half of the Obama administration reveals a profound avoidance of following the dictum if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck.
- Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Jihad in The Twentieth Century and Today

Look at any college textbook on comparative religions or world geography and what you learn about Islam is essentially the harmless but colorful doctrines of devotion and worship that Muslims around the world practice on a daily or seasonal basis, referred to as The Five Pillars of Islam.
- Monday, August 23, 2010

The Myth of the Golden Age in Muslim Spain

imageApologists for Islam including those agitating for a mosque and Muslim community center at Ground Zero (labeled as the "Cordoba Initiative") never tire of referring to the "Golden Age" of tolerance that supposedly characterized seven centuries of Muslim dominated Spain. This fundamentally flawed assessment draws the wrong conclusion based on fragmentary evidence and distorts the larger picture. It is usually portrayed in such rosy terms by those who have no access to primary Spanish language historical sources and ignores the reality of enormous destruction wrought by the three Arab-Berber Muslim invasions that repeatedly sought to hold on to control and rule over the indigenous peoples of Spain who had been reduced to second class citizens in their own homeland; see for example the recent best seller - Espana Frente al Islam De Mahoma a Ben Laden" by Cesar Vidal, 2005; La Sfera de los Libros.
- Saturday, August 21, 2010

Islam and America: From Barbary Pirates to the Ground zero Mosque

Numerous “Liberal” opinion pieces/editorials in the American press defending the decision by President Obama to support the “right” to build a mosque at ground-zero casts call opponents of the mosque in Manhattan at Ground Zero Republicans and or bigots. Apparently they wrote this before the statement of Democratic Senate majority Leader Harry Reid or the interview of Bill O’Reilly with the director of the largest Muslim Association in Canada, both of whom called for the mosque to be built elsewhere. They have been joined by the editors of Al-Arabiya who also argue that the decision to build a mosque at Ground Zero is unfortunate and not in the interests of American Muslims and that in that area of lower Manhattan there is no resident Muslim population whatsoever.
- Wednesday, August 18, 2010
