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Hypocrisy, Liberal Party of Canada

Paul Martin feigns concern for Christians

By arthur Weinreb, associate Editor,
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

When it comes to sheer hypocrisy, nothing can come close to the Liberal Party of Canada. Paul Martin came into office almost two years ago promising to slay the democratic deficit and do other wondrous things to change the way Ottawa had been running under the 10-year reign of Jean Chrétien. Martin, of course, didn’t change the way the government runs one iota, although he did manage to slow it down quite a bit.

Now with the almost certainty that he will lose the job that he had coveted since it was denied to daddy so many times if the Liberals fail to get a majority, and with the polls consistently showing that the next government will be a Liberal or Conservative minority, a desperate Martin is playing the religion card. Speaking from South Korea where he was attending the aPEC Summit, Martin said:

"When you are talking about the holiday season, there are also other religions that have different New Year’s at different dates and their holidays at a different date and I think we have to be respectful of that--the orthodox churches, for example.

It’s up to the opposition. I don’t want a Christmas election."

Notice how the usually oh so politically correct Martin uses the word "Christmas" rather than "holiday". Secularists like Paul Martin usually refrain from using the word "Christian" lest they offend those of other religions. The reality, of course is that when the politically correct left use words such as "Christmas" they only end up offending each other. Yet our boy has no hesitation in referring to the Christian holiday if he thinks there is something to be gained politically.

With Paul Martin showing his concern for Christians and their celebration of the birth of Christ, the Liberal Party has come a long way from the days when they dragged out Warren Kinsella with his purple dinosaur to make fun of Stockwell Day’s Christian beliefs. The party that openly bragged about leaving God out of memorial services is now the protector of the Christian faith. Isn’t that touching?

Now, Paul Martin is a devout Catholic although much like his lack of knowledge of the sponsorship scandal, we only have his word on it. Many in the church’s hierarchy don’t seem to see it that way. Martin dutifully follows the teachings of God and his church unless those teachings are overruled by a majority of the Supreme Court of Canada. Martin didn’t seem to particularly care about the feelings of Christians and others who opposed same sex marriage on religious grounds. Their beliefs didn’t matter--they were nothing more than homophobic bigots. The courts prevail (unless a court decision affects him personally like last week’s decision in which the Federal Court found that Martin’s firing of Via Rail Chairman Jean Pelletier breached the duty of fairness. Martin simply brushed the decision off and said he was glad he dumped that horrible Chrétienite).

Back in 1979, before Paul reached the magic age of 50 when daddy said it was okay to enter politics, we had a winter election. The short lived government of Joe Clark fell in late December and the election was held in February. The parties all agreed not to campaign or run election ads during the Christmas period. It was no big deal back then. While there were a few chuckles in those thrilling days of yesteryear, federal politics wasn’t quite the vaudeville routine that it has now degenerated into. Despite the fears of Fearful Leader, midnight masses will not be overrun by overly eager canvassers seeking votes. Both the nation and Christianity will survive a "Christmas election."

When Parliament is dissolved, it will be Paul Martin who sets the date of the next election. If he is so concerned about orthodox holidays, all he has to do is set a date that doesn’t conflict with those or any other holidays. It’s so simple, even Paul could do it without his usual coterie of advisors.

If Paul Martin was capable of feeling shame, which he obviously isn’t in light of the release of the Gomery Report, he would be ashamed of himself. Using Christianity and the belief of Christians as a reason to keep his corrupt government in power until he can hopefully get a majority, is disgusting.

Martin’s concern about Christmas is nothing more than a desperate act by a desperate man. There is nothing that he won’t play politics with.