
Herman Cain

Herman Cain’s column is distributed by CainTV, which can be found at Herman Cain

Most Recent Articles by Herman Cain:

ObamaCare truth: Why the left is attacking the Five Guys guy

Liberals usually deny that their actions will have a negative effect on the business community and job creation. This denial is essential to their continued viability. If they admitted the truth – that they have contempt for job creators and figure they get what they deserve when big government rears its prosperity-killing head – they would have a pretty hard time shoving their agenda down the nation’s collective throat.
- Monday, March 18, 2013

How ObamaCare will impact you and your job

While reports frequently blast President Obama's health care law for costing way too much, a lot of Herman Cain Show listeners have been asking how ObamaCare will specifically affect their own job. It's a good question. Unfortunately, it has an expensive answer.
- Wednesday, March 13, 2013

White House tours off, but robot squirrels live on

If you visit Washington, you might want to go on a White House tour. But you’ll be out of luck, at least for the moment, as the Obama Administration has cancelled White House tours and – you guessed it – blamed the sequester!
- Friday, March 8, 2013

On to the next manufactured crisis

Well we’ve gotten through a tiny, 2.3 percent reduction in the scheduled growth of federal spending – the big nothing burger called “sequester” that the political class and the media tried to portray as “massive” and “enormous” and “severe” and whatever else.
- Monday, March 4, 2013

Stunner: Negotiations with Iran going nowhere

What a surprise: Talks are going nowhere in the attempt by six world powers to persuade Iran not to build nuclear weapons. Let me tell you something about negotiations, because whether it’s business or international relations, certain principles hold true.
- Friday, March 1, 2013

Minimum wage for the self-employed: Zero

I saw a great observation this morning by King Banaian, a former Minnesota state legislator and now a Professor of Economics at St. Cloud University, about the minimum wage. Banaian reminds us that for the self-employed, the minimum wage is zero.
- Tuesday, February 26, 2013

If the sequester is so bad, why doesn’t Obama accept GOP’s offer of flexibility?

Not content to put on scare shows in Washington, the Obama Administration is now sending threatening letters all across the country, letting each state know how it will be affected by what the Washington Post calls “deep spending cuts” that actually amount to only 2.3 percent of the federal budget. And that’s not an actual cut in spending. It’s a reduction of the projected increase in spending. But I guess the Washington Post speaks Washingtonian, so they are going to be called “deep cuts” even though they are not.
- Monday, February 25, 2013

Canada’s about had it with the media’s Keystone XL nonsense

Canada’s ambassador to the United States, Gary Doer, has about had it with the American news media over the way it’s approaching the Keystone XL pipeline issue. Typical of their approach to covering most controversies, the media are framing the issue and the controversy in a way that has little to do with the facts. And Canada, which is already our biggest foreign supplier of oil and is getting awfully impatient waiting for approval of the pipeline, is calling them out.
- Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Nice try, Democrats, but we do have a spending problem

The Democrats have a problem. They will do anything to avoid cutting spending, since the ability to tax and spend in massive amounts is where their political power comes from. But when you’re spending 25 percent of GDP, and running annual deficits of $1 trillion or more, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep making the absurd argument that federal spending is not out of control.
- Monday, February 18, 2013

Build the pipeline! (No matter what Daryl Hannah thinks)

Fifteen months later, the Keystone XL pipeline still hasn’t been built. The Canadian government is losing patience. Gas prices are once again soaring around $4 a gallon. And President Obama is actually finding it difficult to choose between tens of thousands of new jobs and a major boost to America’s energy independence on the one hand, and a bunch of environmental extremists on the other hand.
- Thursday, February 14, 2013

The ABCs of prosperity

I talked at length on my radio show last week about the fact that President Obama’s economic growth record is abysmal compared with recent presidents who enacted low-tax, growth-friendly policies. From John F. Kennedy to Ronald Reagan to George W. Bush, we saw double-digit multiyear growth on a per-term basis as a result of policies that sought to unleash the private sector rather than empowering government.
- Monday, February 11, 2013

Democrats’ idea of a ‘gimmick’: Telling Obama to do his job

Let’s talk about gimmicks, or what Democrats consider a gimmick in the course of governing this nation. The Republican-controlled House on Wednesday passed a bill that would require the president one of two things. Either submit a plan to balance the budget within 10 years, or say when he envisions the budget being balanced if not within 10 years.
- Friday, February 8, 2013

How useless is the UN in stopping Iran nukes? Completely!

You might have seen over the weekend that U.S. and European Union officials are hopeful that Iran will show up in Kazakhstan for talks concerning Iran’s development of nuclear weapons, which the west is hoping to stop, or maybe just “contain” if you listen to the testimony of likely incoming Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel.
- Monday, February 4, 2013

Entitlements: As antiquated as hand-crank telephones

Early in the 20th century, inventors created technology like the television, which used gigantic vacuum tubes to produce a grainy black-and-white image, and the hand-crank telephone. In the 1960s, things got more sophisticated, as inventors gave us gigantic computers that took up an entire room and used punch cards to log information.
- Monday, February 4, 2013

Rough week for Obama: He has to follow the Constitution

What the president of the United States refuses to do, a federal appeals court did last week. That is, it respected this nation’s constitutional separation of powers. The Constitution says the president must get Senate confirmation for key appointees unless the Senate is in recess at the time of the appointment, in which case he can make a recess appointment that is valid only until the end of the current congressional session.
- Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Milwaukee’s Sheriff David Clarke: This man deserves our support

I like public servants who believe in empowering the people, so I like David Clarke, the sheriff of Milwaukee County in Wisconsin. Sheriff Clarke is not buying the liberal nonsense about gun control, and has aired a radio ad urging citizens to arm themselves as protection against those who might threaten them and their families.
- Monday, January 28, 2013
