
Doug Hagmann

Copyright © Douglas J. Hagmann and Canada Free Press The Hagmann Report provides news and information based on a combination of exclusive investigative work, proprietary sources, contacts, qualified guests, open-source material. The Hagmann Report will never be encumbered by political correctness or held hostage to an agenda of revisionist history. [url="https://HagmannReport.com/donate"]Hagmann Report[/url] [url="https://HagmannStore.com"]HAGMANN COFFEE & MORE[/url] ON THE GO? SUBSCRIBE TO HAGMANN’S PODCAST: [url="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hagmann-report/id631558915?uo=4"]iTunes[/url] | [url="https://open.spotify.com/show/376mkckQHCPYTJssQN794g"]Spotify[/url] | [url="https://www.iheart.com/podcast/256-hagmann-report-30926499/"]iHeart[/url] | [url="https://www.spreaker.com/show/hagmann-report"]Spreaker[/url] Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) FOLLOW HAGMANN AT: [url="https://parler.com/DouglasHagmann"]Parler[/url] | [url="https://gab.com/DougHagmann"]Gab[/url] | [url="https://gettr.com/user/doughagmann"]Gettr[/url] | [url="https://truthsocial.com/@DougHagmann"]Truth Social[/url]

Most Recent Articles by Doug Hagmann:


C’mon, I know you’re thinking it too. If you watched television in the 1990s, I’ll bet you reminisced, however briefly, over the series Married With Children as the corporate media oozed their praise over the number of women and emasculated men who turned out on Saturday to ostensibly march for a host of “social justice” causes.
- Monday, January 23, 2017

Silencing the Messengers

Imagine, for example, that you are walking past the house owned by an individual suspected of committing some of the most heinous crimes in your community, from child kidnapping to murder. Despite his reputation as a suspect, this person has never been arrested or convicted of any crime. You glance through the unlocked window and see a table, and upon this table rests a thick journal with handwritten words “Maps to the Victims’ Bodies” or something equally alarming. You stop dead in your tracks, look around and see that no one is home, and no one is watching you.
- Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Investigation Finds Proof of Forgery with Profound Implications

It is one of the most, if not the most underreported, misreported and mischaracterized story in recent history. An official investigation conducted by law enforcement officials have concluded that the document known as the Certificate of Live Birth of U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama II, uploaded to and published on the White House website on April 27, 2011 is a fraudulently created document. It is a digitally manufactured forgery.
- Monday, December 19, 2016

A Glimpse into the Swamp – A Very Dangerous Time in America

The following is a cursory investigative summary that explains the significance of the email “scandal” that erupted right before the 2016 election and how the Obama Department of Justice under Loretta Lynch worked in conjunction with the Hillary Clinton campaign to obstruct justice.
- Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Marxist Coup Brewing within our Republic

Everyone will recall the collective gasp of the Hillary Clinton supporters and the ensuing media outrage when Donald Trump refused to say whether he would accept the results of the Presidential election.
- Sunday, November 13, 2016

The Power of the Unspoken Word

One of the many things that struck me about election night was what was not said or seen. It was the conspicuous absence of Hillary Rodham Clinton addressing her supporters after the race was called in favor of Donald Trump.
- Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Refuting Clinton Lies: Fast Facts about Hillary Clinton's Email

The law: Every government employee who is granted a security clearance to handle classified documents and information is required to sign form SF-312, which is a straight-forward and strictly enforced non-disclosure agreement.
- Monday, November 7, 2016

Trump Threat in Reno – More than Meets the Eye?

While speaking at a campaign event in Reno, Nevada at approximately 6:30 PM PT, Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump was rushed offstage by members of the United States Secret Service due to a perceived threat near the front of the stage. However, a more extensive review of other footage available shows a bit more than is being reported.
- Sunday, November 6, 2016

Raw Video: Hillary Clinton Lectures DoS Employees on Cyber Security – in 2010!

It simply does not get more sadly ironic than this. Take a look at this 90-second raw video from 2010 of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lecturing State Department employees on matters of cyber security. That’s right, she is actually warning State Department Employees that they have a special duty, a special responsibility to guard sensitive information.
- Thursday, November 3, 2016

Evidence that the Silencing of Assange Connects Directly to the Clinton Camp

Julian Assange, the man behind Wikileaks and a threat to the criminal cabal of globalists working inside of the U.S. government, is the subject of multiple investigations, including two most recent, extremely serious and very curiously timed charges. In fact, it is suggested that these charges served, at least in part, as the basis for Assange recently losing his internet access.
- Sunday, October 23, 2016

Wikileaks: The Pentagon Papers of 2016

A brief review of history effectively exposes both the rampant hypocrisy of the Clinton cabal and their supporters, and reveals the complicity of the corporate media in a web of lies, cover-ups, and obfuscation to support the political left at all costs. At the epicenter is the Clinton power machine, the Clinton Foundation, the Obama-Clinton foreign policy of destruction and global power restructuring, the largest transfer of wealth and largesse, and the death grip by the Clinton machine to hold power through the upcoming election. One of the biggest threats, of course, is WikiLeaks.
- Friday, October 21, 2016

Podesta Email Identifies Media Contacts for Clinton

A recently published email by Wikileaks identifies 28 members of the media who were invited to an “off-the-record” dinner party at the home of Clinton campaign manager John Podesta three days before Hillary Rodham Clinton announced her 2016 campaign run. Clinton announced her candidacy on April 12, 2015. On Thursday, April 9, 2015, a 7:00 PM dinner party was held at 3743 Brandywine St NW in Washington, DC, the home of Clinton campaign manager John Podesta.
- Monday, October 17, 2016

Poster Child for Progressive Policy of Illegal Immigration

Every politician or government leader who has compromised our border security or advocated for the same has blood on their hands. Every Oval Office occupant, past or present, regardless of political party, who has been soft on our border has blood on their hands.
- Thursday, September 29, 2016

Nobody Cares about the Birther Issue

“No one cares about the birther issue.” That’s what I am being told by nearly everyone I know, regardless of their political preference. What I hear, however, is no one cares about the U.S. Constitution, or about the rule of law. Seemingly, even fewer understand it. Fewer still are those who truly understand what’s at stake. Eligibility requirements to hold the office of President of the United States are defined by the Constitution. The “natural born citizen” requirement was written in to the U.S. Constitution to protect our nation from foreign influence. It was written to protect our nation from being hijacked from within.
- Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Source: NY and NJ Bomb signatures “nearly identical”

According to a federal law enforcement source close to the investigation of the bombing in Manhattan, it was disclosed that the “signatures” of the bombs, both detonated and undetonated, possess enough similarities to suspect they were constructed by the same maker. In addition to “having the ability to be remotely detonated,” the same components were used.
- Sunday, September 18, 2016

Death Race Damascus Update – On the Precipice of WW III

As the clock runs down on the Obama “presidency” and as the Clinton candidacy is becoming more fragile by the day, the information I received from two intelligence sources in 2012 is being validated. We are on the precipice of a World War that will begin in Syria and pit the U.S. against Russia, fueled by Barack Hussein Obama’s policy of arming, aiding and supplying Muslim terrorists throughout the region, and specifically in Syria.
- Sunday, September 18, 2016

The One Man Who Can Make a Difference

I was recently contacted by a state police detective who is working an unsolved homicide case. There is nothing unusual in that, as I previously worked the same case and he wanted to go over my notes and findings relative to his. What might be considered unusual, however, is that the case is nearly 30 years old.
- Friday, September 2, 2016

Of Pillows, Pantsuits and Pickles

Persistent, nagging rumors of Hillary Clinton’s physical ability to hold the office of U.S. President were permanently put to rest this week after she appeared on a late night television talk show. Until she appeared with Jimmy Kimmel, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton seemed to be in a “pickle” regarding rumors of her physical fitness. Yes, the pun is unapologetically intended.
- Thursday, August 25, 2016

Something is Very Wrong

“There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling [the] transmission…”. Such was the Orwellian-themed “cold open” of an early 1960s psychological thriller series titled “The Outer Limits,” perhaps now remembered only by those old enough to be receiving incessant solicitations from AARP or medical alert packages.
- Thursday, August 11, 2016

Why Trump’s Platform of Pessimism is Loathed by the Left and Why it Matters

A great deal of print space and political oratory has followed Donald Trump’s “pessimistic” acceptance speech at the RNC. It’s been criticized by pundits and politicians alike as unjustified, untrue and unnecessary doom and gloom rhetoric steeped in apocalyptic hyperbole.
- Tuesday, July 26, 2016
