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Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, american bashers

The upcoming Democratic burlesque

By John Burtis

Monday, October 16, 2006

It looks more and more like the beautiful people will return to some sort of power in just a few short weeks.

and they claim that america needs to be liked and embraced by all the tin horns, madmen, degenerates, weak sisters, and cranks you find in all the nooks and crannies on this planet. But that's what Russ Feingold, Teddy Kennedy, and Dennis Kucinich want and by golly we're going to make sure it happens.

and over the past few years there has been a lot of ink splashed around, empty meaningless turns of phrase uttered in all manners of public forums, lofty patrician equivocations limned by that privately schooled and undeniable fabulist, John Kerry, a certain fretfulness evinced by the empty noggins combed by Chris Matthews and George Stephanopoulos, all having to do with how the UN, France, and the effete countries of the world view the US.

a veritable cottage industry has grown up around the great horrifying burden carried by the cutthroats wandering the UN galleries, those reluctant "allies" in Europe, the mistress keeping heads of state in the more "progressive" countries, and how disturbed the Papua cannibals, Dyak head hunters, and Hugo Chavez are with our country's observed behavior.

Beyond the numbers of routinely televised fools on the television, led by the knaves and varlets on MSNBC and the riotously anti-american punters on CNN, to which, it has been revealed, many Democrats watch, even former US presidents have joined this fray.

Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, our two most hopelessly ineffectual, personally destructive, and selflessly indulgent former chief executives, have made new careers out of wandering the world and holding the applause meter up in the air to gauge how poorly we're thought of. Their cheap jacking of america has known no bounds and set standards hard to surpass by any future chief executive, save one released from the very asylum where these two racket pedaling churls belong.

according to these two erudite of our most deeply biased itinerant america bashers, we need a brand new socialist government to fit in internationally. a government that will appeal to the likes Jacques Chirac, Idi amin, Juan Bokasa, ayman al-Zawahiri, Kim Jong Il, and the rest of those who have complained about us so bitterly for so terribly long.

and a liberal cabal led by the likes of that roving robber baron Harry "Don't Fence me In" Reid, the antique rocking chair thief Hillary Clinton, that proud easily incensed red house operating Barney Frank, the presidential impeachment impresario Charlie Wrangel, the cut and run and cut again Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi, the privacy knight errant Chuck Schumer, and the rest of those tiny torquemadas of the progressive chicken coop, are now acceptable to the world's most legitimate and effete judges of character, balance, and decency. and they are just what the hectored dictators and jet-setting pimps are calling for.

George Bush, the war on terror, the idea that we should control our own affairs within the confines of our internationally recognized borders, that English is our language of choice, that our Constitution governs our behavior, that our military serves under the President of the United States and not at the beck and call of the louts in the UN, that we can build a fence any damn where we please, are viewed as the outmoded thrashings of a dying dinosaur by the world's more mordant progressives. Just as they are by most of our lovely new Democrats at home.

To paraphrase Rodney King - a glowing hero to the left and a future voter due to his many felony convictions, thanks to his lengthy and ever growing rap sheet -- when it comes to greeting terror and nuclear armed despots, why we can't all get along?

Sadly, as we shall see if and when the lotus eating denizens of our progressive parlors seize control of part or all of our government this fall, vicious and heavily armed men, especially those recently outfitted with nuclear weapons, and those theocrats who long for an explosive thermonuclear death which insures the destruction of Israel, will greet them with a tender smile.

These smiles will turn to stone as soon as the non-negotiable offers of blackmail are dropped on the green baize of the statesman's table.

and our craven ruling progressives, eager to insure that they will be viewed as the more pliant, new Democratic rulers of the american state, will bow even lower before these nuclear armed cannibals and their increasing demands for the very materials necessary to insure destruction on a more massive scale.

Oh, we'll have quite a time, alright. and the world's moribund leadership, from the UN to the palaces in the East, will weep with joy as the new Democrats mount the world stage and display their wet reed ability to bend before any threat, however small.

and the stage will be the perfect word when the left-wing Hollywood hangers on and boot lickers offer their ready services as ambassadors without portfolio, morals, and couth.

The whole production, designed to sway the worldwide population of boors and bums, and to let them know that america's government has changed hands, will be magnificent.

If it happens as planned next month, the world will see us as we really are, alright -- the new Democratic burlesque.

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