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French student riots, US immigration demonstrations, fallout

Storm surges

By John Burtis
Monday, March 27, 2006

It was interesting to watch the nights of mayhem in Paris as the mobs of unruly students had their go at authority and the police, while the fire department tackled the many burning cars. all the fuss was about the recent laws passed by the French legislature which gave the ok to employers to fire the newly hired for any reason in the first two years of their tenure. Imagine being for fired – for any reason. and I thought it was tough in the private sector over here when you could get the axe and the boot at the same time for anything at all. and I have been, as I'm sure almost everybody has. It's not easy in the market place, today.

Plus, last week, Hillary Clinton's newly found respect for the Bible and her deep and profound understanding of the scripture, was resurrected anew as she railed against laws which might slow the growing flash flood of illegal immigrants across our southern borders, even as it tops the mean hundred year flood level - decrying the whole shabby unwarranted and obviously biased intrusion of an elected Congress into this volatile issue, "…because this bill would literally criminalize the Good Samaritan and probably even Jesus himself." Nope, there's really no need to cut into the manufacture and distribution of Democratic voters, that'd be a mortal sin, and Congress had better watch out.

Following Mrs Clinton's poor mouthing of the half-hearted Congressional efforts on illegal immigration, hundreds of thousands of its proponents took to the streets in far greater numbers than the sainted anti-war protestors have thus far – perhaps a wake-up call transmitted to the Democrats but, owing to their tin ears and horse blinders, a message that, too, will go unnoticed – to protest a racist Congressional meddling on a far larger scale than Mrs Clinton's tiresome and trenchant mewling, despite its reliance upon a higher authority than that offered by the crowds of open border supporters in Los angeles and other cities.

In France, the threat of sacking results in rioting, while in america, the concerns about Congressional interfering in the free ranging of everybody except naturalized citizens results in a happy faced demonstrations, free of problematic police interference.

Will the voluble Mr Chirac and the immalleable Mr de Villepin and the often docile and well-fed French legislature be able to maintain their tough stance in the face of rioting, cobble rock throwing students, who demand – despite clouds of tear gas, police clubs, mass arrests, the use of water cannons, skirmish lines, openly fawning press accounts, often ghastly sights broadcast across the world by television networks inimical to the official French point of view, scenes of the injured being carted out while under attack, the many views of the Brigades des sapeurs-pompiers de Paris splashing water on the all too familiar sight of burning voitures – a return to the France of old where the mere receipt of a job, a precious beautiful job, meant easy pickings for life, plenty of vacation time, a long wine drenched lunch hour and a blessed 35 hour week?

Likewise, will a lackluster, pork plagued, fat laden and cholesterol threatened US Congress - fresh from raising the debt limit to areas beyond Pluto, and well into the last few notches on the Kuiper Belt, while voting again to gut So Scurity, in which one side fears the up-coming election while the other side brays like a choir of asses full of loco weed as they beller chanties of peace in our time to a bands of blood thirsty Islamist brigands crying for our blood while showing us the severed heads of their once helpless captives – have the wherewithal and chutzpah to maintain a course steady enough to halt, or even slow, the influx of murderers, criminals and terrorists who swim in the same white-water flood as the dainty, wholesome and felon-free gardeners and housekeepers who tip-toed through Los angeles the other day under the banners of "Si se puede?"

With the way things are going, given the past actions of both the stalwart French, the growing concern of the Republicans about the elections and the Democratic courting of both the criminal element - as evidenced by their age old attempts to both free the felons, regardless of their guilt or innocence, and to get them the vote - and their love for the illegal immigrant population – whom they both shower with all manner of perquisites, at a rate far below that offered to the very citizens who must pay the freight on the program, and again, thanks to their handmaidens, dupes, agents in state and local government, and to the idiocy of the Motor Voter act, to obtain voting rights for non-citizens to insure their return to power - nothing can be taken for granted.

It may be that the laws in France may be amended. It may also come to pass that any attempt to limit our own hurricane storm surge – the Mexican army mummery, Bill Richardson's four step plan for capitulation with his shadow boxing amigos, and the militant members of La Raza bent on the re-occupation of California and the Southwest, who, it can be said with some certainty, push their way across our unguarded borders with the millions of decent and honest folk who merely come here to sample our health care system and to join the many newly created Latino and Hispanic outreach programs which are found as far north as New England - may come to naught as a result of political expediencies in an election year.

There is a great river of history, in which France and the United States are adrift. The survival of these nation states are not predicated on these two issues alone, but they serve as warnings. Lifetime jobs, without a threat of dismissal, are as dangerous in the long run as unbridled illegal immigration, without a thought to the criminals and terrorists who inhabit the flood, is to our survival.

Without the courage to tackle these controversies, without the ability to formulate a plan and without the recognition of these issues as problems, we are adrift. and the shoals of time are approaching the great ships of state.

Mrs Clinton, what do we do when we founder?

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