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The UN, charlatans, waste of money

Theatre of the absurd

By John Burtis

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Man alive, it was sure an eye opener watching Herr von ahmadinejad stride across the stage at the UN and listening to the prayers he sandwiched into his rather low key diatribe of hatred.

But what a guy. The world's leading anti-Semitic leader of the world and he's fted by the all the bounders the General assembly can sardine in together.

Plus, for the same money, following his contained madness, which resembled that of Hitler before his Czechoslovakian tour began to inflate his foibles like the early universe blew up under vacuum pressure, Mr. Hugo Chavez swaggered to the podium, where he waved Noam Chomsky's bible for the Marxists at Harvard, before he began calling President Bush the Devil, winked at Pinch Sulzberger, and mimicked Howard Dean.

When I was a kid, my uncle arranged a private tour for me through the UN. I remember sitting in the same seat that Nikita Khruschev used to air out a sturdily constructed thick-soled practical people's brogan on his desk top during his famous "We will bury you speech." and as I sat there I remembered how an incensed adlai Stevenson broadcast the country's feelings of abhorrence at this porcine progressive dictator's outrageous televised behavior in what we then considered a hallowed hall of diplomacy.

Hey, wait a minute, adlai Stevenson was a Democrat then and yet he called Mr. Khruschev out for his lousy, long-winded anti-american jeremiad. But that was back when your top Democrats still gave a damn about the USa and before they sold out to terror, tin horn dictators, Islamist fascists, outright frauds, guttersnipes, street gangs, interns, felons, anybody with a gripe against Bush, unions, George Soros, and the rest of the progressive darlings.

Diplomacy in the UN today? Not by a long shot. The UN has become a theater of the absurd, where that tumble down papered-over asylum, such as it is, is controlled by the inmates, very rich inmates, thanks to outrageous pensions and blatant outright thievery of an unimaginable scale.

and the productions they toss together at the UN are strictly anti-american, off-color, with shabby scripts, and feature, at least in the past couple of days, a cross-section of the world's most heavily armed lunatics, anti-Semites, race-baiters, non-aligned hustlers, international criminals, and premier america haters--enough of them packed in so tightly that you'd swear you were attending a Democratic convention with the usual list of speakers, off-color entertainment, and rented jewelry.

and say, weren't the Democrats speaking anyway? The dictators and the "new" Democrats are interchangeable anyway and so is their lingo.

I mean, Mr. ahmadinejad looked like a smaller, more squatty, less tweedy but just as hirsute a knock-off of John Kerry, that platitudinous sounding, pap tossing, shlly-shallying, four-flushing, nerf tossing, erstwhile Democratic presidential candidate. ahmad's speech was, a Boston newspaper wag now claims, directly lifted from a recent Faneuil Hall oration Mr. Kerry recently punctuated with his patented series of facial tics, semaphore-like arm motions, shoulder gyrations, and a few intemperate Tourette outbursts directed at Bush supporters, servants, and Manny Ortiz.

ahmad's words were vintage Kerry, although with Mr. Kerry's recent unveiling of his constant rhumb line toward God after his years riding Range Rovers in the wilderness, we can expect the junior Senator to begin spicing up his future bombasts with similar calls for prayer and salty anecdotes similar to those ahmadinejad just tossed off about the 12th Imam's tidy habits.

Then we have that outright outr madman, Senor Hugo Chavez, who, if none other, he resembles Mr. Howard Dean, with a minor caveat of course. Mr. Dean can only be considered when he is on a moderate medical containment regime. Mr. Chavez at his absolute wildest can't hold a candle to a full-blown, non-medicated hyper-active and totally unfettered Howard Dean on a tirade or while inflating a truck tire with a bicycle pump.

But Hugo is still certifiable. and the idea that this demonstrable psychopath is going into business with Mr. ahmadinejad to make gunpowder in Venezuela is a wake-up call like nothing else I've heard lately. It'd be like saying that Ted Kasczynski is going into business with John Wayne Gacy to manufacture and distribute childrens' toys, only on a national level with big weapons.

But these two garish vaudevillians, Hugo and ahmad, are just two of the most well known soft shoe artists flummoxing around on the UN's decrepit stage.

But the real honest to goodness fright lies in the audience at the General assembly, especially in the cheap seats, where the brutal Marxist dictators sit, where the bandits gather, where all the murderous minions who hate democracy congregate to share real tips on actual torture while we gently debate its possible employment.

and remember, this gallery, this assembly of degenerate nabobs, this terrace of torturers, provided thunderous applause after the speeches offered the world by these two highly dangerous and well-armed maniacs.

Yet it is the membership of this mezzanine that we will meet on the battle field aiding the forces of darkness, the powers who spoke at the UN, those evil twins who wear the snappy suits, use a pleasant hair pomade, and lull the american left with their syrupy words of peace.

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