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Hezbollah's leader, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah

The Mullah's man in the West

By John Burtis

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Hezbollah's leader, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, has been busy, very busy lately. The directives from the fascist theocratic leadership in Tehran keep him hopping. Israel, they say, pointing to their money, arms, Revolutionary Guards on the ground in Lebanon, their various missiles, and many promises, must be destroyed. and he's just the man to do it.

The Sheikh is a willing acolyte of terror, of Mr. ahmadinejad, of the mullahs, and he'll obey. He'll follow his orders to the end. and as a martyr, managing a vast martyrdom operation, somewhere in southern Lebanon today, he's beaming at the havoc his boyos are wreaking on Israel.

Every day of the prolonged struggle marks a victory for Mr. Nasrallah, who will kill as indiscriminately and as many as possible, regardless of victory or defeat, for as long as he can.

I also imagine that the Sheikh is pleased as punch that internationally known luminaries such as Mr. Bill Clinton are calling for Israel to behave, to slow their retaliation, and to blunt their attacks on terror. after all, they're Jews, and Jews should behave and blithely accept the daily murders of their fellow countrymen at the hands of Iranian armed freebooters and bandits, especially after they have officially withdrawn behind internationally accepted borders in Gaza and Lebanon and declared peace, which has been sanctioned by that grand toothless tiger — the UN.

The Israelis should meekly accept the kidnappings, the rocketings, and the daily deaths thanks to Hezbollah and Hamas as the price of existence — as rent, shall we say, for daring to survive the supposed Holocaust.

Sheikh Nasrallah must also enjoy watching Mr. George Mitchell on television as this once great communicator begs for talk, talk and more talks between the warring factions, for diplomacy, with nary a call for Hezbollah to cease their murderous missile launches.

Instead, Mr. Mitchell speaks of the complicated mix of politics, the internal competitions, the parties, destabilizations, ground work, the need for envoys, for study and learned discourse, for the selection of an envoy the President trusts, sounding like more like Neville Chamberlain with each passing sentence.

Then we have Kofi annan, the un-indicted co-conspirator, and his empty calls for yet another UN peace keeping force to replace the UN peace keepers who are already in Lebanon.

But this time, he cries, the Blue Helmets, will be stronger, braver, will shy away from their usual predations on the locals, and will actually perform meaningful tasks if they are deployed. and his feckless barking resonates with all the fury of penned neighborhood dogs taking up their programmed retorts to a distant midnight yawp.

Today I'm reading an interesting book with parallels to Sheikh Nasrallah, Odilo Globocnik: Hitler's Man in the East.

It is an interesting volume and describes a dedicated SS man, Nazi and anti-Semite, who first rose to power as a player during the austrian anschluss of 1938, and was given plenipotentiary power in the Lublin District and over the Zamosc Lands in occupied Poland from 1939 to 1943, and followed every order he received.

We remember the austrian "problem," which was eventually solved by Mussolini's approval of Hitler's invasion, the vain attempts of the League of Nations to seek "détente," and Britain's lack of courage, symbolized by Chamberlain's dithering, a reluctant cabinet, the early discussions centered on "appeasement," and the resignation of the slightly more resolute anthony Eden as foreign minister, who was replaced by a criminally weak sister, Lord Halifax.

above all, SS Brigadefűhrer Globocnik was a proxy for Hitler, just as Sheikh Nasrallah, the leader of Hazbollah, is operating in a similar capacity for the Iranian mullahs, who are using him to cast the Klieg lights away from their nuclear programs and engage the G-8 in something other than Iranian plutonium.

and as proxies, both Globocnik and Nasrallah conduct operations for a few simple reasons.

They follow orders perfectly. Heil! They are imbued with the same political, racial and, in Nasrallah's case, the identical theocratic motivations as their leadership. and they provide some level of plausible deniability for their directors as they go about their detestable behavior.

On a personal level, they are united in a violent, atrocious, all encompassing hatred for the Jews, and are willing perpetrators in the Holocaust.

Globocnik was a willing executioner during the occupation of Poland, assisted in the construction and operation of the death camps at Chelmo, Sobibor and Treblinka, and was a leader in Operation Reinhardt — the accelerated extermination program of the Jewish peoples, which followed the assassination of Reinhardt Heydrich in the spring of 1942.

Today, Sheikh Hasan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, possesses the same virulent strain of anti-Semitism, is committed to an identical world view as that held by Globocnik, and only differs in his religion, his preferred tools of destruction, missiles and rockets, and his leadership — the mullahs.

and the theocracy which drives Sheikh Nasrallah - the mullahs and Mr. ahmadinejad - differs from the Weltanschauung of adolf Hitler only in the year of its power, the means of its assaults, and the proximity of its attainment of nuclear weapons.

On the current world stage, today's primary state sponsors of anti-Semitic terror, Iran and Syria, are greeting the same feckless purveyors of détente, the same adherents of appeasement, those same gentlemen in three piece suits who demand talks while the citizens of Israel are murdered, just as they did when the fascist regimes, starting with austria, brought the states of a once vibrant Europe under the Nazi heel. Yes, the gentlemen finally chose to fight, but not until the dragon had them all by throat and then, in six weeks, only England remained afloat and digestion had begun.

But again, the liberal leaders, removed from the killing fields, while calling the Jews again to task, take little note of the terror, its bloody scorecard, and its weapons, and want only to talk, talk, talk. and by doing so, indicate their inveterate propensity for appeasement and their distaste for the application of the force necessary to stop the encroachment of religious fascism, Nazism's latest and most successful iteration.

and Mr. ahmadinejad calls the Israelis the new Hitlerites, borrowing a long page from Mr. Goebbels, telling the big lie long enough to lend it credence in the eyes of today's wanton appeasers and the seekers of détente with evil.

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