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ann Coulter, Media, Democrats

Wanted: Dead and alive

By John Burtis
Saturday, June 17, 2006

Lately the media and their hand maidens in the Democratic Party, (I sometimes get the whole ball of wax switched around), are hell bent for leather in showing that things, people and ideas are both alive and dead at the same time.

Take ann Coulter for instance. She's dead. Not only dead, but she's a harridan, a problem, a blonde floozy, a, now get this, a dangerous sort of a conservative who must be stopped at every turn, even on our free speech college campuses. Her books must be banned or burned.

and, they now say, she pads her book circulation figures because her latest tome is offered as part of a subscription deal or as some sort of an incentive with that wild almost Hitlerian NewsMax, if you can believe half of what you read and about a quarter of what you hear. But she's dead and they're marking her so in their obits because she has no right to life — a common Democratic thread.

and yet ann is alive. I've seen her on television shows. I've listened to her expound on the base harlotry and gross insensate tomfoolery which passes as the liberal interpretation of Leninism today. and we laugh at her true to life depictions of the madcap inanity we witness every hour when the visions of the high and mighty swim into view as they dog paddle aimlessly in the frothy progressive pond, calling for cocktails, nay votes, ambien, and crying towels.

Religion? Hah! The liberals and progressives are simply acting schizophrenically and their psychiatrists are collecting the rent on their dream homes.

No? Just ask David Gregory and the long suffering ink pushers embroiled in the White House press corps and their prolonged battles with mental illness because of George Bush.

Or ask ann, she's as alive and dead as Schroedinger's cat, only more so.

Then there's the UN's latest call for a standing army.

Everybody knows that the whole place, except for John Bolton, are dead men, women, and rapporteurs walking. and now they want an army to, you know, pick up the old slack from the US army and Marines, the Brits, the SaS, the SBS, the australians, the Japanese and the other international lightweights in the military end of things.

See, the UN is both alive, in the New York Times, where Kofi annan, that well-dressed humbug of a laughing-stock, tours the automobile section before audi, and dead. Dead and buried if anybody has any sense at all and can recollect the gross failures, mishaps and rapes that accompany that blue capped band of complete rotters whenever they go "abroad." Oh, yes, they want generals, too, many generals.

Maybe Judge John Murtha can campaign for a battlefield promotion in that medal heavy outfit now that Ms. Pelosi has told him to slow down on the Majority Leader end of things.

Then there's al-Qaeda, which is dying on the vine, if you have the common sense to listen to the US army and not to the UN, the New York Times, the Globe, John Kerry and the rest of Russ Feingold's anti-war crowd. apparently, and I could be wrong and Pinch'll correct me if I'm not, with one of his ace reporters who might venture east of Cos Cob this time to gather his bona fides, the wreckage of Mr. Zarqawi's joint was a treasure trove of intelligence.

and after some 452 raids, the killing of some 104 terrorists and the capture of another 750, to say nothing of the wholesale roll up of volumes of additional actionable material, al-Qaeda's been dealt a mortal blow.

But, now get this, al-Qaeda is still living the life of Riley in the Times and on CNN. No life support for terror in Pinch's paper or with the blatant Democratic hacks on TV. No sirree, Baba, Muhammad or abu. They're going great guns, the war is in full collapse, Judge Murtha has ruled homicide in every questionable case, John Kerry says, "Bring the boys home, now, " just like he did in 1971, Ted Kennedy is crying, "Boola-boola-boola!" over and over, and the world's ticking along just fine, with a cool clean liberal slant. and they have quotes from adam ant and Tommy Tune explaining that terror's on top and that our boys are down for the count — as they always are in the liberal heart.

Then there's the long suffering Rita Cosby, who's dead, according to Keith Olberman, that pointy eared Chihuahua who's barking from deep left field, who has let it be known that poor Ms. Cosby, late of Fox News, has totally collapsed and is lying in a coma in his perfect estimation, narrowly saving him from a further self-disintegration of epic proportions.

But Rita, too, is alive and she's come out fighting, and has stated that Mr. Olberman, who enjoys ratings below those of ‘Survivor — John Kerry's Cap', is a humbug and a no account.

It an amazing oddity indeed that all these things and people are dead, while they also seem to be alive and kicking.

and the liberal news, be it on TV, in the newspapers or on the radio, or what remains of it there, continues to push their, Wanted; Dead and alive brand of folderol for us all to plow through.

Enough, I say.

Just give us the dead side, we can tell if the subject's honestly alive.

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