
Timothy Birdnow

Timothy Birdnow is a conservative writer and blogger and lives in St. Louis Missouri. His work has appeared in many popular conservative publications including but not limited to The American Thinker, Pajamas Media, Intellectual Conservative and Orthodoxy Today. Tim is a featured contributor to American Daily Reviewand has appeared as a Guest Host on the Heading Right Radio Network. Tim's website is tbirdnow.mee.nu.

Most Recent Articles by Timothy Birdnow:

Hot Zone America

Hot Zone America
It has taken five days for authorities to get around to decontaminating the apartment of Liberian Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan.
- Sunday, October 5, 2014

Why the Liberals Hate Israel

There is much discussion these days of why the Media and liberals in general are so anti-Israel. It should be obvious to any casual but attentive observer that the media has a bias in favor of the Muslims and in opposition to Israel. Stories about the Gaza war have headlines like "Israel Resumes Gaza Strikes After Cease-Fire Lull - ABC News" or BBC News - Gaza conflict: UN accuses Israel over Jabaliya attack. In fact, a scan of the headlines suggest that Israel was and is the aggressor, while Hamas was minding its own business and only defending itself.
- Saturday, August 9, 2014

Bare Bones of the Planning of Revolution

On June 28 in 2009, José Manuel Zelaya Rosales was prevented from staging a coup d'etat in Honduras by the Honduran military. Zelaya, a Hugo Chavez wannabee, dreamed of extending his term of office beyond the constitutionally allowable two terms, and he was proceeding with a "referendum" to grant him a third term. The constitution of Honduras did not allow for this, and in fact any president so proposing another term immediately forfeited his office. The Honduran supreme court, at the behest of the national congress, asked the military to forcibly remove the renegade, and the military (quite properly) acted to remove a would-be dictator. American liberals called it a coup and demanded Zelaya's reinstatement.
- Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Ivy League Sexual Apocalypse

Joe Biden, the Captain Peachfuzz of the current Jay Ward Administration, has repeated the claim that one in five college girls will be raped before they finish their academic careers. Peachfuzz, er, Biden was taking his cue from the feminists, who were themselves taking their shrieking points from a lone study that makes this rather dubious assertion. (Hat tip: Christopher Pasley)
- Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Saul Alinsky Tactics and the BLM War

The internet has been buzzing for the last few days with hysterical hypocrisy from the Left over some remarks made by Clive Bundy, the Nevada Rancher who recently staved off a paramilitary assault by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Bundy made a comment that perhaps black people were better off slaves (as opposed to the neo-slavery of benevolent government.) He was roundly thrashed for his remarks.
- Saturday, April 26, 2014

Dirty EPA Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

The Environmental Protection Agency is full of dirty tricks. Under the Obama Administration (and the tutelage of first Sheila Jackson and now "tailgunner" Gina McCarthy (Are you now or have you ever been a member of Koch Industries?) the EPA has spiraled out of control, conducting human experimentation reminiscent of Joseph Mangle, Declaring Milk to be an oil thus forcing dairy farmers to purchase expensive "toxic spill" equipment, declaring silver particles a "pesticide", has unilaterally reduced the amount of particulate matter allowed in the air in defiance of its' own research results, Reduced sulphur levels for no good reason.
- Monday, April 21, 2014

The Customer is Always Right - Except where Healthcare is Concerned

The Invisible Hand, Adam Smith called it. A free market, one truly free, presupposes no judgment upon the collective actions of the participants, since that market will necessarily discipline those who overstep their moral boundaries. Smith understood that the Market is actually an expression of Natural Law, and as such comes from God, and is not merely a construct of Man. The construct of Man is the regulated, guided, command market. Socialism is the final expression of an artificial economic construct.
- Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Police and Progressive Law

The Police and Progressive Law
Yesterday a local radio personality here in St. Louis (Dave Glover) asked the question "why do so many people in our audience hate the police?" It's a fair question; there are many good and noble police officers and they are enforcing our laws. But many people are quite unhappy with the police, and there are good reasons for that.
- Sunday, April 6, 2014

Article V Convention; Be Careful What You Wish For

There is an old adage "be careful what you wish for, you might get it." This is illustrative of human intellectual limitations, of our inability to see the consequences of our actions. Often what we wish turns out to be more curse than blessing and we are sorry for having ever sought it out. This is especially true in politics, and rarely do our best-laid plans work out as we envision.
- Monday, March 10, 2014

The Devil and Al Gore

"Now I am become Death, Destroyer of Worlds"--J. Robert Oppenheimer Al Gore - the man who was a hair's breath away from being President of the United States - is calling for world population control.
- Saturday, February 8, 2014

The threat of open civil war looms large over the Republican Party,

The threat of open civil war looms large over the Republican Party, and the underlying causes seem to puzzle both politicians and pundits in the GOP Establishment (it's absolutely baffling to the Liberals in the media and Democrats, but that is no surprise.)
- Monday, January 27, 2014

Cone Heads

Recent events in the Garden State have illustrated a serious medical condition affecting the journalism community, one we have witnessed among journalists before. A conniption is a rare psychological disorder, one apparently generated by actions performed by a certain class of people.
- Monday, January 13, 2014

West Antarctic Ice Melt; Water or Fire?

Poor Global Warming just can't catch a break. Planetary temperatures aren't cooperating, nor is the rate of sea level rise, and now even West Antarctica seems to be gouging James Hansen in the eye.
- Saturday, December 7, 2013

Judge Not - Lest Ye Be Boys

Yet another example of the war on Boyhood. Apparently the headmaster at a charter school threatened to expel an 8-year-old boy for drawing Halloween costumes - of a ninja, a star wars character, and a soldier. These drawings showed the characters carrying some sort of arms.
- Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Ayatollah Obama; Twin Heresies

"He said, 'Fight them so that there is no more rebellion, and religion, all of it, is for Allah only. Allah must have no rivals.'" --Ishaq:324 When Constantinople fell in 1453 the conquering Turks systematically expunged all evidence of Christian influence there. Perhaps the most egregious thing they did was to convert the world famous Haiga Sophia, basilica of the Patriarch of Constantinople, to a mosque, plastering over the magnificent mosaics that adorned the walls of that famous house of Christian worship. This act of vandalism was hardly unique in the history if Islam; Islam tolerates no competitors in the lands they take by force.
- Sunday, October 6, 2013

Boys in the Middle East Hood

In a very insightful article at Asia Times Online Dr. Reuven Brenner makes the case against a "two state solution" in Palestine, arguing that there really aren't just the two groups involved (Jews and Palestinians) but that there are actually four separate groups that can be categorized as Palestinians, and that there is no real "state" in the whole region. The Middle East has splintered into disparate groups of military organizations, each with their own leadership and agenda. Brenner's point is that a traditional solution involving partition cannot work, as we have no one group here to hand over the reins of power. Brenner is essentially arguing that, like Africa immediately after de-colonization, the Middle East has essentially become tribal.
- Monday, September 9, 2013

Obama’s Limits to Growth

In 1972 the Club of Rome put out a blueprint for international action called "Limits to Growth , a study based on computer models simulating unrestrained economic and population growth verses finite planetary resources. Working from a static vision of wealth Limits predicted doom as the world's population continued to rise and the planet's resources continued to dwindle. Limits was a landmark document, spawning the "sustainability" movement worldwide.
- Saturday, August 3, 2013
