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Iranian Nuclear Weapons, Hollywood, John Kerry

Pipe dreams

By John Burtis
Tuesday, March 7, 2006

There is growing concern about the actions needed to get the Iranian state back in line on the issue of nuclear weapons, with a clear and decisive advantage in the next election said to be going to the candidate with the most intelligible plan on the process.

as John Kerry explains it, we've got to, “…get the Pope, get the Dalai Lama, get the archbishop of Canterbury,” in touch with the mullahs and whoever else is running the somewhat crazy theocracy in Iran and chart the recalcitrant Iranians a better course for putting their house in order. This particular theme, featuring the intervention of pivotal religious leaders selected by the noted Eli, former Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts, leading Democratic Presidential contender, windsurfer, Winter Soldier, professed environmentalist, and troubadour, has been broadcast as a key plank in his great ship of state, that veritable Titanic of the yacht yards, since 2004.

Surely, with a bit of time, a warm place to sit down, a chance to chat, some crumpets, maybe some English Breakfast tea, a bit of background charm supplied by finger cymbals, an hymnal from the Church of England, a few extra zucchettos for the uninitiated, maybe a miter or two thrown in for good measure, and a saffron robe, I'm sure that the traveling squad of mullahs and coach ahmadinejad, once they've checked in and drawn their uniforms, will be handsomely rewarded for their efforts. Within a few short hours, under Mr Kerry's endless charm and firm but fair tutelage, they'll be singing like larks, and joining Il Papa and Dr Rowan Williams in a jaunty rendition of a Mighty Fortress is Our God, just for starters. and once fellowship is joined, they'll splice the main brace with the Dalai Lama and his singing sidekick, Lama Tashi, for a run through of the Lama's chant.

But then again, it just may be that Mr Kerry is really lost in the ozone with this particular piece of abject fantasy. The hardnosed purveyors of the kamikaze drills approved in the Koran and advertised on TV, may not be so easily convinced of the merits of a long involved show and tell with fellows of opposing religious views, whom they all seem to view as apostates and philistines worthy of a quick beheading. The whole plan seems to be the result of the overly fevered imagination of a, well, Hollywood type.

and perhaps Mr Kerry's dogged reliance on this particular type of repetitive dream sequence indicates the involvement of a highly placed actor or producer in his inner entourage, where their clear panoramic Imax view of this fabulously complex world can be passed directly on to the great communicator. Ideas of such magnitude and all encompassing power could only be transmitted and agreed to in the heated hurly-burly of intense political discussions held in the highest reaches of the Kerry campaign - among the privileged cognoscenti occupying the supreme seats of power and enjoying exclusive access to the master's ear.

Hollywood of late has had no shortage of similar volunteers, and is sending their best and brightest out front regularly, on the airwaves and into the television studios, to assist the somewhat languid and slightly dense Democratic politicians who represent their avidly socialist presumptions and preferred way of life. These supernovas of progressive thought, including the spelling-bee winning Barbra Streisand, the pseudo-spiritualist spoon bending al Franken, and the award winning ersatz quasi-mockumentary filmmaker Michael Moore, have all served in their unique and special ways to point out the flaws and foibles of the Right and to urge the leading Democratic political celebrities on to ever greater feats of madcap absurdity. Perhaps Mr Kerry has taken their advice in his assiduous plans to bring the dangerous zealots in Tehran to heel.

But I suspect that the real advisor for Mr Kerry's program using the Pope, Dr. Williams and the Dalai Lama, may be none other than that casual Lake Como resident, Hollywood gadfly, Republican baiter, bane of non-fiction reading people everywhere, the 'Mambo Italiano' humming George Clooney.

Mr Clooney explained it all at Sunday night's send up to another go-go season of appeals to the lowest common denominator, the re-writing of recent history and the heralded arrival of the latest in happy horse operas - a year which found John Wayne still cutting in at #3 in america's hearts as their favorite star - “We are a little bit out of touch.”

This latter comment may be the prima facie evidence for his involvement with the Kerry campaign - and mirrors Mr Kerry's own outlook - which seems on most occasions to sit some three or four inches above the turf, especially in its habitual praise of Mr. Carter's foreign policy achievements when speaking of Iran and concerning its use of Mr. Clinton's domestic performances.

But, of course, on the other side of the table, you have people like that John Bolton, who just don't get the need for the finer points, the nuances, the absolute need for subtlety and the refined gradations needed when dealing with nuclear armed purveyors of international terror. Oh, no, not that Mr Bolton - he just doesn't get the Hollywood thing at all.

“There will be tangible and painful consequences…” to be felt by Iran if it continues down the path of international isolation, advises Mr. Bolton, not one to shirk words or responsibility.

Not one to disturb the Pope with a fatuous request, not a fellow to drag the Dalai Lama in from Tibet for a meeting that won't happen, nor a man to talk up the archbishop of Canterbury for a fool's errand, Mr Bolton seems to tell it like it is and recognize pipe dreams for what they are.

It remains doubtful, however, that Mr Bolton will be receiving much advice from Mr Clooney or the other exalted members of the Hollywood international relations brain trust, just as it appears that Mr Kerry will continue peddling his plan, the Pope, the archbishop and the songs.

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