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Democrats in america

Lullaby in dreamland

By John Burtis

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Now, let's see if I can get this right.

The two craziest zoot suited hep-cats on this planet are working night and day to get workable nuclear weapons, to mate them with viable intercontinental delivery systems, which they already possess, in order to dump these babies on our west coast. and all the new Democrats want, after they are swept into power on the greatest tide of popular acclaim since the earth cooled, is to impeach George Bush, among their other petty ditties.

and not content to toss out the president, they want to humiliate Don Rumsfeld, retreat from Iraq and redeploy to Ogdensburg, NY, boost stem cell spending to about as high as the SR-71 flies, out every gay congressman they can lay their baby soft mitts on, elevate George Soros to Secretary of State, give the Medal of Freedom to Jane Fonda, and bum rush Hillary to president for life. I note the latter would usurp Idi amin's claim to the same title. Or was it Juan Bokasa's, Papa Doc's, or Baby Doc's, I just plain forget, since there have been so many really nice guys claiming that exalted salutation, though Bill Clinton often said he deserved the title for his manifold sufferings and manic Oval Office squatting.

Regardless of all the petty machinations driving the new Democrats forward toward the expected dictatorship of the party, the international problems facing them would terrify any normal conglomeration of statesmen.

But that is the rub. Statesmen.

There just aren't any statesmen in the new Democratic drove, or, at least, many who understand the meaning of nuclear combat.

My guess is that terms like fallout, blast over pressure, explosion, radiation, flash burns, radio frequency burns, electro-magnetic pulse, cancers, and the rest, just don't have the power to frighten the Democrats anymore.

They're just not petrified of a thing, save a decent working man, or the counting of honestly cast ballots by living american citizens possessing valid identification.

But nuclear war just doesn't faze the progressives, the left-wingers and their co-workers in the fading dailies any more. Maybe it never did.

I once read a book called Last aid: The Medical Dimensions of Nuclear War by a series of authors, including Soviets, which also featured Robert Jay Lifton.

Whoa, brothers and sisters, read it. It isn't pretty at all, and it is as clear a doggone reason to give pause about the Democratic version of leadership, their happy go lucky outlook, the terror which will be visited on us thanks to their naive belief in dtente, appeasement, and in the courtroom for terror mongers, and the clear idiotic folly involved in allowing Mr. ahmadinejad and Mr. Kim Jong Il to possess launch-able nuclear weapons.

Then picture the atomic explosions walking along our West coast, repeating in detail what John Hersey described so aptly in his critically received, Hiroshima.

But regardless of how the Democrats feel, these atomic war scenarios sure as hell frighten me. The idea of seeing mushroom clouds rising off to the south, over Boston, after noting the great big flash, followed by the sub-woofer busting boom, aren't my cup of tea. I'm just not a subsistence farming sort of guy anymore, nor do I relish going into the armed robbery game to survive. Though the current practitioners of the latter are enjoying a certain resurgence of popularity in the new Democratic leisure camps, especially in the getting out the vote blather.

It cannot, of course, be stressed too often that the criminally weak laissez faire attitude of the Clinton regime, noted for honoring arms control and nuclear proliferation more in the breach than in actual practice, enabled North Korea to enrich uranium to weapons grade standards thanks to the quick and thoughtful donation of two uniquely practical reactors, handed over as part of a hastily concocted blackmail scheme. and Bill Clinton's inveigling with Loral, despite hearty contrarian views vocalized by aghast State and Defense Departments, enabled China to improve their ICBMs' accuracy and performance, and hence North Korea's, through technology transfer.

Thus the Democrats, through the murky machinations of the oft heralded Clinton administration, with the groundbreaking help of that doubly damaging Jimmy "ddang kong" Carter, who opened the Hermit Kingdom's door like a grinning Fuller Brush man sporting a flack back haircut with that deep combed in sheen during a record sales month, has armed one side of the axis of evil outright, while the transfer of technology from North Korea and China to Iran, has aided the nuclear arming of the other.

Maybe that's why the Democrats can smile like so many grinning chimps in the face of all these noxious and pestiferous madmen waving nukes.

It's because they think that since they actually helped give them the bombs they'll cut our four flushing left-wing outre sissies some slack when the launch klaxon goes off and everybody still above ground in NoKo runs for the lead-lined bunkers and the Dear Leader backs his beloved armored train into a mountain side and begins a lengthy cartoon cavalcade punctuated by calls for more scotch and ice, between profound pillowings.

It just doesn't make any sense to me any more.

The world's two biggest maniacs are working night and day producing the bomb and finding ways to throw it at us -- the good old USa -- the new Democrats included.

and all the new Democrats talk about is Mark Foley, raising taxes, running away from any fight they can find, extending Constitutional rights to Islamist murderers, giving criminals the vote, making a bigger joke of our borders than we already have, buying more rope to hang the president, and telling us that they're the party who can do things better, smarter and tougher.

But they don't offer us a single word about handling the terrifying atomic reality confronting us.

Look, I'm no medical man, but it looks like the Democrats are lost in the sort of dreamland where highly trained doctors collect the rent.

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