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Senators Harry Reid, Carl Levin, Iraq, the joke

Pardon me all to hell

By John Burtis
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I was shocked, shocked to hear Senators Carl Levin and Harry Reid, two of the Democratic best and brightest, well at least when compared to Mssrs. Kerry and Feingold, the latest partners in a marriage of convenience they say, with offspring out of the question, act so doggone disturbed and uppity when Mr. Maliki of Iraq dared to suggest offering to amnesty some members of the resistance over there.

It certainly is striking when two men of such a heavy caliber can act so uproariously about something they had no belief in just a few days ago.

If my memory serves me right, I seem to recall, according to the ayes and nays issuing from the mouths and votes of these fine gentlemen, that the Iraq expedition has been called the wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time; that we should have kept the old Iraqi army intact in order to better fight the new insurgency and the old al-Qaeda boyos; that George Bush hoodwinked us, every one, on everything from intelligence to the price of tabouli in Ramadi; that everybody in Iraq was better off under the thoughtful gaze and benevolent rule of Mr. S. Hussein, who gave Baghdad a more equitable share of well lit autobahns and torture chambers; and that everything after the foray in afghanistan was just rubbish and eyewash to fiddle with the price of oil and designed to enrich Dick Cheney. Or, you know, variations on this old hackneyed script as broadcast in the New York Times and on CNN.

The whole rotten crowd conveniently overlooks the mounting evidence of al-Qaeda links, the WMD's, the Salman Pak training grounds and the mountain of newly interpreted reports found in Iraq.

Oh, yes, but the Democrats faithfully remind us that over 2,500 of our brave men and women have been sacrificed for nothing at all, except for the outlandish bravura of the neo-cons, nudniks and toffs who currently run the federal government, forgetting, of course, the base crowd who cobbled the post-Vietnam intellectual masterpiece together with such aplomb and high inflation with the likes of Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Jimmy Carter at the unsteady helm of a ship of state taking on water after we left our last batch of allies high and dry.

Of course, Mr. Levin and Mr. Reid have also forgotten, conveniently along the way, that we have assisted in giving Mr. Maliki the freedom to say and do what he finds politically expedient, under the garb of a new and hard fought constitution and government, and that he has chosen a particular path following our involvement in this whole freedom end of things — a novel Middle Eastern idea.

I find it totally uproarious that Carl Levin and Harry Reid are now questioning and belittling the actions of a brave Mr. Jawad al-Maliki in his country, as he begins to calm the troubled sectarian waters there, especially in light of Mssrs. Levin's and Reid's recent outrageously blatant outreach to the foreign criminals blandly strolling through our own third world country - the sleepy land of Winkin, Blinkin and Nod - in the colorful garb and wide-brimmed headgear of the 12 million or so benighted illegal aliens, riotously adrift in our milieu — a number so vast, in fact, that we can't do a thing with them except welcome them to our dinner table at our expense, forever.

The Democrats, and the US Senate in general, are throwing the peace of our country to the four winds and offering amnesty to the thousands, or is it the millions, of untold criminal aliens in our midst, for no good reason other than it can be done, that it should be done to show people, somewhere, that bright men are working and not asleep at the switch — which, of course, they really are.

Mr. Levin and Mr. Reid are sifting the world looking for miscreants to cosset, while Mr. Maliki is not.

Mr. Maliki, on the other hand, is reaching out to the disaffected citizens of his own nation, while Mr. Levin and Mr. Reid are paying no absolutely no attention to theirs.

and this is the vital difference, and one that is totally lost on these two Democratic savants, as they haughtily pettifog the deliberate actions of Mr. Maliki, in his attempts to slow the violence on his native streets.

Yet these two sleek and cumbrous Senators take umbrage at the actions of a man attempting to build a nation from the wreckage of the past, while they gloat over the wreckage they are wreaking on the future of our nation as they scrabble for power through their gigantic amnesty for crooks program.

It's rather unsettling listening to two liberal fat cats malign a working man for doing the best job he can against untold odds, al-Qaeda, and religious extremism, while they're living a life of indolence and poetic ease, hunting for criminals to please.

Pardon me all to hell for questioning your ability to dump all over Mr. Maliki, boys. I just find it so unseemly, given all the facts.

But considering the fact that you've done absolutely nothing to further the war aims, hindered the prosecution of the campaign at every step, and have maligned the President at every turn, I find it rather unique that you should, at this late juncture, complain about the internal politics of Iraq.

Go back to the sand box, the mud pies, the bully pulpit of and the free seats at the fights.

and stop bullyragging Mr. al-Maliki. He may not possess the veneer of a US Senator in your eyes, but that's a decided plus in the view from my heavily discounted seat high in the nosebleed section.

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