
Dan Calabrese

Dan Calabrese’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain Follow all of Dan's work, including his series of Christian spiritual warfare novels, by liking his page on Facebook.

Most Recent Articles by Dan Calabrese:

Kavanaugh letter to Grassley: I will not be intimidated into withdrawing

Kavanaugh Nor should he, obviously, but nominees for federal offices have withdrawn over less than what Kavanaugh’s facing right now. The last-minute second accuser was as predictable as the day is long because this is how these smear campaigns always work. Don’t be surprised if there’s a third accuser by Thursday – also with a vague, impossible-to-pin-down story that comes without evidence or corroboration but is solemnly believed by all Democrats because hey, women don’t ever lie.
- Tuesday, September 25, 2018

How Trump’s exit from the nuclear deal is already putting the hurt on Iran

How Trump’s exit from the nuclear deal is already putting the hurt on Iran There was some doubt – and I harbored some myself – that the U.S. pulling out unilaterally from the Iran nuclear deal would really put any meaningful pressure on Iran. The deal was between six countries, and even if U.S. companies were not able to do business with Iran, those in the others still seemed eager to do so. Even if the U.S. could freeze Iran’s remaining assets, they could probably find a way to get at them by laundering them through other countries.
- Monday, September 24, 2018

Google CEO to employees: Maybe we need to try to be nonpartisan, you think?

Google CEO to employees: Maybe we need to try to be nonpartisan, you think?Google is absolutely, positively, without question, beyond a shadow of a doubt, not biased. But just in case, its CEO Sundar Pichai figured he had better make sure Google’s employees know that. I mean, when you watch videos of Google executives indulging in a cry-fest following the election of Donald Trump, you might get the impression that Google leans a tad to the left.
- Monday, September 24, 2018

Expel Dianne Feinstein from the Senate

Expel Dianne Feinstein from the Senate There are breaches of trust and ethics so serious that they warrant the highest and most severe possible penalty. We rarely see such penalties applied, not necessarily because they are not justified but more likely because humans have a natural inclination to avoid being harsh if there is any reasonable alternative.
- Friday, September 21, 2018

New applications for unemployment benefits lowest since 1969

It was 1969. There wasn’t even $100 billion in the whole world! (At least that’s what Tim Robbins told Dr. Evil.) New applications for unemployment benefits lowest since 1969 The Miracle New York Mets were on their way to the World Series. Led Zeppelin released its first album. My baby sister was born. (Next year she turns . . . ah, you can work that out and I won’t get in trouble.)
- Thursday, September 20, 2018

Trump orders extensive sections of the Carter Page FISA application, Strzok/Page texts declassified

Trump orders extensive sections of the Carter Page FISA application, Strzok/Page texts declassified This is what some of us have been asking him to do for months – and wondering what was taking so long. There are three possibilities to come from it: 1. It will prove the FBI was hiding something and tell us what; 2. It will demonstrate the much-ballyhooed redactions were mundane business and no big deal; or 3. It will reveal more ambiguities that everyone interprets according to their partisan predispositions.
- Tuesday, September 18, 2018

If this accusation takes Kavanaugh down, no one will be safe from baseless smears again

BRETT KAVANAUGH It’s imperative now that Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed, and not only because of the stakes for the Supreme Court. Yes, we’re going to find ourselves in quite a pickle if President Trump has to choose another nominee so close to the mid-term elections, and we’re looking at the possibility of a Democrat Senate next year that won’t confirm anyone he nominates – unless it’s someone chosen from a pre-approved list Charles Schumer helpfully provides.
- Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Former NASA scientist: No, climate change is not making hurricanes worse

Former NASA scientist: No, climate change is not making hurricanes worse “Why does the Washington Post say such stupid things?” asks Dr. Roy Spencer, who is an actual atmospheric scientist. Part of the answer is obviously that they don’t know what they’re talking about, but another part is that they don’t really care what’s right, true or accurate.
- Monday, September 17, 2018

Daily Beast: Trump doing too good a job preparing for hurricane because he fears criticism

Daily Beast: Trump doing too good a job preparing for hurricane because he fears criticism You can’t win with these people, and I’m not even sure why you would want to try. People of good will can disagree about the role the federal government should play in all kinds of things, but I think most of us would agree the federal government has to play an major role in preparing for – and recovering from – major natural disasters. (You libertarians who want me to know you’re dissenting . . . you don’t count as people.)
- Friday, September 14, 2018

China: Yeah sure, we support Venezuela, but not so fast on lending them more money

Venezuela in Turmoil: Hell of a system, socialism. No wonder Bernie and Elizabeth and Alexandra and Barack want it here Venezuela has become a charity basket case. It’s economy has collapsed, its currency is worthless and political institutions are hanging on by the threat of force alone. It has squandered the value of its oil resources through the corruption and mismanagement of the socialist Chavez/Maduro regime, and anyone who floats Venezuela a loan has to be prepared to never see the money again.
- Friday, September 14, 2018
