
Robert Laurie

Robert Laurie’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain.com Be sure to "like" Robert Laurie over on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. You'll be glad you did.

Most Recent Articles by Robert Laurie:

Chinese police capture human rights dissident – during a Voice of America broadcast

Chinese police capture human rights dissident – during a Voice of America broadcast Well, here’s something that should make you appreciate how good we have it in the States. Wenguang Sun is a retired Shandong University Professor who regularly dares to speak his mind about the Chinese government’s ongoing – and currently escalating – history of human rights abuses. To put it mildly, he’s a brave guy who’s willing to publicly stand up against the oppressive Chinese Communist government.
- Friday, August 3, 2018

Apparently, ‘The walls are closing in’ on President Trump

Apparently, ‘The walls are closing in’ on President Trump If the media has a hobby, it’s predicting the political (if not literal) demise of Donald J. Trump. Thanks, in part, to their pre-nomination efforts, Trump managed to demolish their would-be Queen. Not only did Hillary lose, she was usurped by a man they despise possibly more than any other in human history – and no, that’s not an exaggeration. Their epic ‘self-own’ has resulted in a white-hot rage the likes of which we haven’t seen since Reagan was in office.
- Wednesday, August 1, 2018

During testimony, ICE official has to teach Dem Senator Hirono that illegal immigrants do, in fact, break the law

During testimony, ICE official has to teach Dem Senator Hirono that illegal immigrants do, in fact, break the law There are times, brief though they may be, when I think there’s hope. No, I don’t hope that one political side or the other will emerge victorious and preside over a newly enlightened land. Political fights have existed since the dawn of humanity, and they’ll be ongoing until its end. However, I do catch myself hoping that people in positions of power would at least understand the basics of the issues they’re debating.
- Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Eyeroll: Bill Kristol to challenge Trump in 2020 primaries?

Eyeroll: Bill Kristol to challenge Trump in 2020 primaries? If you’re part of the NeverTrump crowd, you probably think Bill Kristol is a conservative stalwart who’s sticking to his principles via an endless anti-Trump diatribe. If you’re a Trump loyalist, you almost certainly view Kristol as a RINO turncoat who was eager to destroy the country’s last best hope of stopping a Hillary Clinton Presidency. Whichever camp you fall into, it’s doubtful that you view him as “the next President of the United States.”
- Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Nothing new: Ocasio-Cortez, Maxine Waters, 'let's raise taxes to pay for all this free-but-not-free'

Maxine Waters, Ocasio-Cortez Democrats love to portray Democratic congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as something new. She’s not just a socialist, she’s the “young fresh face of her party.” She’s the “future” of the Democratic movement. She’s the great left-wing hope that will fill the coffers, excite voters, dethrone moderates, and usher in a new, glorious, era of not-quite-Marxism-but-really-Marxism.
- Monday, July 30, 2018

$32 Trillion – ‘That’s trillion with a T.’ – The Associated Press notices how expensive single payer would be

Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Socialism. Embracing it is America’s hot new left-wing trend. Most people aren’t dumb enough to buy in, but it does have a foothold on the coasts. Despite the abject unworkability of their ideas, folks like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have gained a following that continues to grow. True, it’s an ideology that’s currently unelectable in the rest of the country but, if we’d like to keep it that way, we’d better know what we’re up against.
- Monday, July 30, 2018

Cory Booker: If you support Kavanaugh’s nomination, you’re “complicit in the evil”

Cory Booker: If you support Kavanaugh’s nomination, you’re complicit in the evil, Democrats think this is helping their cause. They think that, if they say something enough, the media will repeat it ad nauseum and eventually people will believe it. No matter how crazy or over the top their rhetoric gets, they believe you’ll hear it so often that you’ll buy into the histrionics. There’s a fair case to be made that things used to work that way. Sorry, Dems. Things have changed.
- Thursday, July 26, 2018

GOP Congressmen introduce resolution to impeach Rod Rosenstein

GOP Congressmen introduce resolution to impeach Rod Rosenstein For weeks, we’ve been hearing rumors that impeachment proceedings against Rod Rosenstein were right around the corner. Well, welcome to the other side of the corner. Tonight, conservatives in the House of Representatives introduced a resolution designed to remove Rosenstein from office. The crux of the effort rests on the DOJ’s refusal to turn over documents that have been the subject of congressional subpoenas.
- Thursday, July 26, 2018

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Republicans are making fun of me because they’re afraid!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Republicans are making fun of me because they’re afraid! By now, you’re aware of “Democratic Socialist” and “young fresh face of the Democratic Party,” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting some left-wing media suck-up who’s singing her praises. She’s allegedly oh-so-wonderful that the future is going to be a radically different place thanks to her political participation. She is, they all say, just what we need. Ocasio-Cortez fever is in full swing.
- Wednesday, July 25, 2018

California: Years in jail for disseminating plastic straws, but needles & human feces on streets still ok.

California: Years in jail for disseminating plastic straws, but needles & human feces on streets ok Unless you’ve been trapped under a stack of Governor Moonbeam’s global warming pamphlets, you know that California is a complete mess. Taxes are out of control, regulations are crushing small businesses, the cost of living is ridiculous, illegal immigration is both rampant and encouraged, and fires, mudslides, and droughts have been reduced to simple facts of daily life. I genuinely love Napa and Sonoma, but I can’t imagine why anyone outside of the increasingly creepy film industry would choose the left coast.
- Wednesday, July 25, 2018

NBC sorry to report their new poll – Trump approval up, Dem generic lead down, but….

NBC sorry to report their new poll--Trump approval up, Dem generic lead down Sometimes I wonder what it’s like in a an old-media newsroom these days. You did everything you could to get Hillary elected – and failed. In defiance of your best efforts, a man you openly despise is in the White House and he spends a good chunk of each day trashing your no-longer-existent credibility. Meanwhile, less and less people are buying your product, your co-workers are being fired, and there’s a good chance you’re trapped in the print media death spiral.
- Monday, July 23, 2018

Seth Moulton (D, MA): We’re going to need more than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez if we’re going to win

Seth Moulton (D, MA): We're going to need more than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez if we're going to win To one degree or another, Democrats have always embraced socialism. From FDR’s 100% tax plan to the ObamaCare fiasco, Dems are perpetually searching for new ways to “spread the wealth around.” Looking back over the last hundred years, JFK’s cuts now stick out like a sore thumb – a brief, bizarro-world detour away from their discomfort with capitalism and their never-ending class warfare campaign to soak the rich.
- Monday, July 23, 2018

Gallup: Literally no one cares about the ‘Russian situation’ – but they REALLY care about immigration

Gallup: Literally no one cares about the ‘Russian situation’ – but they REALLY care about immigration Obviously, the most important issue facing the nation is Russia. We hear about it on every lousy news channel, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Given its prominent position on news broadcasts, it must the matter that preoccupies every American citizen during every waking moment of every single day. Right? I mean… they wouldn’t run so much Russia stuff if it wasn’t the top priority of the viewers, would they?
- Friday, July 20, 2018

Trump: Obama took Biden ‘out of the garbage heap.’ ‘I’d love to have it be Biden’ in 2020

Trump: Obama took Biden ‘out of the garbage heap.’ ‘I’d love to have it be Biden’ in 2020 Over the years, I’ve written quite a bit about Joe Biden. Back when the former VP was doing the will he/won’t he dance, I warned: “underestimate Joe Biden at your own peril.” Biden has a knack for presenting himself as a sort of ‘average blue-collar fella’ who understands your issues and isn’t too left-wing. It’s a lie, but he does a good job of playing the part. He carries a limited amount of baggage, he’s congenial, and his personal history is both compelling and can generate a certain amount of sympathy.
- Thursday, July 19, 2018

Hillary surrogate Richard Blumenthal: Russian meddling is just like 9/11!

Hillary surrogate Richard Blumenthal: Russian meddling is just like 9/11! As much as I may try, I can’t share all of it with you. The party that has chosen to embrace socialism is coming completely unglued, and they view every single TV appearance as a chance to launch their particular brand of crazy into American homes. I do my best to give you what I can, but there’s just so much left-wing hysteria these days that no mere mortal could keep you abreast of everything.
- Wednesday, July 18, 2018
