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Hillary Clinton, the cartoon war

The war for Hillary's ear

By John Burtis
Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Back in 1739, England declared war against Spain in what was initially known as the War of Jenkin's Ear, which involved the alleged Spanish mistreatment of English sailors and featured British seaman Robert Jenkins' display of his severed ear before an astonished and quickly aroused Parliament.

Today there is a similar war for the ears of our politicians.

at what point will European parliaments and the US Congress alike recognize imminent danger to Chilly Willy, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and Huey, Louie and Dewey? When will the State Department recognize the danger and rise to their defense? I guess it'll all have to wait until the mean and dreadful thrashing about on the NSa hearings are completed and until the long line of star-studded witnesses and the thousands of perspicacious documents damning the protection of america are slowly meandered through.

With a Europe seemingly awakening from a rather long period of hebetudinous slumber and realizing that years of abject appeasement and total prostration may have been wasted on the increasingly visible and violent Muslim world, the continent is beginning to recognize the same dangers that we have been facing, without our prodding, thanks to the direct action of the powers of militant Islam.

In the end we have to face the fact that maniacs who act so passionately about the make believe world might also carry on even more frighteningly with their hands on nuclear weapons in the real world and that it's high time for our political leadership to awaken to this conundrum. a few simple, but easily understood, pen and ink drawings have driven the Muslim world to the brink of utter madness, and resulted in nihilistic chaos and atavistic violence on an incredible scale, which is spreading worldwide like a wind-whipped wildfire on the tinder dry Texas plain.

With these activities in mind, what would other apperceived provocations of a larger nature result in, especially when viewed through the paranoid martyr's eyes of an unstable and nuclear armed Mahmoud ahmadinejad of Iran, the more jaundiced eyes of Bashir assad and the collective dementia of the assorted mullahs?

The world wonders.

at home, with the world going topsy-turvy, with the number of dead piling up, with foreign legations being sacked, looted and burned on a scale embarrassing to even the hardiest of battle-hardened Huns, Hillary Clinton-- firmly ensconced in her insulated bubble, where the growing madness of militant Islam, the fears of a nuclear Iran and the growing anarchy visible in the arab street remains but a faint background hiss--has opened her long awaited winter charm offensive in the crucial and decisive war against that dreaded vulpine tyrant, President Bush. In Hillary's cleverly crafted and politically prudent Weltanschauung, Bush represents a far greater, closer and more easily recognizable menace than radical Islam and Mahmoud's Iran, their grasping need for atomic weapons and their avowed designs to destroy Israel and america.

In what The New York Times noted as "even tones" and "temperate phrases" she went on to "...convey her displeasure at Mr. Bush's budget priorities." Budget priorities while the world burns?

ah, Hillary, speaking in the soft dulcet tones of Robert Frost or Carl Sandburg now, are you? I wonder which came first--there are a number of meanings for the word 'convey', and one is to deliver sealed writing--the write up, perhaps already to go in the galleys at the paper, or your measured speech? Did the Times even bother to send a reporter to listen to your soothing monologue at the Head Start classroom, or were they handed a cheat sheet ahead of time, with the key words emphasized in bright orange, for their account of your recent conversion to pensive parlor talk?

How soon can we now expect the genuine believers like Chris Matthews, the ever perky Katie Couric, and CNN to read the same adjectives, verbatim, during their own televised versions of Howard Dean's reality? Will this resemble the "gravitas" caper where everybody on the twilight side of the TV dial used that fabled term within twenty minutes of each other?

If seaman Jenkins lost his ear in the troubles of 1739, when will Hillary find hers in the growing Islamist insanity of 2006 and raise her shrill, or is it now her euphonius, voice to protest the mayhem and violence associated with the cartoons, speak in defense of Sylvester and Tweedy, decry the growing calls for the beheading of animators and cartoonists alike, and recognize that there are far greater enemies of america at large on the world's stage than President Bush?

But the admission of enemies greater than our own President would be a dangerous one indeed and would mean the shattering of the sacred liberal crystal into a thousand pieces. after all is said and done, and following the raving lunacy and the rip-roaring down-home speechifying of al Gore, Howard Dean, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, John Murtha, Cindy Sheehan, Ted Kennedy, and everybody else who's ever dragged themselves before a microphone and dolorously wailed about the criminality of the President, to state that enemies of a greater threat exist on our planet would be anathema to the true believers and as great a shock to the vast array of the unwashed as Martin Luther's Theses nailed to the door in Wittenberg were to the stratified hierarchy in the Vatican.

Equally so, a similar admission would sound the death knell for the effete purveyors of the same schlock in the liberal mass media. and the great orotund hucksters like The New York Times, the La Times, USa Today, CBS, NBC, aBC, and CNN would fall from their gradual slide into disrepute to total ruin.

The big lie has gone on so long and has become such a canon of faith for the Democrats that it cannot be rescinded or corrected without the signal collapse of the faithful and a cracking of the edifice of the party.

and so as the battle for Hillary's ear wages on, there is only one outcome which can be expected. Hillary will be bound by her hatred, ensnared by the nets of the special interest groups, grasped by the far left of the Democratic party, cheered on the kooks and screwballs in airamerica's asylum and held in thrall by her major donors to maintain all but a deaf ear to anything but the pursuit of President Bush and his policies. and she will speak in whatever tones are expedient at the time and place she chooses to rhapsodize.

In the war for Hillary's ear, our real enemies are to be avoided and overlooked and only the liberal and progressive voices and their cries for Bush's head will be heard.

But the battle against cartoons will go on and the work on the Islamic bomb will continue. and sadly, in america, the campaign against our President will trump the recognition of the undeniable threats clouding our horizon and the impenetrable darkness growing in the East.

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