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Democrats, the rich, the proverbial punching bag

Stop calling me filthy rich, I'm just a Kulak!

By John Burtis
Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I am so tired of being castigated for being outlandishly rich by your Democratic millionaires and billionaires like Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, al Gore, John Edwards and John Kerry.

Ha! You'd think we're dining with the Trumps, jet setting with, gulp, the Kerrys, glad handing George Soros, pumping up the volume with the kings of hip-hop, have our noses in the trough with the aging rock and rollers, that we're off to Bermuda at the drop of a hat, have a summer home in the Kennebunks, and that our winding gravel driveway is awash in Ferraris, Tucker Torpedoes, and Nash Ramblers.

Nope, but it sure seems that we're being lambasted and excoriated by the Democrats at every turn for being part of some kind of a vaulted ruling class for possessing a bit of land, running water, two automobiles, two dogs and a brace of cats, two inside bathrooms, a ceiling fan, a load of books, a dining room set, my old firefighting coat, some curtains, a double kitchen sink, a "sewing room" where my wife piles all her junk, and a well worn grill on the back deck.

Nope, instead, just call me a Kulak.

You remember those dreaded Kulaks. They were the "rich" peasants who were declared a class enemy by Stalin and the communists in the late 20s and early 30s, and then wiped out because they had a little place of their own, a few pigs or chickens, a bit of stored grain, clothing, maybe some shoes, and were then declared enemies of the state because, it was widely said, they hoarded grain to make foodstuffs when they got "hungry."

Yep, the doggone Kulaks refused to knuckle under to the centralized forfeiture of everything they had, failed to starve quickly enough, hid their pigs and cows, and actually, in many cases, tried to survive. and for that they were killed in their many millions.

We face the same pressures today from the Democrats. Many of us refuse to hand over everything to the state, fail to recognize Hillary, Russ and Howard Dean as the final God-like arbiters of healthcare, food, education, protection, jobs, electricity, water, automobiles, gasoline and the rest. and for this bit of passive resistance, we are declared "rich," the wealthy class, enemies of the state, and will be hounded for our little bit of cash and grain when the Democrats, their lackeys, and lickspittles attain power again.

and how did we acquire this vast Kulak state of wealth which requires a programmable calculator to keep track of? Well, at least, in my case, a pencil and a piece of paper, or at the very least, a sack of corn kernels and a flat surface to count it out on?

My wife works long hours and I'm retired.

Why am I retired?

Well, let's see. I was smashed to pieces twice as a cop and left for dead on Wilshire Boulevard once, not a pretty sight at that, my fellow officers are forever telling me.

and when I woke up in intensive care, there wasn't a single Democratic senator worth their salt around to verify my injuries, my lengthy recuperation, my head trauma, and to explain my classification as a Kulak or to cluck over my future as a class enemy, so I'm stuck in that dreaded limbo today — that of being retired, fabulously wealthy, and writing this from the alleged comfort of my expansive and luxurious home while my long suffering wife works to keep the whole thing afloat and any number of tax men away from the door.

Oh, yes, it's not easy being outrageously flush in america, not when you're constantly hounded by the progressive fox hounds who think you're not paying enough in all kinds of tolls, levies, tariffs, taxes, fees, and exactions, and they're ready, willing and able to take what little you have accrued away.

Oh, we're Kulaks, alright, and so are our friends. We don't really know any of the super rich Democrats who are always passing judgment on us all the time. They always seem to hang around the big name places where we don't feel at home.

Someday, if the Democrats ever have their final say at the ballot and in government, all of us Kulaks will be swept away, just like they did in the USSR in those heady days when Uncle Joe wanted the harvest for the city workers while the peasants wanted to eat and they came up short and were ploughed under by the tractors supplied by those huge machine tractor stations.

Rich is just a term for today's class struggle between today's american Kulaks, who have the means for just a few of life's finer things, like a television, a vacation, maybe air-conditioning, a refrigerator, a car, and private property, and those who want to destroy it all for the advancement of socialism while they remain the truly rich — the Nomenklatura - in the next great failure of another progressive experiment.

Oh, yes, the Clintons and the other party theoreticians are always showing us the way to that great worker's paradise — a mean shabby little joint for everyone except the big wigs.

We would work, of course, the Kulaks always do before they finally disappear, and the golden liberal pheasants will enjoy the lasting paradise forever.

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