
David L. Hunter

David L. Hunter is an Associate Editor at "Capitol Hill Outsider" and a "Newsmax" contributor. He's on Twitter and blogs at davidlhunter.blogspot.com, He is published in The Washington Post, The Washington Times, "FrontPage Mag," and extensively in "Patriot Post," Canada Free Press" and "American Thinker."

Most Recent Articles by David L. Hunter:

JFK Democrats no resemblance to Obama, progressives

President JFK once famously said, "But I dream things that never were--and I say: 'Why not?'" Today's progressive, Democratic party--and their propagandist creature, the MSM--twists perceptions of truth with the same ease and disdain as it would JFK's inspiring words of leadership into: "I habitually say things that are untrue--and never were." It is the oxymoronic concept of "leading from behind;" the abdication of responsibility by those who would lead, but are incapable of accepting the inherent responsibility (and veracity) that comes with the job. Indeed, irresponsible power wielded without the check and balance of law promotes widespread government corruption and ultimately degenerates society into chaos. How far America has fallen in a mere 7 years. Ring any bells for anyone?
- Sunday, October 11, 2015

Let's Uber-ize D.C. ambulances

D.C. ambulance service is infamous for longstanding service problems. Life and limb tragedies are regularly compounded by bureaucratic inefficiency. From the mistake of a late arrival after an ailing father had passed away (and billing the grieving family) to an ambulance shutting down due to an EPA-mandated emissions reduction device resulting in the death of a suspect shot by police.
- Monday, October 5, 2015

Justice Sotomayor: laws, not wages for 'the little people'

After almost 7 years of the often equally diabolical and hapless Obama Administration, it is easy to detect the overpowering scent of far-left hypocrisy emanating from progressives in Washington. First, a lawless, ultra-Constitutional president who consistently issues overreaching proclamations by executive fiat.
- Saturday, October 3, 2015

MSM demonizes conservative teen

Democrat U.S. President Harry Truman was famous for the phrase, "I don't give them Hell. I just tell the truth about them and they think it's Hell." Such can be gleaned from the hand-wringing, demeaning reaction of Washington Post columnist Lonnae O'Neal. She is clearly perturbed by 13-year old Coreco JaQuan Pearson's viral video that is outspokenly critical of Mr. Obama's decision to invite Islamic schoolboy and clock-building hoaxer, 14-year old Ahmed Mohammad to the White House. Imagine the temerity of one black youth--a conservative activist--who dares depart the Democrat's political plantation!
- Thursday, September 24, 2015

Schoolboy Ahmed Mohammad: Obama bias?

Coincidence or devious, leftist political optics propaganda? The Monday after the 14th anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist airplane attacks--that killed more than 3,000 innocents, mostly American citizens--into New York's Twin Tower World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the ironically aged 14 year old aptly named Ahmed Mohamed, a Muslim schoolboy, decides it's a good idea to carry in a briefcase with a partially-assembled--beeping, wires exposed clock into MacArthur High School in Irving, Texas. It was not a school-assigned science project, but a hoax made intentionally to look like a bomb. On closer inspection it looks to be a 1970s style Radio Shack clock, not likely built by Ahmed as he claimed. But, this schoolboy prank has already had real life consequences.
- Monday, September 21, 2015

Trump no 'Lonesome Rhodes'

Pointing an accusatory finger always points three fingers back: columnist Thomas is also a prime violator of Ronald Reagan's "11 Commandment" not to speak ill of fellow Republicans. His underlying beef with Trump: he's not an apparatchik of the Republican party—not genuine in all of his stated views (like Mr. Obama's 2008 promise to slow the rise of the oceans)—and doesn't have specific "plans" regarding Putin's aggression or Iranian malfeasance.
- Thursday, September 17, 2015

Hillary and Obama's war on cops, civil society

These Democratic leaders have the blood of many innocents on their hands. Mr. Obama lit the racial powder keg back in 2009 with his mischaracterization that Boston cops "acted stupidly" in arresting a black Harvard professor, Henry Louis Gates Jr., for being belligerent with law enforcement at the man's home.
- Friday, September 4, 2015

Hillary Clinton: prison cell, not Oval Office

Delusional, morally bankrupt, self-obsessed Hillary Clinton—a metaphorical modern day power-obsessed Lady Macbeth (with the same self-destructive [political] behavior) is the poster child of the dictionary definition of treason: a violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state and the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery. (Indeed, staffers should have known something was amiss when the Clinton's movers snatched everything not nailed down when the Clintons left the White House—the people's house—the first time.) Yes, people of Hillary's ilk live by a single axiom: numero uno first, last and always.
- Thursday, September 3, 2015

Hillary Clinton: prison cell, not Oval Office

Delusional, morally bankrupt, self-obsessed Hillary Clinton—a metaphorical modern day power-obsessed Lady Macbeth (with the same self-destructive [political] behavior) is the poster child of the dictionary definition of treason: a violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state and the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery. (Indeed, staffers should have known something was amiss when the Clinton's movers snatched everything not nailed down when the Clintons left the White House—the people's house—the first time.) Yes, people of Hillary's ilk live by a single axiom: numero uno first, last, and always.
- Thursday, August 20, 2015

Deconstructing the Trump phenomenon

From the perspective of all of us “average Joes,” I think it is fair comment that virtually anyone running for U.S. president these days is, by definition, a shameless self-promoter—with something of a God-complex—or a loose screw. With the multitude of problems in the world, who would want the pressures that come to bear or that fish bowl existence?
- Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Clinton admires racial purist Margaret Sanger

Whenever I write about Democrats and their politics I feel very much like Alice (on an acid trip) down the rabbit hole in an Orwellian parallel universe that puts Louis Carroll’s dystopian “Wonderland” to shame. She who will be the Democratic nominee (and statistically is even money to become the next POTUS)—awarded Plan Parenthood’s highest honor in 2009; named after founder, outspoken racist and eugenics advocate Margaret Sanger—claims that “black lives matter,” but publicly defends an institution whose executives were caught on hidden camera video selling aborted fetal organs?
- Wednesday, July 29, 2015

For liberty, American democracy needs truth

In today’s Orwellian political climate in America it is suddenly risqué for politicians to speak plain truths. This is the direct consequence of the litany of bold-faced lies spoken by the current occupant of the White House and she—the truth-challenged Democrat contender (say 6 out of 10 cited by interviewer Anna Keilar regarding a recent CNN poll)—who would replace him. Undoubtedly, it is a sad commentary on the current state of our democracy that it takes an off-the-grid brash billionaire—who doesn’t need the money, fame or power—to articulate what the average citizen in this country is feeling, experiencing and speaking in non-politically correct whispers.
- Saturday, July 11, 2015

The truth of Obama's post-racial America

Supposedly aggrieved Afro-American activists (whose knee-jerk reaction is always to blame whitey for their ills) bray "black lives [should] matter." These same folks completely ignore the fact that 50 percent of Afro-American children are aborted in the womb. Similarly, militant slogans like 'no justice, no peace' coupled with violent city burning-protests obscure the truth that most blacks in America are killed by members of their own race: per 2012 FBI crime statistics, of 2,648 black homicides, 2,412, or 90%, of the perpetrators were black. The progressive Left utilizes the Obama political strategy of "never letting a crisis go to waste" to further an anti-American agenda designed to further inflame racial dissension and keep Democratic ultra-constitutionalist rabble-rousers (through an abetting MSM and mouthpieces like Al Sharpton) in power.
- Saturday, June 27, 2015

To the Supreme Court: ‘Mother, May I’?

Equal protection under the law does not equate to equal results in American society. Liberal progressives have co-opted and perverted the intentions of the Founding Fathers in order to promote their divisive anti-American agenda: pitting one group against another; in the case of the marriage issue, the gay community against conservative Christians.
- Friday, June 26, 2015

Democrats' Mickey D's Politics

There once was an innocent time when children actually clamored for McDonald’s food before the multinational juggernaut of a fast food chain had to advertise the superficial slogan “I’m lovin’ it” to obscure the fact that the food is not of a particularly healthful quality. That is a precise analogy for today's Democrats and the deleterious effect their anti-Capitalistic policies have on America.
- Friday, June 19, 2015

Feeding at Democrat’s poverty plantation

Controlling a citizen’s belly is an insidious mechanism by which to subtly coerce—and consistently predict—that person’s vote. That’s why Democrats use it (and why Mitt Romney failed in his 2012 White House bid despite correctly enumerating the objective facts related to Mr. Obama’s multitude of well-known domestic and international failures). For the 6 plus years of the Obama presidency, his job-killing, anti-Capitalist—tax, spend, redistribute; repeat—fiscal policies have keep key voting demographics—people of color, the poor, the young and the generally alienated (the Occupy movement)—on the Democrat’s economic plantation. Specifically, under Obama, 93 million willing and able Americans cannot find full time work.
- Thursday, June 18, 2015

Democrats' Orwellian Kabuki Theater

In George Orwell's fictional dystopian classic "1984" political leaders (symbolized by "Big Brother") habitually lie, speak out of both sides of their mouths and intend the polar opposite of what they do say. For example, in Orwell's totalitarian depiction, the Ministry of Peace actually promotes perpetual war. Its political purpose clandestinely advocates hardship in order to distract the citizenry from learning the nefarious truth about its ruling elite. Sound familiar?
- Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Liberty’s ‘huddled masses’ are not illegals

The Statue of Liberty, that grande dame of Democracy who endless holds aloft freedom's torch, must feel today more and more the burdens of Atlas, the mythical Greek Titan who held the whole world on his shoulders. This towering symbol of all things beautiful and uniquely American communicates these words of compassion: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." This humanitarian ideal and these inspiring words on the statue's pedestal—immortalized in the 1883 poem "The New Colossus" by Emma Lazarus—do not refer to the tsunami of illegals at our porous borders bringing with them all manners of long-term societal problems in their wake: disease, crime and poverty.
- Sunday, June 14, 2015
