
Sharon Sebastian

Sharon Sebastian, AGING: WARNING – Navigating Life’s Medical, Mental & Financial Minefields," is a columnist, commentator, and contributor in print and on nationwide broadcasts on topics ranging from healthcare, culture, religion, and politics to domestic and global policy. Sebastian's political and cultural analyses are published nationally and internationally. Website: AgingWarning.com

Most Recent Articles by Sharon Sebastian:

Doctors fear government trap

To the undecided, the uninformed, the skeptics, and those with their heads in the sand, the Obama administration is counting on you not having this information prior to Election Day. America's hospitals and emergency room doctors are caught in a vise that spells financial collapse unless they play ball with hard-and-fast government mandates. The choice for hospitals is either government control over patient care or potential bankruptcy. For socialized medicine or Obama's health care to work, the government requires control of your health by nullifying both hospitals and doctors as decision makers.
- Saturday, October 27, 2012

Urgent-Death Panels Here, Doctors Plea for Help

Doctors across America are sick. A new and desperate plight has surfaced in emergency rooms across the nation for both patients and doctors alike. The following blog by one valiant doctor speaks for thousands of doctors being forced to go against their natural instincts and abilities to allow further hospital care and re-admit patients.
- Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sick - No Appeal - Its Obamacare

Where will you turn? Your seriously ill child is in need of an expensive medical procedure that has a low-percentage chance to save his life. Does his life warrant an available, but costly cure? Under Obamacare you must get in line to ask a government number-cruncher, a bureaucrat, to decide.
- Thursday, October 18, 2012

Obama taught “Destroy Middle Class”

Barack Obama is desperate to make people believe that he really cares about “the middle class.” After four years, his actions speak louder than words. Some 85% of the middle class say they are worse off today than they were ten years ago. According to the Wall Street Journal, from the time Obama took office in 2009, “The Obama years have been brutal on middle-class incomes” wiping out “$4019 in real income” for families. The report goes on to say, “The last time incomes fell this fast was during the late 1970s under Jimmy Carter, and it's no coincidence that economic policies then and now are so similar. If Mr. Obama succeeds in convincing voters that he really is the tribune of the middle class, it will be the political conjurer's trick of the century.”
- Friday, October 12, 2012

Obama epitomizes “uncool”

There is a time in everyone’s life when they need to grow up. The President that sits in the White House clings to immature associations and views himself through the “cool” vagaries of youth long gone with every year that passes. Being “cool” is the empty vessel that floats his boat both personally and politically. The maturity that provides the gravitas to deal with America’s and the world’s problems escape him.
- Friday, October 5, 2012

Netanyahu: Islam’s apocalyptic holy man

Warning of a medieval threat to global security, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stood before the United Nations with both a caution and a plea. A nuclear armed Iran is far different, Netanyahu pointed out, than a nuclear armed Russia. Netanyahu emphasized the striking distinction between the two ideologies of Iran and Soviet Russia:
- Friday, September 28, 2012

Islam and Obama:  The Truth

That Jihadists demonstrate dwindling fear of Barack Obama portends a crisis of international proportions that threatens global stability. As Obama’s domestic economic policies wreak havoc on families and our nation, his kid-gloves foreign policy has now proven to be deadly with the loss of American lives. Still, Obama rejects that the uprising in the Middle East is anti-American, even as his image is burned in effigy by Islamist extremists along with the American flag.
- Friday, September 21, 2012

Romney exposes Obama’s ineptness

In the aftermath of the attack on the U.S. embassy in Egypt and the brutal murder of four Americans in Libya, Barack Obama prepared for a fund-raising swing to Las Vegas leaving Governor Mitt Romney to take a strong stand for America. America’s longing for leadership in the White House was heightened by Romney’s statesman-like response to the initial attack in Egypt that was followed by the subsequent violent deaths in Libya of four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens. For fifteen long hours after the beginning of the assaults, Obama remained silent while the violence escalated. In a leadership void, Presidential candidate Mitt Romney stepped forward before Americans to give an appropriate and firm response.
- Friday, September 14, 2012

Obama’s “Hot Mess” Women

Toblerone chocolates were used by the Germans to gain favor with some French women during World War II. Nylons persuaded others to cohabitate with a ruthless enemy that had invaded their cities. During treacherous times some went into survival mode at the expense of their neighbors and their country. Others acquiesced to chocolates and nylons, patriotism be hanged. Many, as a result, were left haunted during their lifetimes by the betrayal of their country.
- Thursday, August 30, 2012

Obama’s Death Knell for the Elderly

Under Barack Obama, America is facing an explosion of the elderly poor. The facts are in, the strategy revealed. If Barack Obama and the Democrats win the upcoming election, an ugly era of population engineering, the steady elimination of our elderly through Obamacare will lead to a crisis in humanity.
- Thursday, August 16, 2012
