
Joy Tiz

Joy Tiz,Joytiz.com, has been quoted by Ann Coulter, as heard on Lou Dobbs radio, The Rusty Humphries Show, Bill Cunningham, KSFO in San Francisco, WOR in New York, Premiere Radio Networks, Air America and other major shows.

Joy was born in Chicago, long enough ago to remember when many democrats were actually normal people who were just wrong about everything. Joy holds a M.Sc. in psychology and a JD in law. Joy hosts The Joy Tiz Show Wednesdays at 2 pm Pacific/5 pm Eastern.


Most Recent Articles by Joy Tiz:

Popular Putrification

At the same time William Ayers was hijacking our schoolchildren, the popular culture was decomposing. With the advent of the Great Society and the disintegration of the nuclear family, the decline of our pop culture parallels the disintegration of our educational system. Radicals grabbed control over both.
- Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Soros:  It’s All Israel’s Fault

Obama’s boss, unrepentant Nazi collaborator, George Soros, blames Israel for the current turmoil in Egypt. As Soros sees it, Israel is the main stumbling block to a happy, peaceful Middle East. Just as he believes that in the grander scheme of things, the United States is the world’s peace repellent.
- Thursday, February 3, 2011

Campaign Sputnik

Obama’s second SOTU speech qualifies as one of the most fatuous in history. First, the positive–he did not insult the Supreme Court this time.
- Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Worlds Deadliest Metaphors!

CNN has managed to make itself even duller than it already was. John King actually apologized for a guest’s use of the now verboten term, “crosshairs”.
- Wednesday, January 19, 2011


What the hell was that last night? I don’t mean the part about Team O’s first 2012 fully branded campaign rally, “Together We Thrive.” I expect that sort of tackiness from our self obsessed and clueless president. Nor am I surprised that the addled audience played along. Give college kids enough beer and they’re yours for the taking.
- Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Weakest Link:  Dupnik

NYC Mayor Bloomberg is no longer the most incompetent local official in America. The torch has been passed to Pima County Sheriff, Clarence Dupnik for his disastrous mishandling of Jared Loughner who went on a shooting rampage.
- Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Racing to Be Wrong

They need to deftly pin this on the tea partiers, -Democrat operative I often compare liberals to toddlers–both have low impulse control. Those who fail to outgrow this phase become liberals who spend their adult lives in utter hysterics over imaginary demons, while embracing actual monsters. Once a liberal has latched on to an imaginary bad guy, astonishing amounts of emotional energy are dedicated to maintaining the fantasy that the pretend evildoer is the source of everything bad that happens.
- Monday, January 10, 2011

First, Kill All the Boomers

Democrats so over used their race card that it has finally been revoked. Their efforts at fomenting class warfare on a scale we’re seeing in Europe is not really catching fire, so to speak. Then their Marxist in Chief caved and refused to raise taxes on America’s job creators leaving liberals spitting with rage.
- Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Obama Honors Animal Abuser

The President of the United States took time out from his grueling party schedule to honor, not one of our brave troops, but a vicious animal abuser.
- Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Death Panel Resurrected

Sarah Palin was excoriated for making the entirely correct observation that when a government controls health care, rationing becomes inevitable. Democrats squealed like stuck pigs, but dropped the execrable end of life counseling language from ObamaCare.
- Monday, December 27, 2010

First the Good News . . . Ominous Bill Was DOA

It was to be expected that the worst congress in the history of the republic would give us the worst lame duck session, an event which has devolved into a lengthy infomercial in support of repealing the 20th Amendment.
- Monday, December 20, 2010

VA Judge Affirms the Constitution

District Judge Henry Hudson affirmed what should be patently obvious to anyone with the feeblest familiarity with the U.S. Constitution. Judge Hudson properly ruled that ObamaCare “exceeds the constitutional boundaries of congressional power.”
- Monday, December 13, 2010

Disgruntled Democrat Ducks

In the real world, an employee fired for insubordination, incompetence and stealing from the company is directed to clean out his desk and leave the premises forthwith under the watchful eye of a security guard. The disgruntled former employee is ordered never to return with or without a gun.
- Thursday, December 9, 2010

How Do You Like US Now?

Democrats would be well advised to refrain from getting too giddy about running Hillary in 2012. Competence has never been her forte and her response to the Wikiterrorism is no exception. Though she does acknowledge that the WikiLeaks are a bit of a downer, she is not especially perturbed about the threat to the U.S.
- Monday, December 6, 2010

Unemployment Up, Obama Flees the Country

Just as we find ourselves a mere whisper away from double digit unemployment, our inept Commander in Chief runs off to Afghanistan where he will lecture General Petraeus on how to run a war without winning.
- Friday, December 3, 2010

The Unions Have Won!

It was a year ago that Obama nominated Erroll Southers for the top position at TSA. Union sycophant Southers had to drop out of the nominating process, but Obama never did give up the idea of unionizing the TSA.
- Monday, November 29, 2010

Soros Scores on Scanners

It’s fomenting chaos, fear and rage among the American people; thus, it’s a safe bet that if we dig a little, we’ll unearth yet another Soros tentacle. Obama’s boss, George Soros, stands to benefit from the government’s use of body scanners at airports.
- Wednesday, November 17, 2010

He Won’t Be Ignored!

To be a member of the lap dog media is akin to being a badly hungover woman in a Vegas hotel room. OMG, Who is this guy?! They should have known better.
- Tuesday, November 9, 2010
