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Fightin' words

by Klaus Rohrich

September 11, 2004

If you want to know why most of the world hates the West, it's because we have so much wealth that we can afford to support the lunatic fringe in high style. The other day an item in the paper caught my eye. It talked about one David John Oates, a certified hypnotherapist and trainer, and "discoverer" of reverse speech. What is reverse speech, you say? That's a very good question.

     according to Oates, every sentence that we say has a hidden meaning that can be limned by listening to the sentence in reverse. Reverse speech, or as Oates calls it, RS, is in effect a 7th sense that can uncover these hidden meanings.

Oates, who doesn't appear to have any degrees worth mentioning states on his web site:

"If human speech is recorded and played backwards, mixed amongst the gibberish at regular intervals can be heard very clear statements. These statements usually appear in short sentence form and are nearly always related to the forward speech. It appears constantly throughout language, so much so in fact, that it is believed to be a natural part of our speech processes."

The 48-year old australian probably got his start listening to those Beatles records in reverse wherein when played backwards the words that say "Paul is dead" and "turn me on dead man". He claims that his discovery is a powerful truth detector and calls his work "Nobel calibre" I'm thinking it's probably not The Nobel as in alfred Nobel that he is talking about. My guess is that he's talking about Fred Nobel, the homeless man who sells newspapers at Jarvis and Front St. to make a few bucks for his next bottle of Old Sailor.

     Oates has offered some examples of RS, wherein he uncovers what's really being said.

     For instance, in the american race for the presidency, when Bush said "...we are working to advance liberty in the broader middle east because freedom will bring a future of hope"; what he really said was "War first, we failed". On the other hand, Kerry's words also contain hidden messages, albeit radically different from Bush's. For instance, Kerry said "For four years we've heard a lot of talk about values, but values spoken without actions taken are just slogans." according to Oates who analyzed the sentence the RS version is "But I'll love you".

     There are numerous other quotes, all along similar lines, with Bush's RS saying things like "You'll see McDonalds" and "I am a fake" and Kerry's RS saying things like "Serve. Heal the earth" and "Mending Iraq and the wolf looks thick", etc.

     What I found interesting about Oates's claims is how completely evil Bush turns out to be and how angelic Kerry comes across. Clearly, either Oates is a Democrat, or he's on the payroll of the Democrats, or he's related to Michael Moore. His "research" also demonstrates that we can find money to support anything, no matter how kooky. In fact, Oates's research is so kooky, he's a regular on the art Bell Show. Yes, the same art Bell who's been abducted by aliens from the planet Mongo and was forced into prostitution in one of their seaweed mining colonies. The same art Bell who has uncovered the sixth dimension, which is a mirror image of our own dimension, only it is running in reverse so that their people start their existence by dying and end it by getting born.

     Having done a lot of radio work, I thought I'd take a stab at this RS and see what I can discover hidden in the words of some of the people in whom I'm interested. For instance, when Kofi annan says "It is imperative that we reach a multilateral consensus when it comes to the role of UN peacekeepin' operations and how they are to be implemented," his RS seems to say "broker oil deals clean cash". When Hillary Clinton says "I do not have plans to run for the presidency at this time" her RS is saying "death to Kerry". When Bill Clinton said, "I tried hard, harder than anybody to get Bin Laden" his RS says "nice jugs!"

     and, curiously my own RS was really revealing. When I said, "Reverse speech is a crock" my RS said "what a crock".