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Ted Kennedy, the wind farm, opposition

Not in Ted's back pond:
Tilting at windmills, jousting for views

By John Burtis
Thursday, april 27, 2006

Massachusetts' two senators are concerned about wind farms planned for their back yards.

Over the years. the colossal weight of the endless ecomiums and the panegyrics, from the greens and liberals alike, laid in the senior senator's rather hefty hold have served to settle his good ship at the waterline.

But lately, Mr. Kennedy has been openly bucking his long term association with the conservation movement with his fervid opposition to an environmentally friendly wind farm, planned to inhabit the water off Cape Cod, in the highly secret Kennedy area 51, the Chatham Triangle--Ted's favorite place to sail, according to author Peter Schweizer.

all this brouhaha, bickering and behind-the-scenes maneuvering comes at a time when the price of natural gas, oil and gasoline are skyrocketing and when even the struggling local citizenry, long used to the Kennedy way of doing business, are growing equally concerned, according to the New York Times--in a shocking accusatory editorial concerning Mr Kennedy's hijinx in this matter--about the greenhouse gases associated with nearby fossil fuel power plants and are demanding new sources of clean energy.

and, according to a recent NewsMax article, which quotes Channel 4 in Boston, his staunch defense of this patch of ocean arises from its depths, like Moby Dick, from the fact that the Senator, "would be able to see the turbines from his family compound," while sitting on the porch and having those numerous glasses of eye tearing and voice altering afternoon lemonade.

Thus, we have the dreaded Kennedy double whammy sounding any project's, however ecologically friendly, death knell--interference with the down wind tack and view obscuration at Compound K, unlike the partial apperception which would afflict neighboring Compound W.

But imagine the power of the conservationists for a moment. In Mr. Kennedy's homeland, the People's Republic of Massachusetts, the most liberal state in america, home to gay marriage and the first universal health care proscription, a local television channel called him to task and he was further humiliated by the people's friend--the New York Times, sole owner of the far left liberal tool, the Boston Globe, their prized loss leader, bought for a billion and valued at 600 million today.

But all is not lost for the serried summer sailing classic.

a little known codicil was inserted into the Coast Guard authorization bill, giving the final say on the windmills to Governor Romney and the Commandant of the Coast Guard. While the Times regales us with the facts that the Coasties are for it, Mr. Romney is said to be against it--with a single veto torpedoing the project.

Thus Romney will take the heat, Ted will skate, the propellers won't turn, the sea lanes will remain open and the unblemished panorama will prevail.

Of course Mr. Kennedy is not alone in his upper class, let them eat cake, being green is for the little folks, the people who can afford to make the sacrifices, opposition to wind farms, league.

It also appears that another long time emerald peacock, Mr John "Live shot" Kerry, is also dreadfully and painfully afflicted by another funny farm, or is it the same plan, to plunk down a similar installation off the sainted shores of Martha's Vineyard, where the towers and vanes would, gasp, serve to disturb similar pristine views afforded him at one of his, or is it his spouse's, resplendent villas?

Imagine the manifold additional sacrifices Mr. Kerry would need to make, after those he has already made, with the addition of a wind farm in his purview. Just by looking at the swinging vanes through the telescope on each of his exterior balconies, their motion would insure that he'd hear them, and once seen, he'd hear then forever, even in his sleep, and not sleeping, he'd arise from his slumbers and go look again.

and at night? Mr Kerry would be compelled to purchase low light binoculars so that he could track the motions of the vanes in total darkness, where he'd still pick up the infernal sounds associated with their slow circular motion--further enraging him. No, he realizes, this must not stand.

He cannot afford, knowing how precious the small amount of sleep afforded him as a result of his labors on our behalf, to allow a wind farm within any visible distance of the island palace--the common people and the environmentalists be damned. Let someone else pay the growing price for conservation, he has done enough.

and so, the two great untouchable liberal icons, the faltering lion and the lap dog of the rich, tilt at the wind mills they insist that we install within our views and hearing to lower their energy bills.

But we must not, in our foolishness, dare impinge on their rights to sail and to enjoy unimpeded views.

It's a beautiful day.

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