
Sher Zieve

Sher Zieve is an author and political commentator. Zieve's op-ed columns are widely carried by multiple internet journals and sites, and she also writes hard news. Her columns have also appeared in The Oregon Herald, Dallas Times, Sacramento Sun, in international news publications, and on multiple university websites. Sher is also a guest on multiple national radio shows.

Most Recent Articles by Sher Zieve:

George W. Bush—the Last US President?

Will George W. Bush end up being the last true US President? Increasingly, it seems that he just may. As lawsuits against President-elect Barack Hussein Obama—questioning his US citizenship—continue to grow, he ever more adamantly continues his refusal to produce his real, viable and original birth certificate. Note: Obama’s supposed Hawaiian birth certificate is issued to those born outside of the USA who move to Hawaii. In fact, Hawaii issues “Certifications of Live Birth” to those who are foreign born. This is the same document that Obama and his team claim is his birth certificate.
- Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Israel Told No Viable Self Defense Allowed—Again

For months and now years, terrorist Hamas has launched rockets against Israel on an almost daily basis. The worldwide leftist and Islamic media barely notice or actively ignore these attacks. As has become the usual world leftist expectation—if not demand—Israel is simply expected to “take it” and not fight back. In fact, each and every time Israel attempts to defend itself, Islamic countries and the media blame Israel for fighting back against the terrorists. They claim that Israel’s defense of itself amounts to Israel causing the problem in the first place! This is of course an insane position. But, insanity is the preferred position of both Islam and its willing companion The Left.
- Monday, December 29, 2008

Gutting of US Economy Continues

As the fast and furious gutting of the US Treasury’s current and future funds continue, all too many Republicans have closed their eyes to the destruction of the US economy that has been so ably affected by Democrat leadership. Democrats began the house-of-cards-failures that started the nationwide close-to-collapse of the US economy with their Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac personal slush funds debacles.
- Monday, December 22, 2008

Islamist Terrorist admits Mumbai Attacks Racist as well as Ideological

Although the recent Mumbai terrorist attacks and slaughter of tourists and Indian citizens alike was perpetrated by Islamic terrorists, one might not know it from reading mainstream media reports. With regards to the words “Islam” and “terrorist” the leftist media has just about eliminated any combination of the two in their reportage.
- Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Rep. Paul Broun Apologizes for Telling the Truth

In another incident involving President-elect Barack Obama and his media’s refusal to allow the truth to be told about their “secular redeemer,” Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) has been intimidated into apologizing for telling the truth. Note: And for male Republican “leaders” it doesn’t take much to bully them anymore.
- Thursday, November 13, 2008

Obama Ready to “Rule” and End Opposing Views

Surprisingly, more truth-about-Obama came out on NBC’s Tom Brokaw-hosted Meet the Press, last Sunday. NBC—both news and entertainment—has admitted it and its far-Left affiliate MSNBC were and still are ‘in the bag’ for Obama. Its faux news stories were geared toward placing Obama and Biden in the most favorable light possible, while vilifying John McCain and Sarah Palin.
- Tuesday, November 11, 2008

America Has Jumped the Shark

With the election of Barack Hussein Obama to the presidency of the United States of America, the country has—officially—jumped the shark. Sorry, folks, but it will not return—in reruns or in any other recognizable way. In jumping the shark, Obama adherents and its faux “leaders” have announced that freedom and liberty have lost their appeal and that it’s time for some good ol’ fashioned tyranny. Apparently, a goodly portion of the permanently dumbed-down population—both legal and illegal—has decided that it’s time to give Marxist oppression a try.
- Sunday, November 9, 2008

Obama Sounding Less than Presidential

Preparing the American people for a presidency that will be far less than presidential, Barack Obama gave his first dual-presidency speech and decided to “dis” former First Lady Nancy Reagan.
- Saturday, November 8, 2008

Liberals Working to Ensure Sarah Palin Does Not Return

Some time ago I speculated in one of my columns that due to the extremely poor presidential campaign Republican McCain was waging that he was actually supporting Barack Hussein Obama. I am now convinced of it. McCain has long been a liberal and a Democrat-sympathizer. It now appears that his campaign staff was also leftist-leaning. And from some if its members recent trashing of Republican Alaskan Governor and VP candidate Sarah Palin, it appears that they were—along with their patently awful campaign—rooting for Obama, too!
- Thursday, November 6, 2008

USA:  On Becoming a Marxist-run Nation

Despite the gratuitous rhetoric that the American people and the world were subject to—during the 2008 US presidential election—opposition to now President Elect Barack Hussein Obama had little to nothing to do with race. But, it had everything to do with ideology. We who opposed and still oppose this man for president of the United States of America oppose him because he is a Marxist.
- Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama Says will Bankrupt Companies that Disagree With Him

In yet another shocking Obama statement, one of many that his faithful followers continue to ignore, earlier this year Obama told a San Francisco Chronicle interviewer that he will bankrupt technologies (especially the coal industry) that do not follow his dictates and tow his line to the letter. Obama said: “So, if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can — it’s just that it [meaning “I”] will bankrupt them, because they are going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.” But he did not limit himself to merely the coal industry when he further stated: “That will create a market in which whatever technologies are out there that are being presented, whatever power plants that are being built, that they would have to meet the rigors of that market and the ratcheted down caps that are being placed, imposed every year!” It is not a stretch to extrapolate from this that he will do the same to any other industry that opposes his programs and ideology.
- Monday, November 3, 2008

Obama Says Not Being a Communist is Selfish

During the waning days of the US presidential campaign, Barack Obama is feeling confident enough of his chances that he—at a recent rally—didn’t dispute his being a Socialist. Obama was even a member of the New Democratic Socialist Party in the 1990s. Perhaps he will at some point even admit that his true intention for the USA is Soviet-style Communism. That, of course, will be after he is elected POTUS—largely due to his voter fraud strategic unit ACORN—and when it is too late for the all-too-many gullible American people to do anything about it.
- Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ohio Voter Fraud almost Complete

From one corrupt Ohio Democrat official to another, the state of Ohio’s voter fraud may now be complete—all it’s missing are the palm tree in this newly emerged banana republic. And said voter fraud has now been “officially” sanctioned by a liberal—if not leftist—Ohio judge.
- Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama Begins Suppression of the Media—and more

Even before the 2008 US presidential elections Barack Obama, his campaign and supporters have begun their constraint of the press. Chillingly, the leftist Obama media—which includes all of the usual suspects both print and television—are not only going along with it but, have begun their own investigations and vilifications of their colleagues who have refused to drink the Obama Kool-Aid. Obama’s latest victim is Investigative Reporter Barbara West of Orlando’s WFTV who asked Democrat VP Candidate Joe Biden some probing questions; questions that had, prior to that, not been asked of either the secular messiah Obama or his vice prophet.
- Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Is the USA Ready for an American Stalin?

After observing the growth of Barack Hussein Obama’s increasingly militant and dictatorial movement over the last several months, I have—on many occasions—been reminded of the infamous Russian tyrant Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. As the actual facts about Stalin may now have been omitted from US middle and high school teaching textbooks, I’ll provide a brief summary of Stalin’s achievements.
- Sunday, October 26, 2008

Barack Obama and the End of the Republic

Evidence appears to be mounting that strongly indicates Democrat Presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama is not a natural-born United States citizen, which is required of all who run for the presidency of the USA. Attorney Philip J. Berg filed a lawsuit against Barack Obama and the DNC (Democrat National Committee) on 15 September 2008.
- Thursday, October 23, 2008

Biden Promises World Crisis Immediately after Obama Elected

In a rare moment of candor from a politician, Barack Obama’s vice presidential candidate Democrat Senator Joe Biden told the truth. At a Seattle fundraiser on Sunday 19 October, Biden issued this dire warning to the American people and the world: “Mark my words, it will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama…” and “remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”
- Tuesday, October 21, 2008

An Incurious Colin Powell Endorses Obama

On Sunday 19 October, former Secretary of State Colin Powell officially announced his endorsement of Barack Obama for President of the United States. Although Powell had left the Republican Party quite some time ago—after he had tried to run away from and attempted to hide his very large contribution towards selling the Iraq war to the American people and the world—the mainstream Obama-supporting media is reporting gleefully “Colin Powell endorses Obama, breaks ranks with the GOP”—Los Angeles Time headline.
- Monday, October 20, 2008

Obama Campaign Begins Systematic Destruction of Joe the Plumber

Barack Hussein Obama and his fawning gang did not like a recent question posed to the secular messiah at a recent campaign rally. They didn’t like it one bit! So, in what is becoming known as the “Obama method” said questioner is now being vilified by Obama, his campaign and his loyal adherent media.
- Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pro-Obama Ohio Secretary of State Refuses to Stop Voter Fraud

To be filed under “suspicions confirmed,” patently partisan-for-Obama supporter Democrat Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer “I-never-met-an-ACORN-worker-I-didn’t-like” Brunner has stomped her feet and decided that she should not be required to do her job; that of protecting Ohio voters from election fraud. She has also decided that she will elicit help from the US Supreme Court in upholding her desire.
- Thursday, October 16, 2008
