
Jerry A. Kane

Jerry A. Kane is a retired English professor who has also worked as a journalist and technical writer. His writings have been featured at Canada Free Press and some have appeared at WorldNetDaily, American Thinker, and in daily and weekly newspapers across the country. His commentaries, news stories, and musings appear regularly on his blog, The Millstone Diaries.

Most Recent Articles by Jerry A. Kane:

Will America Remain a Democratic Republic or become a Social Democracy?

The following speech was delivered at the Indiana Armstrong Patriots Tax Day Tea Party rally Saturday April 14, 2012, on the steps of the Indiana County Court House in Indiana, Pennsylvania. The 2012 presidential election is not just the most important election in our lifetime; it is the most important election in this nation's history because it will determine whether America remains a Democratic Republic or becomes a social democracy.
- Monday, April 16, 2012

Nugent Must Condemn the NRA to Be Taken Seriously

Ted Nugent is right! Americans are to blame for Brother O and his Bread and Circuses Salvation Sideshow administration of anti-American ultra-leftists. American voters did overwhelmingly elect the George Soros controlled Democrat Party to change America from a Democratic Republic to a European social-style democracy. And for the last 18 months, congressional Democrats and RINO (Republican in name only) Republicans have been pushing and passing legislation to that effect.
- Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Sad Day for Christianity and Western Culture

Duke Amachree had a spotless record for 18 years as a homelessness prevention officer counseling housing clients for Wandsworth Council in the United Kingdom. And then a terminally-ill woman with an incurable condition came to ask his advice.
- Saturday, August 14, 2010

The US Military’s New Chicken Heart Medal for Naïve Restraint

A proposal for a new "combat" medal honoring “courageous restraint” is being floated around the headquarters of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Kabul, Afghanistan. The brain child of British Major General Nick Carter, commander for the Regional Command South of the ISAF, will be awarded to service members who hold their fire to save civilian lives, even if their lives or the lives of their comrades are at risk.
- Friday, May 14, 2010

The Managers of America’s Decline

I'm here today to elaborate on the Democrat Party's management of America's decline, and to tell you that the fate of this nation is in your hands because the founding Spirit of America has awakened you to resist the tyranny at her doorstep.
- Monday, April 26, 2010

A Malthusian Statist’s Dream Come True

imageSenators Lindsey (Patsy) Graham (RINO-South Carolina) and Chuck-U Schumer (Progressive Democrat-New York) want to mandate that all legal American workers have a new national biometric identification card, which will include embedded personal information and fingerprints. RINO Grahamshi contends that a mandated national ID card is nothing more than a tamper-proof Social Security card. "We've all got Social Security cards. They're just easily tampered with. Make them tamper-proof. That's all I'm saying," Graham said.
- Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Wicked and Adulterous Generation Seeketh After a Sign

A Duquesne University professor petitioned Pittsburgh City Council to remove a street sign honoring, General Michael V. Hayden, one of the country's most decorated intelligence officers, for "his role" in "torturing" Middle Eastern terror suspects and overseeing the wiretapping of U.S. citizens. The sign was put up five months before City Council adopted its policy for erecting honorary street signs.
- Friday, March 5, 2010

Inquiry Finds Government-Run Hospital Inhumane and Appalling

An independent investigation reports that heath care providers at a National Health Service hospital caused "unimaginable" suffering to patients. The devastating report finds that the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust (hospital) in the United Kingdom routinely subjected sick and dying patients to "inhumane treatment" through neglect and by leaving hundreds to die in squalor.
- Friday, February 26, 2010

Tea-Publicanism is the Answer for America’s Woes

Knowledgeable tea partiers know that the Democrat Party plays so far out in left field it's no longer in the stadium, and all they see is a Hobson's choice between supporting spineless, sell-out, milquetoast, business-as-usual, Democrat-light Republicans or a third party. But now tea party conservatives are saying they have found an answer to the dilemma and are urging their brethren to become Tea-Publicans and rejoin the Republican fold.
- Saturday, February 20, 2010

Principal’s Swift Action Negates Harmful Threat

imageA Staten Island fourth grader was snatched up from lunch period, hauled to the principal's office, and almost suspended by the South Beach school principal for playing with a plastic Lego police figure holding a toy machine gun, barely two inches long. The boy's mother said her son loves the toy figure because his dad is a retired police officer.
- Saturday, February 6, 2010

Surgical Implants Filled with Explosives Are Undetectable in Suicide Bombers

Britain's MI5 intelligence service reports that al-Qaida is recruiting female suicide bombers who have had explosives surgically implanted in their breasts. Male suicide bombers are undergoing similar surgeries; but instead of the breast area, the explosives are implanted in the buttocks or appendix areas.
- Friday, February 5, 2010

Defeating America’s True Nemesis

- Jerry A. Kane and Peter W. Cooper The first three words of the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution, WE THE PEOPLE, are capitalized and written larger than the others for they contain the idea of self-government. The Constitution's beginning phrase presupposes the belief set forth in the Declaration of Independence that liberty is an unalienable right and gift from man's Creator that cannot be bestowed by other men or governments.
- Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Punch Heard ‘round the World

In the Massachusetts race to replace Ted Kennedy in the US Senate, Republican candidate Scott Brown landed several damaging blows against Democrat lightweight Martha Coakley in their final televised debate, but the wild haymaker he unleashed upside the head of RINO moderator David Gergen could prove to be "the punch heard 'round the world."
- Wednesday, January 13, 2010
