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Mr. Malloch-Brown, Hezbollah, appeasement

Looking for Hermann Göring, finding Sheikh Nasrallah

By John Burtis

Saturday, august 5, 2006

Mr. Mark Malloch-Brown, chief deputy appeaser to Mr. Kofi annan, is growing concerned that the US and the UK--in their headlong rush to accuse the boyos at Hezbollah of abject terror, which, of course is a matter of broad interpretation--are forgetting the depth of Sheikh Nasrallah's political power and are forsaking the growing international import of the photos illustrating the Israeli onslaught on Qana.

Oh, Mr. Malloch-Brown, stop playing the hand wringing Mr. Neville Chamberlain for a minute or two and get a grip on reality. You've been listening to that huckster Mr. Kofi annan and his outlandish ravings, talking to former President and terror apologist Mr. Jimmy Carter too often, and you're buying the old Hezbollah Jamaican switch of the dead as performed by the slap happy Sheikh--a conjuring trick our Democrats readily use, which appears in america every four years at numerous ballot boxes--hook, line, sinker, rod, reel and creel.

Sure, the boyos in Hezbollah are quaint socialists and operate bus lines, swimming pools, are voting members of the Lebanese Parliament, distribute bread and t-shirts, offer free trips for Stakhanovite workers, put on block parties, visit the sick and the shut ins, sell fruit and vegetables at cut rate prices from road-side stands, put on puppet shows for the kids, drive gypsy cabs at reduced rates, and all. But so did the Nazis.

For Heaven's sake, Hermann Goering was the President of the Reichstag, Keeper of the German Hunt, in charge of the air Force, head of the Four Year Plan, ran the Hermann Göring Werk, helped out with winter donations when things went poorly in the East, and was in charge of the Gestapo for awhile--a real go to guy.

Old Hermann got things done--politically, socially, in the woods, in the air, and on the ground. and he was a hail fellow, well met. always smiling, with a great slap on your back and a howdy do.

For Mr. Malloch-Brown, Mr. Goering would've been the man to see, to chat with, to harmonize, discuss the growing need to reach agreements with, to tone down the rhetoric, and to get a cease fire on both fronts in the war. and he loved a lunch time chat.

Sure, Mr. Mark Malloch-Brown would have recognized that there were a few small problems to overcome with the top man, like Mr. Hitler's overwhelming problem with the Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses, gypsies, and the Freemasons, among the other bugaboos he'd picked up in Vienna, the trenches, and in Munich, including the Slavs and the Poles, but Mr. Buster Brown would have just known that he could've worked with Mr. Goering to work through those kinks and reach a place for negotiations and an eventual cease fire. Old Hermann was a jolly old soul and a far different thug than Sheikh Nasrallah and his bosses, the moolahs.

and the Nazis wouldn't have used such a cease-fire to consolidate their lines because they'd have given their word. No, because Mr. Mark Malloch-Brown represented the UN, a respected honest international body of hope, not one of raw appeasement, and the Nazis wouldn't go back on their word to such a man of renown representing such an august body. No, not the Nazis, who represented a social, political, and a military crowd, just like kids from Hezbollah.

Today, Mr. Mark Malloch-Brown is laying it all on the line, charging the US and Britain with jumping the gun with Hezbollah, the well known fascist social and athletic club who operate throughout Lebanon, yukking it up in parliament, peddling goodies, launching missiles, and shooting it out just like the Nazis did back in Europe. and we're just being too tough on the good old Sheikh for all of his troubles.

Mr. Brown is accusing us of tarring and feathering these hapless social engineers with demeaning words like terrorist, because we just don't understand the civil dynamics afoot in that area of the globe.

"It's not helpful to couch this war in the language of international terrorism," Mr. Malloch-Brown informed us, after taking stock of Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah's kinfolk and their kidnappings, murders, rocketings, and anti-aircraft gunners dressed in mufti.

and then there are those obviously doctored up photographs from Qana, so easily pointed out by the hard working bloggers, where the same unfortunate baby is removed and handled over and over for different members of the drive by media at widely different times by various cadres of hard working Sheikh.

Following which Mr. Brown's statements acquire a more surreal touch, "One's got to recognise there are a lot of actors new to this, whose acquiescence is needed if we're to find a solution." a lot of actors, indeed, with quite a few easily recognized cadavers, and the same poses, over and over again.

But the photos did create an initial newsworthy zing until the hour stamps, the time gaps, the Israeli attack time lines, and the bloggers began to unravel their all too obvious perfidy.

In fact, one can't help but be reminded of the initial Nazi ploy carried out early in the morning on September 1st, 1939, at the radio station at Gleiwitz, Germany. There the SS had trucked in some dead concentration camp inmates dressed in Polish military uniforms with the proper arms and equipment. and after a Polish speaking SS man read a brief manifesto over the "captured" radio equipment, with shots being fired in the background, the international press was brought in to view the "evidence," which consisted of these dead "soldiers" lying around the premises, illustrating the fire fight and giving a basis for the invasion of Poland.

That rather obvious pantomime was far less well received by the bygone gentlemen of the international press than that sent in by today's rent boys with their mini-cams and their progressively predisposed editors, who fervidly believe in all the manufactured shows the social clubbing Hezbollah boyos, or any terror association, can stitch together, however outlandish and crude.

Sadly, Mr. Mark Malloch-Brown is looking for a man of Mr. Göring's international stature, but he's stuck with Sheikh Nasrallah, who shies away from lunch time banter.

But when you're a blatant appeaser of the worst stripe imaginable, ready to defend Hezbollah on a field of bloody murder, any cutthroat'll do when it's time to slowly genuflect to a killer and talk, talk, talk.

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