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Hillary Clinton

No steak knives for the losers

By John Burtis
Monday, January 2, 2006

ah, Hillary, has finally come off the fence concerning the latest Democratic talking point, the great NSa spy scandal, which President Bush has visited upon these United States in the name of protecting us from Muslim Murder Inc. or al-Qaeda.  Yep, she's gathered up her coterie of key grips and gaffers and sent out a fund raising letter in which she rails against spying on "americans," lumping all the hard working folks from sea to shining sea in with that band of treasonous brothers from Lackawanna and the other al-Qaeda affiliates that The New York Times opines were singled out for surveillance because of their links to Osama's international terror organization.  Poor lads.

Though she promises to continue publicly reproaching Bush and his accomplices, she's chosen snail mail and a plea for filthy lucre to announce her somewhat tepid adherence to the sterner stuff laid down by the more evocative and incendiary Democratic luminaries.   after all, Harry Reid bragged of killing the Patriot act to chilling applause, Ted Kennedy trumpeted an utterly false story of a college student's interrogation by G-men for reading communist literature as part of anti-Bush editorial in his home town version of the yellow dog press, John Kerry has demanded Bush's impeachment when the Democrats take over Congress in 2006 and Howard Dean has done his patented high-decibel rant wherever he can, with or without press coverage, in and out of consciousness.  all far from Hillary's luke warm and nearly invisible embrace of the latest attack plan, in a letter.

Now, according to what I've read and heard for the last, say, oh, 13 or 14 years, Hillary is the most admired woman in every poll; the smartest female lawyer alive today, the most astute politician in a field of giants, the brains behind her husband's own formidable intellect, a farsighted genius, the toughest member of the Watergate prosecutorial staff, meaner than a junk yard dog, pretty as a picture and sweet as pie, and pretty in pink.  I mean the ecomiums and panegyrics keep rolling in almost as fast as they did under Josef Stalin or Mao Tse Tung.  all she lacks are the genetics expertise attributed to Old Joe and a comparable Red Book similar to the collection of Mao's ravings.

It strikes me, though, that she's too smart by half.  Let's see, too fearful to take an immediate public stand, the letter goes in the mail around the time the polls show that 78% of americans believe that the survival of the US trumps the fate of the assorted miscreants rounded up thanks to the President and the NSa.   If the letter's shown to be a dog, Hill can disavow it.  If it gets some traction, but not enough, she can net some dough.  If it's a big hit, ditto the last, but it still won't change the big picture. and if it's a dog with fleas, she can blame some lowly staffer for the gaffe at a press conference, before ordering them into an oblivion shared with the old White House Travel Office staff she dismissed with the FBI's help.  In any case, she figures she can't lose.  It was only a letter and she's the smartest politician alive, maybe of all time, for all ages.  It will go away, most likely into the trash, and she'll net a return on about 10% of the total number of letters sent. 

But what about those old fuddy-duddy values you never hear about any more, ones that haven't cropped up in the press's homage to her manifold abilities?  The things that should inhabit the space behind the perfectly coiffed hair and the make-up and fill the heart of a patriot.  Those clunky and outmoded things we usually hold our nose for while we hang them around the necks of people like our Founding Fathers, abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Douglas Macarthur and Harry Truman. You know, duty, honor, country, bravery, and moral courage.  Held by those poor ignoramuses who didn't know any better then and who would fail to grasp the nuances of today's liberal mentality today.  Those dunderheads who laid it all on the line for our survival and suffered so unkindly for it and yet never wavered in their pursuits.  Those fools.

No, the courage of convictions is not to be found in carefully crafted fundraising letters cloaked in an artfully woven fabric of allusions allowing the greatest possible number of permutations and the maximum amount of leeway and plausible deniability.  On the contrary, bravery requires that you must take a stand, based on the almost imperceptible clicking of one's internal moral compass, and choose the a path defending and protecting the Constitution of the United States of america to the very best of your ability.  It is not an easy, but an often painful, path, and there are no prizes for second best.  No steak knives of Dolly Madison rocking chairs for the losers, only smoking ruins accompanied by the deaths of thousands.  and polls, however helpful, will not protects us from the madness of Zarqawi.

In today's world, with the heinous enemies and the dreadful weapons arrayed against us, saddled with feckless allies and a UN corrupt beyond all understanding, we cannot afford anyone who will not afford us bravery and moral courage, of whatever ilk, Republican or Democrat, foremost, at all times.  Fatuous fund raising letters, extolments from a fawning press, and the idolatry of the liberal political machine do not equal leadership.  They are just so much meaningless propaganda.

Today a leader who stands with us and as one of us is paramount.  Our survival and that of our families and our way of life is primary,   all other things are secondary. 

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