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Op-Ed / Opinion

Multicult Bug Bites Dems

by Klaus Rohrich

July 27, 2004

ah, those crazy Democrats. You’ve gotta’ hand it to them, they are playing every card they can possibly play in their efforts to regain power. This time around it’s the multi-cultural card, among others. New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, the Chair of the Democratic National Convention now running in Boston, has told commentators and reporters that this is the first Democratic National Convention comprised of over 40 percent minority delegates.

Great. While there’s a war raging and countless billions are being spent in efforts to keep terrorism from the U.S. homeland, the Democratic Party is focussing in on minority quotas.

This has all the trappings of political correctness run amok. It’s not important what our delegates bring to the convention. It’s not important whether our candidate is up to the job of President of the United States. What really matters is that we have the right number of delegates of Turco-armenian descent.

When are those guys going to get it? Over the past 12 years they have lost the congress, then the Presidency and then the Senate. In addition they have also lost most of the State Governorships and are now down to a mere 20.

Many Democrats are blaming their spectacular lack of success on the voters not getting their message. They seem to think that if only they had a larger audience for air america, or if the news media was more effective at covering their platforms or if they talked louder and more frequently, then their tide would turn.

The Democrats don’t understand that the problem isn’t that people aren’t hearing their message. How could they miss it with aBC, NBC, CBS, CNN, The New York Times and Washington Post, Michael Moore, Barbra Streisand, Linda Ronstatd, et al? The problem is they are hearing it only too clearly and reacting to that message by supporting the Republicans instead. They have heard Howard Dean’s primal scream; they have heard John Kerry’s assertion that he voted in favour of spending $87 billion to support the troops in Iraq before he voted against it; They have heard Theresa Heinz Kerry explain that her husband’s vote in support of the war in Iraq was in actuality a vote in favour of peace. They have heard Kerry’s running mate John Edwards talk about the importance of affordable health care, even as he personally and directly has caused the cost of health care to increase hugely.

It’s easy for the Democrats and their Hollywood lapdogs to paint the incumbent administration as heartless, pea-brained Neanderthals whose only interest is the enrichment of Halliburton. It costs nothing for them to claim that the only reason america is in Iraq is to get its hands on the oil. However, when the Congress voted, remember, the vote in favour of the war included Democrats Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, John Edwards and Max Cleland, all of whom are now carping about Bush having lied, etc. ad nauseum.

The Republicans could very well lose the White House this year, but if they do, it isn’t because the Democrats had 40 percent of their convention delegates originate from minority groups. If they lose, it will be because George W. Bush managed to win the war in Iraq, but couldn’t manage to win the peace. The overwhelming number of americans could care less about affirmative action in politics or anywhere else, for that matter.

affirmative action has become a kind of bad joke in that it deprives minorities of opportunities to become successful on their own, regardless of how talented they are. There will always be the smidgen of an idea that the only reason they are in a position of authority is because they are a necessary component in making up the correct socially engineered ethnic mix.

The diktat issued by Clinton-appointed Secretary of Transportation Norman Minetta prohibiting U.S. based airlines from subjecting no more than two passengers of Middle-Eastern descent to extra scrutiny is telling in the mindset that made September 11, 2001 possible. It is exactly the same mindset that takes pride in the fact that 40 percent of convention delegates are non-white.

I think most voters are smart enough to connect the dots and draw the conclusion that in a time of crisis it makes a lot more sense to have an action-oriented leadership to rely upon, than one that spends all its time counting noses to make sure enough of them are the right colour.