
Dan Calabrese

Dan Calabrese’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain Follow all of Dan's work, including his series of Christian spiritual warfare novels, by liking his page on Facebook.

Most Recent Articles by Dan Calabrese:

Supremes to Obama: We'll just see about those recess appointments, pal

It will come as a surprise to a certain former constitutional law professor, but apparently there does come a point when a president with no regard for constitutional limits on his authority gets held accountable. The Washington Post reports that the Supreme Court has agreed to consider an appeal by congressional Republicans that Obama exceeded his authority to make recess appointments by naming Richard Cordray and several members of the NLRB when the Senate was not in recess:
- Monday, January 13, 2014

Apatow: It's sexist and mysoginistic that you question why we're always showing Lena Dunham naked

If you have HBO and you've seen Lena Dunham's show Girls, you've got something on me. Maybe not something good, but something. I don't really know a lot about the show and I have no interest in learning, but apparently it's par for the course that Dunham's character is seen walking around naked a lot - often when there is no particular reason the story requires it.
- Saturday, January 11, 2014

Humana: ObamaCare mix of sick-to-healthy and old-to-young even worse than expected

Industry death spiral, you are upon us. Welcome to the inevitable result when government passes a law that presumes to eliminate market forces that are natural and entirely rational, only to make off-the-cuff tweaks and exemptions in response to political blowback without any consideration of how said changes will affect the delicate balance of the market as a whole - not that any such consideration was given when the law was passed in the first place. Humana had no choice but to admit the following in its latest securities filing (via Reuters):
- Saturday, January 11, 2014

Ex-Defense Secretary Gates: Obama didn't believe his own strategy

Conservatives are pretty excited today about news that a new book by former Defense Secretary Robert Gates essentially throws President Obama under the bus - particularly with respect to Afghanistan, where Gates believes Obama really didn't believe his own surge had a chance of working and really just wanted to get out because he didn't believe the war was "his". It is, after all, all about him.
- Wednesday, January 8, 2014

VIDEO: Dennis Rodman goes nuts on CNN

I know what you're going to say. "What do you mean goes nuts?" Fair question. But if this is the guy representing our country in "basketball diplomacy" or any other kind of diplomacy, particularly in dealing with a petulant lunatic who may possess nuclear weapons . . . OK, I'm still not totally convinced John Kerry is preferable, but see for yourself:
- Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A couple to emulate: Congratulations on 69 years!

I know some of you don't like them because he was "not a true conservative," or because she's maybe kinda sorta pro-choice or something. Forget about that for a minute and focus on this:
- Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A couple to emulate: Congratulations on 69 years!

I know some of you don't like them because he was "not a true conservative," or because she's maybe kinda sorta pro-choice or something. Forget about that for a minute and focus on this:
- Monday, January 6, 2014

Marijuana legalization is nothing to celebrate

I could write thousands of words about this, but I don't really want to today. People's positions on marijuana set in so hard that it doesn't really matter what facts you put before them. A study that shows brain impact or a connection to psychosis (and they're easy enough to find, so go ahead and look if you want) is simply written off as fraudulent by the determined stoner. Then you sit there arguing about which "study" is legitimate. It's a waste of time.
- Monday, January 6, 2014

WSJ op-ed destroys Obama's favorite slow-economy excuse

You've probably heard your liberal friends offer this excuse many times. You point out to them that, historically, recessions are followed by strong recoveries, and the deeper the recession, the stronger and faster the recovery. All of this tends to cast Obama's economic policies in a pretty unhappy light given the paltry 2 percent annualized GDP growth we've seen throughout his presidency.
- Friday, January 3, 2014

Obama Administration to Supremes: Force Catholics to provide contraception

Per Fox News, the White House is not taking the surprising order the other day from Sonia Sotomayer lying down. Everybody in, nobody out! That's how it works when you socialize anything, you know. Central planning geniuses will tell you all day long that their designs are infallible as long as you don't let people opt out of what the central planners think they should be doing.
- Friday, January 3, 2014

Attention IRS: I am ObamaCare non-compliant and I don't really care

I just thought you might like a quick update now that we've passed the ObamaCare enrollment deadline. I told you back in September that my family and I were leaning toward remaining uninsured. Since then we've continued to look at options - at one point actually signing up for high-deductible insurance only to cancel it when the insurer tried to bill us a premium 50 percent higher than the one they quoted, insisting they never offered the very premium they quoted both via phone and online.
- Thursday, January 2, 2014

MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry decides making fun of Mitt Romney's black grandson wasn't such a good idea

If you haven't seen the video clip, feast your eyes below. Honestly I found it not so much offensive as just dumb, and fairly standard fare for MSNBC. Oh look, a black face among Republicans. Isn't that funny? It's what passes for humor among people who, as a certain someone might say, really need to flee the bubble in which they live. But aside from being dumb, which is hardly remarkable on this network, what was the big deal?
- Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Good point by Laura Ingraham: It's risky for the GOP to bank everything on ObamaCare

We've been saying much the same thing here, and Laura Ingraham really drives it home in this commentary last night during her guest-hosting gig on Bill O'Reilly's show. If the Republicans are betting all their 2014 hopes on ObamaCare - and it sure appears that they are - there's a lot of risk in that strategy:
- Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Media pretty worked up that 1/3 of poll respondents reject evolution

This is a never-ending story because pollsters and the media keep regenerating it. A new poll from Pew indicates that one-third of American adults reject the idea of evolution, and stories like this one from USA Today are quick to imply this represents some sort of rejection of science by people of faith
- Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Democrat house organ admits minimum wage push is political ploy

Maybe this is more a reflection of how talking-pointy everything has become, that discussions of policy initiatives don't even bother to pretend anymore that they're really about policy. Still, since we've established pretty clearly that the New York Times is the de facto house organ of the Democratic Party, it gets your attention when they report with no apparent sense of embarrasment that this whole minimum wage business nothing more than politics. And they do!
- Monday, December 30, 2013

So, that NYT Benghazi 'investigation' to cover for Hillary isn't working out too well, huh?

I think the New York Times has basically just missed the fact that the world isn't what it used to be. Maybe they should ask Thomas Friedman about how we're all hyperconnected! . . . but I doubt it would do any good. The Times does what it does, which is to write Democratic Party propaganda dressed up as news reporting, and simply count on the rest of the world to buy the disguise. For decades it got away with this because there was no such thing as alternative media to expose its nonsense.
- Monday, December 30, 2013
